
Greenrose Holding's Stock Jumps On Closing $57.6M Acquisition Of Arizona Craft Cannabis Producer

Greenrose Holding's Stock Jumps On Closing $57.6M Acquisition Of Arizona Craft Cannabis Producer

Greenrose Holding以5760萬美元完成對亞利桑那州工藝品大麻生產商的收購,股價大幅上漲
Benzinga Real-time News ·  2022/01/04 01:36

Cannabis producer Greenrose Holding Company Inc. (OTC:GNRS) announced Monday that it has wrapped up its previously announced acquisition of the assets of Arizona-based True Harvest, LLC.

大麻生產商格林羅斯控股公司(Greenrose Holding Company Inc.)(場外交易代碼:GNRS)週一宣佈完成了之前宣佈的對總部位於亞利桑那州的True Heavest,LLC資產的收購。

What Happened


Under the terms of the acquisition, Greenrose paid consideration of $57.6 million at the close.


The sum included $12.5 million in cash, $23 million in the form of a convertible note, $4.6 million in assumed debt, and $17.5 million in shares of the company's common stock.


The Amityville, New York-based company said that it would pay up to $35 million in the form of an earnout and payable in shares of its common stock within the next three years once True Harvest achieves a specific price point per pound of cannabis flower relative to total flower production.

這家總部位於紐約阿米蒂維爾的公司表示,它將以溢價的形式支付最高3500萬美元一旦True Heavest達到每磅大麻花相對於花卉總產量的特定價格點,該公司將在未來三年內以普通股的形式支付。

Why It Matters?


Mickey Harley, CEO and director of Greenrose said that the move "expands Greenrose's footprint into the Southwest and demonstrates the continued execution of our growth strategy."

米基·哈雷(Mickey Harley),Greenrose首席執行官兼董事表示此舉“將Greenrose的足跡擴展到西南地區,並表明我們繼續執行增長戰略。”

"We look forward to working with True Harvest's talented cultivation team to continue building our company around high-quality flower," Harley continued. "With our strong cultivation footprint in Arizona and Connecticut, we believe our platform is well-positioned to capture the growth opportunities offered by these new and emerging recreational markets."

哈雷繼續説:“我們期待着與True Heavest的人才培養團隊合作,繼續圍繞高質量的花卉建設我們的公司。”由於我們在亞利桑那州和康涅狄格州擁有強大的種植足跡,我們相信我們的平臺處於有利地位,能夠抓住這些新興娛樂市場提供的增長機會。“

What's Next?


Combined, True Harvest and Theraplant are expected to generate between $120 million and $140 million in the full year 2022 revenue, 2022 net income of between $8 million and $14 million, and 2022 adjusted EBITDA between the range of $75 million and $85 million.

加在一起,True Heavest和TheraPlant預計2022年全年收入在1.2億至1.4億美元之間,2022年淨收入在800萬至1400萬美元之間,2022年調整後的EBITDA在7500萬美元至8500萬美元之間。

In addition, Greenrose Holdings revised its 2022 outlook for True Harvest and Theraplant to reflect an expected fourth-quarter 2022 start for recreational cannabis sales in Connecticut after following through with its business combination with the acquisition of Theraplant LLC on November 26.

此外,Greenrose Holdings修正了對2022年真收成和温室的展望以反映康涅狄格州娛樂大麻銷售預計將於2022年第四季度開始,此前該公司於11月26日完成了與TheraPlant LLC的業務合併。

GNRS Price Action


Greenrose Holding's shares traded 21.54% per share at the time of writing on Monday morning.

Greenrose Holding‘s股票成交量為每股21.54%在我寫這篇文章的時候,是在週一早上。

Photo: Courtesy of Michael Fischer from Pexels

圖片來源:來自Pexels的邁克爾·費舍爾(Michael Fischer)

