
PLAYSTUDIOS Secures Exclusive Rights To Tetris Franchise For Mobile Devices

PLAYSTUDIOS Secures Exclusive Rights To Tetris Franchise For Mobile Devices

Benzinga Real-time News ·  2021/11/30 05:06

PLAYSTUDIOS (NASDAQ:MYPS), the developer of the playAWARDS loyalty platform and a suite of free-to-play mobile and social games, today announced it is expanding into the popular puzzle game genre as the exclusive developer and publisher of the iconic Tetris® game franchise for mobile devices. Through a strategic partnership with The Tetris Company and N3TWORK, PLAYSTUDIOS has assumed the exclusive global, multi-title mobile rights (excluding China) for the Tetris game. PLAYSTUDIOS will continue to operate and advance the current Tetris mobile products, while reimagining and eventually launching a new and improved version of the game that incorporates the company's unique playAWARDS loyalty platform. The design of the new game will draw inspiration from leading casual game formats and embody new features and mechanics that will usher in a new era for Tetris on mobile.

PLAYSTUDIOS納斯達克(Alipay:MYPS)是playAWARDS忠誠平臺和一系列免費手機和社交遊戲的開發商,該公司今天宣佈,作為標誌性的俄羅斯方塊的獨家開發商和發行商,該公司正在進軍流行的益智遊戲類型®移動設備的遊戲特許經營權。通過與俄羅斯方塊公司和N3twork的戰略合作,PLAYSTUDIOS獲得了俄羅斯方塊遊戲的獨家全球多遊戲移動權(不包括中國. PLAYSTUDIOS將繼續運營和推廣目前的俄羅斯方塊移動產品,同時重新設想並最終推出包含該公司獨特的playAWARDS忠誠度平臺的遊戲的新的改進版本。新遊戲的設計將從領先的休閒遊戲格式中汲取靈感,並體現出新的功能和機制,將開創俄羅斯方塊在手機上。

The current Tetris mobile app, which was introduced in early 2020 by N3TWORK, has generated approximately 30 million downloads to date, and has retained millions of active players who will now become part of the PLAYSTUDIOS' audience network.


"For nearly forty years, Tetris has appealed to a broad, multi-generational audience," says PLAYSTUDIOS Founder, Chairman, and Chief Executive Officer Andrew Pascal. "Breaking into the puzzle genre with a storied brand like Tetris fits our strategy perfectly. It affords us the opportunity to integrate an iconic game into our playAWARDS loyalty program and drive meaningful growth."

PLAYSTUDIOS創始人、董事長兼首席執行官安德魯·帕斯卡(Andrew Pascal)説:“近40年來,俄羅斯方塊一直吸引着廣泛的、多代人的受眾。” "以像這樣的傳奇品牌打入拼圖類型俄羅斯方塊完全符合我們的戰略。它使我們有機會將一款標誌性的遊戲整合到我們的PlayAWARDS忠誠度計劃中,並推動有意義的增長。“

"Securing the exclusive license fully aligns with our strategic priorities and positions us to accelerate our growth, diversify our portfolio, grow our network of players, and scale our unique playAWARDS platform," adds PLAYSTUDIOS Executive Vice President, Head of Corporate and Business Development Jason Hahn.

PLAYSTUDIOS執行副總裁兼企業和業務發展主管Jason Hahn補充説:“獲得獨家許可證完全符合我們的戰略優先事項,使我們能夠加速發展,使我們的投資組合多樣化,擴大我們的玩家網絡,並擴大我們獨特的playAWARDS平臺。”

"PLAYSTUDIOS' expertise in developing and operating compelling and beautifully executed games on top of their unique loyalty marketing platform make them an ideal partner to create a richer, more engaging experience for our loyal Tetris fans, old and new," says Maya Rogers, President and CEO of Tetris. "We're confident that PLAYSTUDIOS will be a wonderful steward of our brand."


Conceived by software engineer Alexey Pajitnov in 1984, Tetris maintains a loyal following of players and is consistently ranked among the best games of all time. More recently it has become a popular game in Apple Arcade. Adding Tetris games to the PLAYSTUDIOS portfolio will introduce millions of its players worldwide to playAWARDS, allowing engaged fans to earn loyalty currency during free gameplay that they can exchange for real-world rewards from more than 275 celebrated entertainment, travel, leisure, and lifestyle brands. In addition, through its relationship with The Tetris Company, PLAYSTUDIOS can tap into the rich collection of Tetris game mechanics and experiences, while having the opportunity to add new features, innovations, and game adaptations to the Tetris ecosystem.

俄羅斯方塊由軟件工程師阿列克謝·帕吉特諾夫於1984年構思,擁有忠實的玩家追隨者,一直被評為有史以來最好的遊戲之一。最近,它已經成為蘋果拱廊(Apple Arade)上的一款流行遊戲。將俄羅斯方塊遊戲加入PLAYSTUDIOS產品組合將使其全球數百萬玩家可以玩AWARDS遊戲,使忠實的粉絲能夠在免費遊戲中賺取忠誠貨幣,他們可以從275多個著名的娛樂、旅遊、休閒和生活方式品牌那裏換取現實世界的獎勵。此外,通過與俄羅斯方塊公司的關係,PLAYSTUDIOS可以利用豐富的俄羅斯方塊收藏遊戲機制和體驗,同時有機會為俄羅斯方塊生態系統增加新的功能、創新和遊戲改編。

