
Press Release: Sportscene Group reports its fourth quarter and fiscal 2021 results

Press Release: Sportscene Group reports its fourth quarter and fiscal 2021 results

新聞稿:SportScene Group公佈第四季和2021財年業績
Dow Jones Newswires ·  2021/11/26 07:30

Sportscene Group reports its fourth quarter and fiscal 2021 results


Canada NewsWire


MONTREAL, Nov. 25, 2021


MONTREAL, Nov. 25, 2021 /CNW Telbec/ - Sportscene Group Inc. ("Sportscene" or "the Company"); (TSXV: SPS.A) announced its financial results today for the fourth quarter and fiscal year ended August 29, 2021.

蒙特利爾,2021年11月25日/CNW Telbec/--SportScene Group Inc.(“SportScene”或“The Company”);(多倫多證券交易所股票代碼:SPS.A)今天公佈了截至2021年8月29日的第四季度和財年的財務業績。

"We ended our financial year in a good position due to the receipt of various government subsidies, the complete reopening of our dining rooms in June as well as diversification of our revenues, most notably our retail product offering. We also benefited from the Canadiens participating in the Stanley Cup finals," said Jean Bédard, President and CEO.

該公司總裁兼首席執行官讓·貝達爾(Jean Bédard)表示:“由於獲得了各種政府補貼,我們的餐廳在6月份全面重新開放,以及我們收入的多樣化,最引人注目的是我們提供的零售產品。我們還受益於加拿大人蔘加斯坦利杯決賽。我們在財政年度結束時狀況良好,”總裁兼首席執行官讓·貝達爾(Jean Bédard)説。

"We are particularly grateful for the collective efforts of our employees, franchisees and partners who have helped us adapt and even innovate to this new operating environment," concluded Mr. Bédard.


Financial Performance for the Fourth Quarter Ended August 29, 2021


The increase of 31.2%, or $6.3 million, of the Company's consolidated revenues, to $26.4 million, stems primarily from the easing of public health measures allowing the complete reopening of our restaurant's dining rooms. However, when compared with the fourth quarter of fiscal 2019, prior to the pandemic, the Company's consolidated revenues were lower by 21.2%, from $33.5 million. Revenues from the restaurant, franchising and other segments together increased by $9.1 million, compared to fiscal 2020, while revenues from the retail segment decreased by $2.8 million, or 26.9%, to $7.5 million. Supply chain issues and stronger orders during the fourth quarter of last fiscal year when new customers accounts were building their inventory explain a portion of this reduction.


Consolidated adjusted EBITDA(1) for the fourth quarter was $6.3 million, an increase of 110.8% or $3.3 million from the support of government subsidies and from gross margin improvements following the reopening of restaurant dining rooms across the network.


Sportscene ended the fourth quarter of fiscal 2021 with net earnings of $2.4 million or $0.28 per share (basic and diluted), compared to net earnings of $0.7 million or $0.09 per share (basic and diluted) in the same quarter last fiscal year.


Financial Performance for Fiscal 2021


Sportscene's fiscal 2021 consolidated revenues decreased by 38.3% or $42.1 million, to $67.7 million. The COVID-19 pandemic and associated public health measures imposed by the government resulted in a significant slowdown in the restaurant, franchising and other activities segments particularly during the first three quarters of the fiscal year. However, retail revenues grew 6.5% to $31.1 million due to dedicated efforts in the last few years to grow the offering and the distribution network.

SportScene 2021財年的綜合收入下降了38.3%,即4210萬美元,降至6770萬美元。新冠肺炎疫情以及政府實施的相關公共衞生措施導致餐廳、特許經營和其他活動部門大幅放緩,尤其是在本財年前三個季度。然而,由於過去幾年致力於擴大產品供應和分銷網絡,零售收入增長了6.5%,達到3110萬美元。

Consolidated adjusted EBITDA(1) for fiscal 2021 grew by 6.7%, or $0.7 million, to $11.1 million. Lower consolidated revenues and consolidated gross margins brought on by a more restrictive operating environment in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic was mitigated by various government support measures, the reopening of restaurant dine-in operations since the fourth quarter, the diversification of activities towards the retail sector and efforts dedicated to optimizing costs.


Sportscene ended fiscal 2021 with net earnings of $0.6 million or $0.07 per share (basic and diluted), compared to a net loss of $4.0 million or $0.45 per share (basic and diluted) during the previous fiscal year when a $4.7 million depreciation charge was recognized in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic.


