
快讯:电力板块开盘下挫 黔源电力跌超5%

News flash: the power sector opened down and Qianyuan Power fell by more than 5%.

新浪財經 ·  Nov 26, 2021 09:54

November 26 news, the power sector opened down. As of press time, Pengxin Resources and Qianyuan Power fell by more than 5%, while Inner Mongolia Huadian, Jinkai Xinneng, Wenshan Power, Huaneng International, Shanghai Power, Leshan Power, and CIC Power fell.

In the news, on the afternoon of November 24, the Price Department of the National Development and Reform Commission held a forum to invite economic and legal experts to study issues related to further improving the price formation mechanism of the coal market. Experts at the meeting suggested that we should speed up the establishment of a long-term mechanism for the regulation and control of coal prices, guide coal prices to operate within a reasonable range, make coal prices truly reflect the fundamentals of market supply and demand, and prevent prices from fluctuating greatly. When the coal price exceeds the upper limit of the reasonable range, the price intervention measures can be started in time according to the relevant provisions of the Price Law; when the excessive drop of coal price exceeds the lower limit of the reasonable range, appropriate measures can be taken comprehensively to guide the reasonable recovery of coal prices. We will improve the formation mechanism of the marketization of coal and electricity prices, encourage coal enterprises and coal-fired power generation enterprises to carry out medium-and long-term transactions within a reasonable range, and encourage coal-fired power generation enterprises and power users to clarify the linkage mechanism of coal and electricity prices in medium-and long-term transaction contracts.

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