
Tricor Group Completes Acquisition of NZGT Holding Company Limited, A Leading Corporate Trustee and Fund Supervisor in New Zealand with NZ$250 Billion in Funds under Supervision

Tricor Group Completes Acquisition of NZGT Holding Company Limited, A Leading Corporate Trustee and Fund Supervisor in New Zealand with NZ$250 Billion in Funds under Supervision

卓佳集團完成收購 NZGT 控股有限公司(紐西蘭領先的公司信託人和基金監事),監管資金 2,500 億新西蘭元
Businesswire ·  2021/11/29 08:10

HONG KONG & SINGAPORE & AUCKLAND, New Zealand--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Tricor Group (Tricor), Asia's leading business expansion specialist, has received regulatory approval and completed its acquisition of NZGT Holding Company Limited (NZGT Holdings) together with its wholly owned subsidiaries The New Zealand Guardian Trust Company Limited (Guardian Trust) and Covenant Trustee Services Limited (Covenant) from Complectus Limited on November 25, 2021.

香港、新加坡、紐西蘭奧克蘭 —--(美國商業資訊)--卓佳集團 Tricor)是亞洲領先的業務拓展專家,已獲得監管機構批准,並完成對 NZGT 控股有限公司(NZGT 控股)及其全資附屬公司的收購 新西蘭嘉德信託有限公司 (監護人信託)和 邦諾信託服務有限公 於 2021 年 11 月 25 日由新英達有限公司發出的(盟約)。

Tricor is the largest pure-play corporate services platform in Asia Pacific, serving over 50,000 client entities across its 21-market footprint. A positive move for Guardian Trust and Covenant, this acquisition will see the group and its New Zealand clients benefit from Tricor's significant financial backing and global best practices.

卓佳是亞太地區最大的純企業服務平台,在 21 個市場覆蓋範圍內為 50,000 多個客戶實體提供服務。此次收購將使該集團及其新西蘭客戶受益於卓佳的重要財務支持和全球最佳實踐,這是一項積極的舉措。

Guardian Trust and Covenant are the leading providers of corporate supervisory services with over NZ$250 billion in funds under supervision. Guardian Trust has operated in New Zealand for over 125 years. Guardian Trust and Covenant will continue to grow its team and capabilities through further investment by Tricor Group. Day to day operations remain unchanged.

衛報信託和公約是企業監督服務的領先提供商,監管資金超過 2,500 億紐西蘭元。衛報信託在紐西蘭經營超過 125 年。卓佳集團的進一步投資將繼續發展其團隊和能力。日常運營保持不變。

Tricor's Global Corporate Trust business will operate and serve clients across five global markets including Hong Kong SAR, Beijing, Singapore, the UK and New Zealand.


Lennard Yong, Tricor Group CEO, said: "I am pleased to welcome Guardian Trust and Covenant to Tricor Group. This acquisition broadens our footprint in ANZ and places Tricor in an enhanced position to better serve our clients. The addition of Guardian Trust and Covenant significantly strengthens Tricor's global corporate trust practice with market-leading and differentiated trust solutions in New Zealand and across Australasia and Asia-Pacific. We are very grateful for the approval to be stewards of these two leading institutions. Our goal is to support the management team led by Harry Koprivcic and to grow these businesses within their respective markets and to add to our regional corporate trust platform in Asia Pacific."

卓佳集團首席執行官楊國斌他說:「我很高興歡迎卓佳集團的衛報信託和盟約。此次收購擴大了我們在澳新銀行的業務版圖,並使卓佳處於更好的地位,為客戶提供更好的服務。加入 Guardian Trust 和《盟約》,透過在紐西蘭、澳大拉西亞和亞太地區提供市場領先和差異化的信託解決方案,大幅強化卓佳的全球企業信任業務。我們非常感謝能夠成為這兩間主要機構的管理員。我們的目標是支持由 Harry Koprivcic 領導的管理團隊,並在各自的市場中發展這些業務,並增加我們在亞太地區的區域性企業信任平台。」

David Naphtali and Jonathan Hatch, Co-Managing Directors of Madison Pacific, A Tricor Company, leading the integration of Guardian Trust and Covenant into the Tricor Corporate Trust Business Division, said: "We look forward to working with the fantastic team to bolster the corporate trust solutions we can provide our corporate clients across Asia Pacific and the UK."

