
Black Friday Brought Shoppers Back to Stores -- Update

Black Friday Brought Shoppers Back to Stores -- Update

Dow Jones Newswires ·  2021/11/29 06:30

By Sarah Nassauer

莎拉·纳索尔(Sarah Nassauer)著

U.S. shoppers spent more time and money at bricks-and-mortar stores over the Thanksgiving holiday weekend than the same period last year, though foot traffic remained below pre-pandemic levels.


The rebound marks a reversal from 2020 when the pandemic accelerated a yearslong shift of holiday spending occurring online at the expense of in-store shopping. It also shows retailers were able to secure spending on the key Black Friday selling day, analysts say, even though discounts weren't as prevalent this year and they spent weeks nudging customers to shop earlier in the season.


RetailNext, a firm that tracks shopper counts in thousands of stores with cameras and sensors, said store traffic rose 61% this Black Friday compared with last year but was down 27% from 2019. Sensormatic Solutions, another firm that tracks store traffic, said Black Friday traffic rose 48% from last year, but was 28% lower than in 2019.

RetailNext是一家通过摄像头和传感器跟踪数千家商店购物者数量的公司,该公司表示,与去年相比,今年黑色星期五的商店客流量增长了61%,但比2019年下降了27%。另一家追踪商店客流量的公司Sensormal Solutions表示,黑色星期五的客流量比去年增长了48%,但比2019年下降了28%。

"Part of that is attributed to Covid fatigue," said Brian Field, a senior director at Sensormatic. "Part of that is that there is a continued push earlier in the season for shopping," he said.

“这部分归因于Covid疲劳,”Sensormal的高级主管布莱恩·菲尔德(Brian Field)说。他说:“部分原因是,在本季度早些时候,人们对购物的热情持续高涨。”

The Thanksgiving holiday weekend was also the first time in years that online retail sales didn't increase from the prior year, according to some industry estimates. Online Black Friday sales fell to $8.9 billion from $9 billion last year, according to Adobe Inc., while Thanksgiving Day online sales were roughly flat at $5.1 billion, the first time sales didn't increase since Adobe started tracking the figures in 2012.


Ginny Rogers, a 57-year-old operator of a car-repair shop, said she did all her Christmas shopping online last year to avoid stores during the pandemic. This year she returned to the Walmart where she typically shops on Black Friday, near her home in Cairo, N.Y.

57岁的金妮·罗杰斯(Ginny Rogers)是一家汽车修理店的经营者,她说,去年她所有的圣诞节购物都是在网上进行的,以避免疫情爆发期间的商店。今年,她回到了沃尔玛,她通常会在黑色星期五去那里购物,那里离她在纽约开罗的家不远。

"I'm tired of not going out," said Ms. Rogers, piling her cart with sheets, socks and other sale items she likes to give as gifts. "It's nice to be back."


Overall sales on Black Friday were robust as expected by many industry consultants and executives. As of midafternoon Friday, sales rose 29.8% compared with the same period last year, with sales in stores rising 42.9%, according to Mastercard SpendingPulse, which tracks sales activity online and in stores within the Mastercard payments network, combined with estimates for all other forms of payment, including cash.

正如许多行业顾问和高管预期的那样,黑色星期五的整体销售表现强劲。根据Mastercard SpendingPulse的数据,截至周五下午三点左右,销售额同比增长29.8%,商店销售额增长42.9%。Mastercard SpendingPulse追踪万事达卡在线和万事达卡支付网络内商店的销售活动,并结合对包括现金在内的所有其他支付形式的估计。

"It speaks to the strength of the consumer," said Steve Sadove, senior adviser for Mastercard and former chief executive of Saks Inc.

万事达卡(Mastercard)高级顾问、萨克斯(Saks Inc.)前首席执行官史蒂夫·萨多夫(Steve Sadove)表示:“这说明了消费者的实力。”

The National Retail Federation, a trade group, expects U.S. retail sales during November and December to rise by a record 8.5% to 10.5% from a year ago to as much as $859 billion. The average increase was 4.4% over the past five years. The forecast was made before the World Health Organization declared Friday that a new strain of the coronavirus, first detected in southern Africa, was a global "variant of concern." The move triggered worries that travel restrictions and other curbs would spoil the global economy's recovery.

行业组织美国零售联合会(National Retail Federation)预计,美国11月和12月的零售额将较上年同期创纪录地增长8.5%至10.5%,达到8,590亿美元。过去五年的平均涨幅为4.4%。这一预测是在世界卫生组织(World Health Organization)周五宣布一种新的冠状病毒株之前做出的,这种冠状病毒首先在南部非洲被发现,是一种全球性的“令人担忧的变种”。此举引发了人们的担忧,即旅行限制和其他限制措施将破坏全球经济的复苏。

Overall online shopping during the holiday season has been spread over a longer period than in past years.


