
新股消息丨马来西亚建造承建商S.P. Mega Limited递表港交所主板,宏智融资为独家保荐人

New stock news: Malaysian construction contractor S.P. Mega Limited submitted the form to the main board of the Hong Kong Stock Exchange, and Acer Capital was the exclusive sponsor.

智通財經 ·  May 25, 2021 23:36

Zhitong Financial APP learned that according to the disclosure of the HKEx on May 25, Malaysian construction contractor S.P. Mega Limited submitted an application for listing on the main board to the HKEx, and Acer Capital was the sole sponsor.


Founded in 2002, the Group is mainly engaged in the provision of (I) civil engineering; (ii) building construction works; and (iii) other ancillary works during the track record period (2018-2020). During the track record period and up to the last practicable date (18 May 2021), the Group participated in a total of 52 projects with a total original contract value of approximately RM828.7 million. Of the 52 projects, 31 were civil engineering projects and 21 were building construction projects.

During the track record period, the Group undertook a number of landmark projects to provide civil engineering for a number of public infrastructure in Malaysia, such as underground works for the Kuala Lumpur MRT station, drainage for highways in Sarawak and structural steel for bridges, and ventilation shafts for underground tunnels in Selangor. On the other hand, in terms of building construction, during the track record period, the Group was appointed by Hartalega, a subsidiary of the world's top glove manufacturer (listed on the Malaysia Stock Exchange), to build factories, warehouses and offices in Selangor. As at the latest practicable date, the Group had 21 ongoing projects with a total contract value of approximately RM593 million.

Financially, the Group's earnings in fiscal year 2018, fiscal year 2019, fiscal year 2020, the first six months of 2020 and the first six months of 2021 were approximately RM141.4 million, RM131.7 million, RM132.7 million and RM87.4 million respectively. During the same period, the net asset value was about 52.2 million ringgit, 67.5 million ringgit, 77.6 million ringgit and 81.6 million ringgit respectively.

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