
Tartisan Nickel Corp. Drills Deepest Hole To Date at The Kenbridge Nickel Project and Intersects 3.18% Ni, 0.19% Cu Over 1.05 Metres. Updates Progress at The Kenbridge Nickel-Copper-Cobalt Project, NW Ontario

Tartisan Nickel Corp. Drills Deepest Hole To Date at The Kenbridge Nickel Project and Intersects 3.18% Ni, 0.19% Cu Over 1.05 Metres. Updates Progress at The Kenbridge Nickel-Copper-Cobalt Project, NW Ontario

Accesswire ·  2021/11/29 20:56

TORONTO, ON / ACCESSWIRE / November 29, 2021 / Tartisan Nickel Corp. (CSE:TN; OTCQX:TTSRF; FSE:A2D) ("Tartisan", or the "Company") is pleased to provide diamond drill core assay results and an update for its diamond drilling program at the 100% owned Kenbridge Nickel Project located in the Kenora Mining District, Ontario.

多倫多,ON/ACCESSWIRE/2021年11月29日/塔蒂桑鎳公司(CSE:TN;OTCQX:TTSRF;FSE:A2D)塔蒂桑公司(“Tartisan”,或“公司”)很高興提供鑽石鑽芯化驗結果以及位於安大略省肯諾拉礦區的肯布里奇鎳項目(Kenbridge Nickel Project)鑽石鑽探項目的最新情況。

Hole KB21-204 intersected two nickel-copper zones at a drill depth of 993.55 metres and 1,002 metres. The two zones are interpreted to represent the downdip extension of two horizons (Zone A and Zone B) intersected in holes KB21-198, KB21-200 and KB21-202. In KB21-204 Zone A returned 1.05 metres of 3.18% Ni and 0.19% Cu including a higher-grade section of 0.35 metres of 7.73% Ni and 0.16% Cu. In the same hole Zone B returned 7.8 metres of 0.85% Ni and 0.54% Cu including 4.0 metres of 1.15% Ni and 0.71% Cu. Hole 204 is located approximately 150m below the deepest drill hole intersection completed in the 1950's (Drill hole K2011- 4.25% Ni over 3m) and is the deepest drill intersection on the project (see Figures 2 and 3). Holes KB21-205 and KB21-206 have also been completed and have been submitted to the laboratory for assays.


The Phase 1 drill campaign has now been completed for a cumulative total of 10,737 metres of diamond drilling (planned 10,000 metres). Nine holes were drilled at the Kenbridge Deposit (one hole abandoned) for a total of 8,318 metres. Four holes were completed on the Kenbridge North target (conductor KBN1, see Figure 1) for a total of 2,419 metres of drilling. The Kenbridge North target is located approximately 2.5 kilometres north of the Kenbridge Nickel Deposit and was identified from a ground-based Time Domain Electromagnetic (TDEM) survey completed in early 2021. Drilling at Kenbridge North intersected similar rock types that host the Kenbridge Nickel Deposit. Weakly disseminated sulphide was intersected and those zones have been sent out for assays.


All drill holes completed at the Kenbridge Deposit have been surveyed with a downhole TDEM system. Interpretation of all available data including recently acquired borehole TDEM and drill core assays will be incorporated into the existing geological model to aid in guiding additional diamond drilling, particularly downdip of the known mineralization. Borehole TDEM surveys could not be completed on the Kenbridge North target due to deteriorating weather and unsafe conditions on the surrounding lakes. Those 4 holes will be surveyed in the winter once freeze up conditions have set in and will be combined with a ground TDEM survey over 2 additional identified targets to the east and west of the Kenbridge North Grid.


Mark Appleby, President and CEO of the Company commented "what is of interest from hole KB21-204 is the high-grade nickel section. This is the deepest intersection with assay results on the Kenbridge Deposit to date. Although the high-grade is narrow in this hole it suggests there is a high-grade nickel tenor when intersecting semi-massive sulphide. Our hope is that the TDEM survey can point us towards these higher-grade, higher conductivity zones. We'll review all the data once the final assay results are received and then plan our next drill program. During the 2021 work program the Company also worked at enhancing the infrastructure of the project including improving all season access into the property and upgrading the core processing facilities. We believe this will allow us to move towards doing year-round work programs."