Shipping delays and a year and a half of pandemic-related product shortages nudged customers to buy early, retail executives have said in recent weeks. Sixty-one percent of shoppers surveyed by the NRF said they had started their holiday shopping before Thanksgiving, up from 51% a decade ago.


More consumers are feeling flush this year than last, benefiting from a strong labor market. Household spending rose 1.3% in October from a month earlier, while personal income increased 0.5% last month, the Commerce Department said last week. Consumers are spending at a faster pace than inflation, which recently hit a three-decade high.


Michelle Jamal, a nurse from Yonkers, N.Y., cut back on holiday shopping last year after pausing work because of Covid-19 safety concerns. This year, she plans to buy gifts for 10 to 15 people, both online and in stores, she said Friday at the Cross County Shopping Center in Yonkers. "It feels good to be out here," she said.

来自纽约州扬克斯的护士米歇尔·贾马尔(Michelle Jamal)去年因为新冠肺炎安全问题而暂停工作后,减少了假日购物。她周五在扬克斯的克罗斯县城购物中心说,今年,她计划在网上和商店为10到15人购买礼物。“来到这里感觉很好,”她说。

Surging demand for products, along with Covid-19-related manufacturing slowdowns and transportation constraints, has strained supplies of certain goods. Many large retailers such as Walmart Inc. and Target Corp. were able to bring in inventory ahead of the holidays, and executives have said they are well-stocked for the season in recent weeks. Some smaller chains, including Gap Inc. and Victoria's Secret & Co., are scrambling to keep their shelves stocked. Last Tuesday, Gap predicted supply-chain disruptions would result in about $550 million to $650 million in lost sales.

对产品的需求激增,加上与新冠肺炎相关的制造业放缓和运输限制,导致某些商品的供应紧张。沃尔玛(Walmart Inc.)和塔吉特(Target Corp.)等许多大型零售商都能够在假期前进货,高管们说,最近几周他们有充足的库存应对这个季节。包括Gap Inc.和维多利亚的秘密公司(Victoria‘s Secret&Co.)在内的一些规模较小的连锁店正在争先恐后地进货。上周二,Gap预测供应链中断将导致约5.5亿至6.5亿美元的销售额损失。

Some shoppers expecting to find many items out of stock over the weekend were surprised to find full store shelves.


"We went to Best Buy, and they have everything, it was the most I'd ever seen," said Lila Leu, 29, of Yonkers, who was shopping at a mall with her mom, Stacey Breindel, on Friday morning.

“我们去了百思买(Best Buy),他们什么都有,这是我见过的最多的一次,”29岁的莱拉·卢(Lila Leu)说,她来自扬克斯(Yonkers),周五早上,她和母亲斯泰西·布伦德尔(Stacey Blindel)在一家购物中心购物。

Monica Adames said it was her first time shopping on Black Friday, but she wasn't yet buying much because she couldn't find what she wanted as she browsed stores at The Shops at Atlas Park, an outdoor mall in Glendale, N.Y.

莫妮卡·亚当斯(Monica Adames)说,这是她第一次在黑色星期五购物,但她还没有买太多东西,因为她在纽约州格伦代尔的户外购物中心阿特拉斯公园(Atlas Park)的商店里浏览商店时,找不到自己想要的东西。

She wasn't able to find the hoodies she plans to give her nephews, said the 50-year-old who lives in the Bronx borough of New York City. "You would think it would be easy to find," she said. "I've been to several stores over a couple of weeks and nope. They have the ones with the half zipper, but not the whole zipper."


Overall, the early start to the season had many shoppers buying more, as retailers hoped by kicking off the season early.


"Walmart had Black Friday in the beginning of November, so I got most gifts then, online," said Alyson Boice, as she walked through the Walmart store near her home in Palenville, N.Y., early Friday morning. "I came grocery shopping, but now I'm buying," said the 39-year-old, her cart filled with craft sets and other toys.

周五清晨,艾莉森·博伊斯(Alyson Boice)走过她位于纽约州帕伦维尔(Palenville)家附近的沃尔玛门店时说,“11月初沃尔玛有黑色星期五,所以我在网上收到的礼物最多。”“我是来杂货店买东西的,但现在我要买东西了,”这位39岁的女士说,她的手推车里装满了工艺品套装和其他玩具。

"I was like, 'Darn it!," she said, "I'm spending more because Black Friday is throughout the month."


Sharon Terlep and Charity L. Scott contributed to this article.

Sharon Terlep和Charity L.Scott对本文也有贡献。

Write to Sarah Nassauer at

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