
GZ6G Technologies’ Media Sponsorship Opportunities Expand for National and Local Brands, Following Installation of Smart Solutions at MidAmerican Energy RecPlex in West Des Moines, Iowa

GZ6G Technologies’ Media Sponsorship Opportunities Expand for National and Local Brands, Following Installation of Smart Solutions at MidAmerican Energy RecPlex in West Des Moines, Iowa

在爱荷华州西得梅因的MidAmerican Energy recPlex安装智能解决方案后,GZ6G Technologies的媒体赞助机会扩大了全国和本地品牌的媒体赞助机会
GlobeNewswire ·  2021/12/21 19:05

LAS VEGAS, NV, Dec. 21, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- via NewMediaWire -- GZ6G Technologies Corp. (OTCQB: GZIC), an enterprise smart solutions provider for cities, stadiums, universities, and other large venues, today announced digital media opportunities for local and national brands across its advertising footprint.

内华达州拉斯维加斯,2021年12月21日(GLOBE NEWSWIRE)——通过NewMediaWire——为城市、体育场、大学和其他大型场馆提供企业智能解决方案提供商GZ6G Technologies Corp.(OTCQB:GZIC)今天宣布了其广告领域为本地和全国品牌提供数字媒体机会。

Most recently, GZ6G worked with its national partners to install and deploy one of its latest wireless smart solutions platforms at the MidAmerican Energy RecPlex in West Des Moines, Iowa. Sponsorship opportunities are now available through Green Zebra Smart Media, a division of GZ6G Technologies.

最近,GZ6G 与其国家合作伙伴合作,在 MidAmerican Energy recPlex 安装和部署了其最新的无线智能解决方案平台之一在爱荷华州西得梅因。GZ6G Technologies旗下的Green Zebra Smart Media现在可以获得赞助机会。

The Company is working to bring additional sponsored venue opportunities on board in 2022.


"Technology sponsorships provide new digital opportunities for brands and venues. It's such an exciting opportunity in terms of reaching your audience, providing venues and brands with an exclusive network, understanding data analytics, and making a positive impact on the user experience and community," said Coleman Smith, CEO of GZ6G Technologies. "People love having access to relevant information on lightning-fast WiFi. It's a great public service that brands can help provide additional revenue streams to cities and esports venues, and leverage WiFi and IPTV, at venues like the MidAmerican Energy RecPlex. Green Zebra Smart Media division provides sponsorship and advertising solutions through a shared revenue model."

“技术赞助为品牌和场馆提供了新的数字机会。GZ6G Technologies首席执行官科尔曼·史密斯说,就吸引受众、为场馆和品牌提供独家网络、了解数据分析以及对用户体验和社区产生积极影响而言,这是一个非常激动人心的机会。“人们喜欢在快如闪电的WiFi上访问相关信息。这是一项很棒的公共服务,品牌可以帮助为城市和电子竞技场馆提供额外的收入来源,并在MidAmerican Energy recPlex等场所利用WiFi和IPTV。Green Zebra 智能媒体部门通过共享收入模式提供赞助和广告解决方案。”

Mr. Smith also indicated that negotiations have begun with additional national venues and teams in major league sports including NFL, NCAA, MLB, MLS, and NHL, as well as several major city organizations. Green Zebra Media is seeking lead sponsor partners for smart technology solutions at venues ranging of $200,000 to $2.5M per year per venue.

史密斯还表示,已经开始与美国职业棒球大联盟体育的其他国家场馆和球队,包括NFL、NCAA、MLB、MLS和NHL以及几个主要的城市组织进行谈判。Green Zebra Media正在为每个场馆每年20万至250万美元的场馆寻找智能技术解决方案的主要赞助商合作伙伴。

Green Zebra Smart Media Sponsor Benefits:


●      1-5 year contracts available

可提供 1-5 年的合同

●      Target a captive audience


●      Additional venue advertising assets


●      Exclusive Sponsorship Packages available


●      Data analytics


●      Direct Communication from RecPlex Operations including game updates, building emergency notifications, sponsorships, and food stand announcements

来自 RecPlex Operations 的直接沟通,包括游戏更新、建筑物紧急通知、赞助和食品摊公告

●      WIFI and Digital Signage Marketing Packages Available

提供 WIFI 和数字标牌营销套餐

The MidAmerican Energy RecPlex showcases the possibilities of GZ6G's state-of-the-art cloud smart solutions. The RecPlex, a sports facility with over 300,000 sq. ft., expects 300,000+ visitors/annually and can now welcome their guests with WiFi bandwidth to stream, scroll, and game without lag on the Internet.

MidAmerican Energy recPlex 展示了 GZ6G 最先进的云智能解决方案的可能性。RecPlex 是一个占地超过 300,000 平方英尺的体育设施,预计每年有超过 300,000 名访客,现在可以通过 WiFi 带宽欢迎他们的客人,在互联网上无延迟地进行直播、滚动和游戏。

For RecPlex, GZ6G created opportunities for new WiFi marketing sponsorships packages and digital signage. Now, brands of all sizes can purchase relevant advertising packages through GZ6G Technologies or its subsidiary Green Zebra Media. Sponsorship possibilities include WiFi log-ins, streaming video commercials, and traffic to landing pages with promotions and deals.