該公司總裁兼首席執行官Mark Appleby評論説:“KB21-204孔令人感興趣的是高品位鎳部分。這是迄今為止肯布里奇礦藏與化驗結果的最深交集。雖然這個洞中的高品位很窄,但這表明當與半塊狀硫化物相交時,存在高品位的鎳基調。我們希望TDEM調查能將我們引向這些等級更高、電導率更高的地區。一旦收到最終的化驗結果,我們將審查所有數據,然後計劃我們的下一次演習計劃。在2021年工作計劃期間,公司還致力於加強項目的基礎設施,包括改善進入酒店的全季通道和升級核心加工設施。我們相信,這將使我們能夠進行全年工作計劃。“

Figure 1: Location of the Kenbridge Ni-Cu Deposit and Kenbridge North Grid Drill Target


Figure 2. Section of the Kenbridge Deposit looking south. Green outline is the current Mineral Resource. Blue and purple are associated gabbro pyroxenite favorable host rocks. Hole 204 is located approximately 150m below the deepest drill hole intersection completed in the 1950's (Drill hole K2011- 4.25% Ni over 3m).


Figure 3. Long Section of the Kenbridge Deposit looking west showing drill hole pierce points and modelled TDEM anomalies. Green outline is the current Mineral Resource.


Table 1.
Drill hole intersections for holes drilled at the Kenbridge Deposit received to date. Assays for hole KN21-205 and 206 are pending. Four holes drilled at Kenbridge North (KBN21-01, 02, 03 and 04) have had samples submitted for analysis. (SEDAR 2021)

到目前為止,在Kenbridge礦藏鑽出的孔的鑽孔交叉點。對KN21-205和206孔的檢測正在進行中。在肯布里奇北部鑽探的四個孔(KBN21-01、02、03和04)已將樣本提交分析。(SEDAR 2021)

The Company previously released an Updated Mineral Resource Estimate (MRE) of the Kenbridge Nickel-Copper-Cobalt Project, Atikwa Lake Area, Northwestern Ontario (SEDAR June 1, 2021).

該公司此前發佈了安大略省西北部Atikwa湖區Kenbridge鎳-銅-鈷項目的最新礦產資源評估(MRE)(SEDAR 2021年6月1日)。

About Tartisan Nickel Corp.

關於塔蒂山鎳公司(Tartisan Nickel Corp.)

Tartisan Nickel Corp. is a Canadian based mineral exploration and development company whose flag ship asset is the Kenbridge Nickel Deposit located in the Kenora Mining District, Ontario. Tartisan also owns; the Sill Lake Silver Property in Sault St. Marie, Ontario as well as the Don Pancho Manganese-Zinc-Lead-Silver Project in Peru.

塔蒂桑鎳公司是一家總部設在加拿大的礦產勘探和開發公司,其旗艦資產是位於安大略省肯諾拉礦區的肯布里奇鎳礦牀。Tartisan還擁有安大略省蘇聖瑪麗的Sill Lake Silver地產以及祕魯的Don Pancho錳鋅鉛銀項目。

Tartisan Nickel Corp. owns an equity stake in; Eloro Resources Limited, Class 1 Nickel and Technologies Limited, Peruvian Metals Corp., and Silver Bullet Mines Inc.

Tartisan Nickel Corp.擁有Eloro Resources Limited、Class 1 Nickel and Technologies Limited、祕魯金屬公司和Silver Bullet Mines Inc.的股權。

Tartisan Nickel Corp. common shares are listed on the Canadian Securities Exchange (CSE:TN; OTCQX:TTSRF; FSE:A2D). Currently, there are 110,817,303 shares outstanding (122,113,344 fully diluted).


Dean MacEachern P.Geo. is the Qualified Person under NI 43-101 and has read and approved the technical content of this News Release.

作者聲明:Dean MacEachern P.Geo。是符合NI 43-101標準的合格人員,並已閲讀並批准了本新聞稿的技術內容。

For further information, please contact Mark Appleby, President & CEO, and a Director of the Company, at 416-804-0280 ( Additional information about Tartisan Nickel Corp. can be found at the Company's website at www.tartisannickel.comor on SEDAR at


This news release may contain forward-looking statements including but not limited to comments regarding the timing and content of upcoming work programs, geological interpretations, receipt of property titles, potential mineral recovery processes, etc. Forward-looking statements address future events and conditions and therefore, involve inherent risks and uncertainties. Actual results may differ materially from those currently anticipated in such statements.


The Canadian Securities Exchange (operated by CNSX Markets Inc.) has neither approved nor disapproved of the contents of this press release.

加拿大證券交易所(由CNSX Markets Inc.運營)既不批准也不反對本新聞稿的內容。

SOURCE: Tartisan Nickel Corp.

資料來源:塔蒂山鎳公司(Tartisan Nickel Corp.)

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