
Core Assets Submits Amendments to Exploration Permit Atlin Mining District, British Columbia

Core Assets Submits Amendments to Exploration Permit Atlin Mining District, British Columbia

Accesswire ·  2021/11/29 20:36

VANCOUVER, BC / ACCESSWIRE / November 29, 2021 / Core Assets Corp., ("Core Assets" or the "Company") (CSE:CC)(FSE:RJ)(WKN:A2QCCU)(OTCQB:CCOOF) is pleased to announce that it has submitted a permit amendment application to the British Columbia Ministry of Energy, Mines and Low Carbon Innovation for the Blue Property (the "Property"), located in the Atlin Mining District of northwest British Columbia. This amendment requests for additional helicopter-supported drill sites and the option to complete induced polarization geophysical surveys within a broader area totalling 29,460 ha (Figure 1). The newly proposed permit area will include the new Ag-Zn-Pb-Cu Grizzly Manto Discovery Zone, as well as the Amp and Sulphide City showings, all of which are located immediately to the northwest of the Jackie Showing (see News Release dated: September 27, 2021).

不列顛哥倫比亞省温哥華/ACCESSWIRE/2021年11月29日/CORE Assets Corp.(以下稱“Core Assets”或“公司”)(CSE:CC)(FSE:RJ)(WKN:A2QCCU)(OTCQB:CCOOF)高興地宣佈,已就位於不列顛哥倫比亞省西北部阿特林礦區的Blue礦產(“該礦產”)向不列顛哥倫比亞省能源、礦業和低碳創新部提交了許可證修訂申請。這項修訂要求增加直升機支持的鑽探地點,並選擇在總面積為29460公頃的更大範圍內完成激發極化地球物理調查(圖1)。新提議的許可證區域將包括新的Ag-Zn-Pb-Cu灰熊螳螂發現區,以及安培和硫化物城的展映,所有這些都位於成龍展映的西北面(看見新聞稿發佈日期:2021年9月27日).



  • Core Assets is currently permitted for diamond drilling at the Laverdiere and Jackie showings (see Figure 1)
  • If approved, the permit amendment will include 50 helicopter-supported diamond drill sites and up to 30-line kilometers of induced polarization geophysical surveys over the recently staked ground that includes Ag, Zn, Pb, Cu massive sulphide showings within the Blue Property.
  • The proposed permit amendments will allow for exploratory diamond drilling at Core Assets' Grizzly Manto Discovery Zone, which was discovered in 2021 and extended massive sulphide mineralization at surface to 6.6km x 1.8km and remains open.
  • The average grade of 44 samples collected in 2021 at the Grizzly Manto returned assay values of 8.2% Zn, 1.8% Pb, 0.40% Cu and 110 g/t Ag over a 500m strike length.
  • Initial interpretations from the 2021 Versatile Time Domain Electromagnetic Survey (VTEM) and assay results from channel sampling campaigns are expected to be released in the coming months.
  • 核心資產目前被允許在Laverdiere和Jackie Showings進行鑽石鑽探(T.N:行情).參見圖1)
  • 如果獲得批准,許可證修正案將包括50個直升機支持的鑽石鑽探地點,以及在最近劃定的地面上進行長達30線公里的激發極化地球物理勘測,其中包括在Blue Property內顯示Ag、Zn、Pb、Cu塊狀硫化物。
  • 擬議的許可證修正案將允許在核心資產進行勘探鑽石鑽探。灰熊曼託發現區,那是.該礦體於2021年被發現,並將地表塊狀硫化物礦化擴展至6.6千米x 1.8千米,目前仍處於開放狀態。
  • 2021年在灰熊曼託採集的44個樣品的平均品位在500米的走向長度上返回了8.2%鋅、1.8%鉛、0.40%銅和110g/t Ag的化驗值。
  • 2021年多功能時域電磁調查(VTEM)的初步解釋和渠道採樣活動的化驗結果預計將在未來幾個月公佈。

Core Assets' President and CEO Nick Rodway comments: "The Grizzly Manto represents a very significant high-grade mineralized zone that was discovered on ground we staked in 2021. This ground has proven to be extremely prospective and is contiguous with the original area of the Blue Property. Making amendments to our pre-existing exploration permit will allow for the Company to explore this newly discovered mineralized zone at depth, through IP surveys and exploratory diamond drilling".