对于RecPlex来说,GZ6G为新的WiFi营销赞助套餐和数字标牌创造了机会。现在,各种规模的品牌都可以通过GZ6G Technologies或其子公司购买相关的广告套餐绿斑马媒体。赞助可能性包括WiFi登录、流媒体视频广告以及通过促销和优惠进入登录页面的流量。

The advertising media inventory at RecPlex is a perfect match for companies who want to communicate with audiences of athletes, healthy lifestyle enthusiasts, and esports gamers, or any business looking for marketing opportunities to establish or solidify their position in a community.


"Every visitor who logs into WiFi sees the brand's message, providing a great opportunity for enhanced recognition," said Lisa Marie Dudenhoeffer, Director of Sponsorships, Green Zebra Media. "Sponsoring WIFI at these venues is a huge benefit for brand awareness and positive brand engagement."

Green Zebra Media赞助董事丽莎·玛丽·杜登霍弗说:“每位登录WiFi的访客都能看到该品牌的信息,这为提高知名度提供了绝佳的机会。”“在这些场所赞助WIFI对品牌知名度和积极的品牌参与度有很大的好处。”

Along with media placement, GZ6G Technologies also delivers full creative services to its clients through Green Zebra Media. The Green Zebra Media team has worked rigorously to test the technologies at its in-house testing labs in Southern California. Partnering Green Zebra MediaGreen Zebra Labs and Green Zebra Networks is a critical component to offer a secure and high-quality advertising experience for consumers so that brands can ensure that their message will be displayed correctly and securely.

除了媒体投放外,GZ6G Technologies还通过以下方式为客户提供全方位的创意服务绿斑马媒体。Green Zebra Media团队一直在南加州的内部测试实验室严格测试这些技术。合作绿斑马媒体绿斑马实验室绿斑马网络是为消费者提供安全和高质量的广告体验的关键组成部分,这样品牌就可以确保他们的信息能够正确安全地显示。

Advertising campaign packages are available for demo by contacting Green Zebra Media, Director of Sponsorship, Lisa Marie Dudenhoeffer at

广告活动套餐可通过以下方式联系 Green Zebra Media、赞助董事 Lisa Marie Dudenhoeffer 进行演示

About GZ6G Technologies

关于 GZ6G 科技

GZ6G Technologies provides smart digital technologies through its proprietary platform to offer 5G and Wi-Fi6 technology applications to large venues, including stadiums and universities, and municipalities nationwide. Through a family of four business units, the Company advises on critical decisions about how best to store, process and protect data, upgrade facilities and building operations with emerging wireless and IoT applications, and help create new revenue streams and profit centers. GZ6G Technologies' business strategy is focused on growth through acquisitions and continuing to develop innovative, proprietary products. For more information, .

GZ6G Technologies通过其专有平台提供智能数字技术,为包括体育场和大学在内的大型场馆以及全国市政当局提供5G和Wi-Fi6技术应用。通过由四个业务部门组成的家族,该公司就如何最好地存储、处理和保护数据、使用新兴的无线和物联网应用升级设施和建筑运营等关键决策提供建议,并帮助创造新的收入来源和利润中心。GZ6G Technologies的业务战略侧重于通过收购实现增长,并继续开发创新的专有产品。欲了解更多信息,.

Safe Harbor Statement


In addition to historical information, this press release may contain statements that constitute forward-looking statements. Forward-looking statements contained in this press release include the intent, belief, or expectations of the Company and members of its management team with respect to the company's future business operations, including comments about its ability to implement strategic growth plans, and attract high-profile customers, and the assumptions upon which such statements are based. Prospective investors are cautioned that any such forward-looking statements are not guarantees of future performance, and involve risks and uncertainties, and that actual results may differ materially from those contemplated by such forward-looking statements. Factors that could cause these differences include, but are not limited to, failure to complete anticipated sales under negotiations, lack of revenue growth, client discontinuances, failure to realize improvements in performance, efficiency and profitability, and adverse development with respect to litigation or increased litigation costs, the operation or performance of the Company's business units or the market price of its common stock. Additional factors that would cause actual results to differ materially from those contemplated within this press release can also be found in the Company's filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission and on the Company's website. GZ6G Technologies denies any responsibility to update any forward-looking statements.

除历史信息外,本新闻稿可能包含构成前瞻性陈述的陈述。本新闻稿中包含的前瞻性陈述包括公司及其管理团队成员对公司未来业务运营的意图、信念或期望,包括对其实施战略增长计划和吸引知名客户的能力的评论,以及此类陈述所依据的假设。提醒潜在投资者,任何此类前瞻性陈述都不能保证未来的表现,并且涉及风险和不确定性,实际业绩可能与此类前瞻性陈述所设想的结果存在重大差异。可能导致这些差异的因素包括但不限于未能完成谈判中的预期销售、收入缺乏增长、客户停业、未能实现业绩、效率和盈利能力的改善,以及诉讼或诉讼成本增加方面的不利发展、公司业务部门的运营或业绩或普通股的市场价格。可能导致实际业绩与本新闻稿中设想的业绩存在重大差异的其他因素也可以在公司向美国证券交易委员会提交的文件和公司的网站上找到。GZ6G Technologies否认对更新任何前瞻性陈述承担任何责任。

For more information, contact:


GZ6G Technologies

GZ6G 科技

 |  | | Twitter: @greenzebra

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Investor Relations
Coleman Smith, CEO   


MEDIA Contact:


Lisa Marie Dudenhoeffer, Director of Sponsorships

Lisa Marie Dudenhoeffer,赞助董事