大衛·納普塔利 和喬納森·哈奇, 麥迪遜太平洋聯合董事總經理, 卓佳公司領導 Guardian Trust 和盟約整合至卓佳企業信託業務部門,表示:「我們期待與優秀的團隊合作,以加強我們可以在亞太地區和英國的企業客戶提供企業信託解決方案。」

Harry Koprivcic, CEO of NZGT Holdings, said: "As a leading corporate trustee in New Zealand, we are starting a new chapter by becoming part of a large global entity. Enhanced by the capabilities of Tricor, we will continue to deliver exceptional corporate solutions to our clients."

哈里·科普里夫西奇, NZGT 控股首席執行官他說:「作為新西蘭領先的公司受託人,我們正在成為一個大型全球實體的一部分,從而開始了新的篇章。通過卓佳的能力,我們將繼續為客戶提供卓越的企業解決方案。」

About Tricor Group


Tricor Group (Tricor) is Asia's leading business expansion specialist, with global knowledge and local expertise in business, corporate, investor, human resources & payroll, corporate trust & debt services, and governance advisory. Tricor provides the building blocks for clients' business growth, from incorporation to IPO. Tricor has had a rapid expansion through organic growth and development as well as partnerships, mergers and acquisitions. The Group today has ~50,000 clients globally (including ~20,000 clients in Mainland China), a staff strength of over 2,800 and a network of offices in 47 cities across 21 countries / territories. Our client portfolio includes over 2,000 listed companies in Hong Kong SAR, Mainland China, Singapore and Malaysia, and more than 40% of the Fortune Global 500 companies, as well as a significant share of multinationals and private enterprises operating across international markets.

卓佳集團(卓佳)是亞洲領先的業務拓展專家,在商業、企業、投資者、人力資源和薪資、企業信託和債務服務以及治理諮詢方面擁有全球知識和本地專業知識。卓佳為客戶從公司註冊到首次公開招股的業務增長提供基礎。卓佳通過有機成長和發展以及合作夥伴關係、合併和收購進行了快速擴張。今天,集團在全球擁有約 50,000 名客戶(包括約 20,000 名中國內地客戶),員工超過 2,800 人,並在 21 個國家/地區的 47 個城市設有辦事處網絡。我們的客戶組合包括香港特別行政區、中國內地、新加坡和馬來西亞的 2,000 多家上市公司,以及超過 40% 的《財星》全球 500 大企業,以及在跨國市場營運的跨國公司和私人企業的重要份額。



About Complectus


Complectus was established in 2014 and is the dominant and most innovative fiduciary services group in the New Zealand market.

Complectus 成立於 2014 年,是紐西蘭市場中最具主導性和最具創新性的信託服務集團。

About Guardian Trust and Covenant


Guardian Trust and Covenant have a market-leading position and are experienced in all aspects of corporate trust work. They are leading providers of corporate trustee services to the New Zealand market. Guardian Trust has been recognized by KangaNews as the leading provider of trustee services by being awarded the New Zealand Trustee of the Year for four years running.

守護信託和公約具有市場領先的地位,並且在企業信託工作的各個方面都有豐富的經驗。他們是新西蘭市場公司信託服務的領先供應商。Guardian Trust 獲得 Kanganews 公認為領先的受託人服務供應商,獲得了四年的年度紐西蘭最佳受託人獎。


Sunshine Farzan
Tricor Services Limited
Group Head of Marketing & Communications
Tel: +852 2980 1261
Laura Air
Alexander PR
Group Account Director
Tel: +64 21 259 3242

香港特別行政區 (集團辦公室)
電話:+852 二九八 ○ 一二六一