核心資產公司總裁兼首席執行官尼克·羅德韋(Nick Rodway)表示:“灰熊曼託(Grizzly Manto)代表着一個非常重要的高品位礦化帶,它是我們在2021年發現的。事實證明,這塊土地非常有遠景,與Blue Property的原始區域相鄰。對我們先前存在的勘探許可證進行修訂,將使公司能夠通過IP勘測和探索性鑽石鑽探,深入勘探這一新發現的礦化帶。”

About The Grizzly Showing
The Grizzly Showing was discovered by Core Assets personnel during the 2021 Phase 1 exploration program. The Showing consists of two subparallel zones interpreted to be surface expressions of carbonate replacement mantos. High-grade massive sulphide mineralization was sampled at surface from the westernmost exposure for a total of approximately 500 meters along strike, with widths up to 5 metres and open under heavy scree. The eastern zone was tracked for approximately 150 meters. Mineralization within each zone remains open in both directions along strike. A total of 43 outcrop samples and 1 float sample was collected at the Grizzly Manto Discovery Zone in 2021. An annotated photo of the area can be found in Figure 2.


Property Wide Sampling
Results for property wide reconnaissance sampling executed by Core Assets during Phase 1 of its 2021 exploration program revealed the district-scale potential of the Blue Property. Abundant, high-grade base and precious metal mineralization was identified in numerous locations across the Property and Core Assets has now confirmed carbonate replacement mineralization at surface over an area 6.6km x 1.8km.

Core Assets在其2021年勘探計劃第一階段執行的全物業勘測採樣結果顯示了Blue地產的地區規模潛力。豐富的、高品位的賤金屬和貴金屬礦化在該物業的許多地點被發現,並核心資產現已確認了6.6千米x 1.8千米範圍內地表碳酸鹽交代礦化。.

Figure 1: Location map of Core Assets' Blue Property highlighting the currently active permit area, the proposed area requested in the amendment application and the locations of significant showings across the Property.


Figure 2: Photograph illustrating the extent of massive-sulphide carbonate replacement mineralization at the Grizzly Manto Discovery Zone in 2021. Mineralization was sampled at surface from the westernmost exposure for a total of approximately 500m along strike, with widths up to 5m and open under heavy scree. The eastern zone was tracked for approximately 150m to snow cover.


National Instrument 43-101 Disclosure
Nicholas Rodway, P.Geo, (Licence #46541) is President, CEO and Director of the Company, and qualified person as defined by National Instrument 43-101. Mr. Rodway supervised the preparation of the technical information in this news release.

National Instrument 43-101披露
Nicholas Rodway,P.Geo(許可證編號46541)是該公司的總裁、首席執行官和董事,也是National Instrument 43-101定義的合格人員。羅德韋先生監督了本新聞稿中技術信息的準備工作。

About Core Assets Corp.
Core Assets Corp. is a Canadian junior exploration company focused on the acquisition and development of mineral projects in British Columbia., Canada. The Company currently holds 100% title ownership of the Blue Property, that covers a land area of ~108,337 ha (~1,083 km²). The project resides within the unceded territory of the Taku River Tlingit First Nation in the Atlin Mining District, a well-known gold mining camp in northwest British Columbia. The Property hosts a major structural feature known as The Llewellyn Fault Zone ("LFZ"). This structure is approximately 140km in length and extends from the Tally-Ho Shear Zone in the Yukon, south through the eastern-side of the Blue Property to the Tulsequah area where it crosses over into the Alaskan Panhandle Juneau Ice Sheet in the United States. Core Assets believes that the south Atlin Lake area and the LFZ has been neglected since the last major exploration campaigns in the 1980's. The LFZ plays an important role in mineralization of near surface metal occurrences across the property and along it's entire extent. The past 50 years have seen substantial advancements in the understanding of porphyry, skarn, and carbonate replacement type deposits both globally and in BC's Golden Triangle. The company has utilized the historic and current information gathered at the Blue Property to tailor a proven exploration model to facilitate a major discovery. Core Assets technical team believes there are substantial opportunities for new discoveries, extending known mineralization, and development. Core Assets is excited to become one of the premier explorers in the Atlin Mining District.

