
VisualCamp Eye Tracking Software, SeeSo Placed Top 3 in Frontier Digital Technologies at SLINGSHOT 2021

VisualCamp Eye Tracking Software, SeeSo Placed Top 3 in Frontier Digital Technologies at SLINGSHOT 2021

Businesswire ·  2021/11/29 22:06

SEOUL, South Korea--(BUSINESS WIRE)--#AIBasedEyeTrackingAlgorithm--VisualCamp has placed the top 3 in the category of Frontier Digital Technologies at SLINGSHOT 2021 for SeeSo, a no hardware eye tracking software development kit (SDK). This places VisualCamp top 12 out of over 5,000 startups from 150 countries.

韓國首爾--(Business WIRE)--#AIBasedEyeTrackingAlgorithm--VisualCamp為無硬件眼球跟蹤軟件開發工具包SeeSo在2021年彈弓大會上將前沿數字技術類別中的前三名放在了前三名。這使VisualCamp在來自150個國家的5000多家初創企業中躋身前12名。

SLINGSHOT is Asia's most exciting deep tech pitching competition that was hosted by Singapore Week of Innovation and TeCHnology (SWITCH) and Startup SG. The competition was broken into four categories where 5,000 startups were vetted by 400 judges to pick out the top 100. Over three days, the top 100 pitched from where the top 12 finalists were picked.

彈弓是亞洲最激動人心的深度科技推介比賽,由新加坡創新科技周(Switch)和Startup SG主辦。比賽分為四個類別,由400名評委對5000家初創公司進行審查,以選出前100名。在三天的時間裏,前100名選手從挑選前12名決賽選手的地方開始投球。

VisualCamp's SeeSo ( is a no hardware eye tracking solution that allows you to measure your users' attention in the users' natural environment. VisualCamp has a proprietary way of measuring attention, and through SeeSo, VisualCamp can even provide you insights such as drowsiness. Utilizing the front-facing camera from the user's phone, tablet, or PC, SeeSo also allows users to scroll and click with just their eyes, providing new opportunities for education, streaming platforms, and health industries. SeeSo supports iOS, Android, Unity, JavaScript, and Windows.


Traction is picking up for SeeSo. 7 of the top education companies in Korea are currently utilizing SeeSo to measure a student's engagement and provide grades based on how focused they were during the lesson. SeeSo is also on track to go into clinical trials for pre-diagnosis and digital therapeutics for ADHD, Autism, Dementia, and Dry-Eye Disease.


VisualCamp's AI based eye tracking algorithm titled 'METHOD FOR EYE-TRACKING AND TERMINAL FOR EXECUTING THE SAME' has recently been approved by U.S. Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO). VisualCamp is looking to drive its business in the U.S.

VisualCamp的基於人工智能的眼球跟蹤算法最近獲得了美國專利商標局(USPTO)的批准,該算法名為“眼球跟蹤方法和執行該算法的終端”(Method for Eyes-Tracking and Terminal For Execution Same)。VisualCamp正尋求推動其在美國的業務。

Yunchan Suk (Charles), CEO of VisualCamp, said, "We are honored and validated to receive such warm feedback on our efforts from our placement at SLINGSHOT, receiving the CES 2022 Innovations Awards Honoree, and winning the GLOMO Awards at MWC Barcelona. We will continue to take in the feedback from our customers and work on developing a next level platform to use gaze data and help more companies across the world."

VisualCamp首席執行官蘇雲昌(Charles)表示:“我們很榮幸能在彈弓比賽中獲得如此熱烈的反饋,獲得CES 2022創新大獎榮譽,並在MWC巴塞羅那獲得GLOMO大獎。我們將繼續接受客户的反饋,致力於開發一個使用凝視數據的下一級平臺,並幫助世界各地更多的公司。”


VisualCamp Co., Ltd
Nayoung Kim
+82 70-7945-7799

金納永(Nayung Kim)
+82 70-7945-7799
郵箱:nana@visual al.Camp