核心資產公司是一家加拿大初級勘探公司,專注於收購和開發加拿大不列顛哥倫比亞省的礦產項目。本公司目前擁有Blue物業的100%所有權,該物業佔地約108,337公頃(約1,083平方公里)。該項目位於不列顛哥倫比亞省西北部著名金礦營地阿特林礦區的塔庫河特林吉特第一民族(Taku River Tlingit First Nation)不為人知的領土內。該地產擁有一個被稱為盧埃林斷裂帶(LFZ)的主要結構特徵。這個結構大約140公里長,從育空地區的Tally-Ho剪切區向南延伸,穿過Blue地產的東側,到達Tulequah地區,在那裏它橫跨到美國阿拉斯加狹長地帶的Juneau冰蓋。核心資產公司認為,自上世紀80年代的上一次重大勘探活動以來,阿特林湖南部地區和LFZ一直被忽視。LFZ在整個礦產及其整個範圍內近地表金屬賦存狀態的礦化中發揮着重要作用。在過去的50年裏,全球和卑詩省的金三角地區對斑巖、夕卡巖和碳酸鹽交替型礦牀的認識都取得了實質性的進展。該公司利用在Blue Property收集的歷史和當前信息,量身定做了一個經過驗證的勘探模式,以促進重大發現。核心資產技術團隊認為,新發現、擴大已知礦化和開發的機會很大。核心資產公司很高興成為阿特林礦區首屈一指的勘探者之一。

On Behalf of the Board of Directors
"Nicholas Rodway"
President & CEO
Tel: 604.681.1568


Neither the Canadian Securities Exchange nor its Regulation Services Provider (as that term is defined in the policies of the CSE) accepts responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release.


Statements in this document which are not purely historical are forward-looking statements, including any statements regarding beliefs, plans, expectations, or intentions regarding the future. Forward-looking statements in this news release include its goals and scope; that the limestone bodies in the area are favourable for allowing transportation of mineralized carbonate replacement fluids; that the Atlin property is prospective for Copper-Zinc-Lead-and Silver ; that we can become a district scale explorer; that Core Assets will drill in 2022; that the Blue Property has substantial opportunities for a discovery and development; that work on the Blue Property could potentially lead to a new porphyry/CRD style discovery; and that there may be a commercially viable gold or other mineral deposit on our claims. It is important to note that the Company's actual business outcomes and exploration results could differ materially from those in such forward-looking statements. Risks and uncertainties include that further permits may not be granted timely or at all; the mineral claims may prove to be unworthy of further expenditure; there may not be an economic mineral resource; methods we thought would be effective may not prove to be in practice or on our claims; economic, competitive, governmental, environmental and technological factors may affect the Company's operations, markets, products and prices; our specific plans and timing drilling, field work and other plans may change; we may not have access to or be able to develop any minerals because of cost factors, type of terrain, or availability of equipment and technology; and we may also not raise sufficient funds to carry out our plans. Additional risk factors are discussed in the section entitled "Risk Factors" in the Company's Management Discussion and Analysis for its recently completed fiscal period, which is available under Company's SEDAR profile at Except as required by law, we will not update these forward-looking statement risk factors.

本文件中非純粹歷史性的陳述是前瞻性陳述,包括有關對未來的信念、計劃、期望或意圖的陳述。本新聞稿中的前瞻性陳述包括其目標和範圍;該地區的石灰巖巖體有利於礦化碳酸鹽置換流體的運輸;Atlin礦具有銅鋅鉛和銀的遠景;我們可以成為地區規模的勘探者;核心資產將在2022年鑽探;Blue礦有大量發現和開發的機會;Blue礦的工作可能導致新的斑巖/CRD風格的發現;以及可能有商業上可行的金或其他礦藏。值得注意的是,該公司的實際業務結果和勘探結果可能與這些前瞻性陳述中的結果大不相同。風險和不確定因素包括:進一步的許可可能不及時或根本不被批准;礦物索賠可能被證明不值得進一步支出;可能沒有經濟的礦產資源;我們認為有效的方法可能被證明不在實踐中或我們的索賠上;經濟、競爭、政府、環境和技術因素可能影響公司的運營、市場、產品和價格;我們的具體計劃和時機鑽探、實地工作和其他計劃可能會改變;我們可能由於成本因素、地形類型或設備的可用性而無法獲得或無法開發任何礦產。我們也可能沒有籌集到足夠的資金來實施我們的計劃。其他風險因素在公司最近結束的財務期的管理討論和分析中的“風險因素”一節中進行了討論。, 可在公司SEDAR簡介下查看,網址為。除法律規定外,我們不會更新這些前瞻性陳述風險因素。

SOURCE: Core Assets


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