Important Subsequent Event


On November 18, 2021, the Corporation announced that it had entered into a final combination agreement pursuant to which Jean Bédard, the President and Chief Executive Officer of Sportscene, and a consortium of Québec investors led by Champlain Financial Corporation will acquire, through a newly incorporated corporation, all of the issued and outstanding Class A shares of Sportscene, except for 1.7 million shares held, directly or indirectly, by Jean Bédard, for a cash consideration of $7.25 per share. Under the terms of the Transaction, Sportscene will therefore become a private corporation and its shares will cease to be listed on the TSX Venture Exchange. For further information on the Transaction, please refer to the Company's press release issued on November 18, 2021.

2021年11月18日,本公司宣佈已達成最終合併協議,根據該協議,SportScene總裁兼首席執行官Jean Bédard和由Champlan Financial Corporation牽頭的魁北克投資者財團將通過一家新成立的公司收購SportScene所有已發行和已發行的A類股票,但Jean Bédard直接或間接持有的170萬股票除外,現金對價為每股7.25美元。根據交易條款,SportScene因此將成為一傢俬人公司,其股票將停止在多倫多證券交易所創業板上市。欲瞭解本次交易的更多信息,請參閲公司於2021年11月18日發佈的新聞稿。

Disclaimer on forward-looking statements


This press release contains forward-looking statements relating to the Company. Statements based on management's current expectations involve known and unknown inherent risks and uncertainties, including risks associated with public health issues such as those resulting from the COVID-19 pandemic. Actual results may differ from expectations. The reader is cautioned not to place undue reliance on forward-looking information. The Company does not undertake any obligation to update or revise any forward-looking statements as a result of new information, future events or other changes except if required by applicable laws.


Neither TSX Venture Exchange nor its Regulation Services Provider (as that term is defined in the policies of the TSX Venture Exchange) accepts responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release.


About Sportscene Group


Sportscene Group Inc. is a pioneer and leader in the ambiance restaurant niche in Quebec. Since 1984, it has been operating the La Cage -- Brasserie Sportive ("La Cage") restaurant chain, differentiated by its sporting ambiance and food made from fresh, local products. With a strong brand image, La Cage is established throughout the province and has currently 38 locations. Sportscene continues to diversify its restaurant activities, notably through the operation of P.F. Chang's, an Asian cuisine restaurant and its catering business for special events, making the Company a key player in Quebec's restaurant industry. Besides its restaurant operations, Sportscene is active in the sale of La Cage and Moishes branded products in grocery stores, ready-to-eat meals and ready-to-cook boxes.

SportScene集團是魁北克氛圍餐廳利基市場的先驅和領導者。自1984年以來,它一直經營La Cage--Brasserie Sportive(“La Cage”)連鎖餐廳,以其運動氛圍和由新鮮當地產品製成的食物而與眾不同。憑藉強大的品牌形象,La Cage在全省範圍內建立起來,目前擁有38個分店。SportScene繼續使其餐飲活動多樣化,特別是通過經營亞洲美食餐廳P.F.Chang‘s及其特殊活動餐飲業務,使該公司成為魁北克餐飲業的主要參與者。除了餐廳業務,SportScene還活躍在雜貨店、即食餐飲和即食盒中銷售La Cage和Moish品牌產品。

Non-IFRS measures


The following measures used by the Company are not measures recognized under International Financial Reporting Standards ("IFRS"):


(1)  "Consolidated adjusted EBITDA" corresponds to "earnings 
before financial expenses, amortization, net loss
(income) of joint ventures and income taxes", from
which other (gains) losses are excluded and to which
the share of earnings before financial expenses, amortization
and income tax of joint ventures is added. See "Reconciliation
of non-IFRS financial measures", below.

Reconciliation of Non-IFRS Financial Measures


(Audited, in thousands of $)


                                Fourth Quarter          Fiscal Year 
Ended Ended
August 29, August 30, August 29, August 30,
2021 2020 2021 2020
Income before financial
expenses, amortization, net
loss (income) of joint
ventures and income taxes 5,053 3,453 7,420 5,564
Other (gains) losses 52 (699) (431) 4,053
Government assistance deducted
from amortization and
financial expenses(1) 689 - 3,453 -
Loss (income) before financial
expenses, amortization
income taxes of joint
ventures(2) 477 222 653 786
Consolidated Adjusted EBITDA 6,271 2,976 11,095 10,403
(1) In accordance with IFRS, a portion of government rent
assistance has been applied against amortization of
right-of-use assets and interest on lease liabilities.
These amounts have been included in the calculation
of the consolidated adjusted EBITDA as they are considered
monetary items.
(2) For further details, see Note 18, "Investments in
joint ventures", of the notes to the annual consolidated
financial statements.
2021 2020 2021 2020
企業和所得税5,053 3,453 7,420 5,564

風險投資(2)477 222 653 786
合併調整後EBITDA 6,271 2,976 11,095 10,403

For more information on the operating results and financial position of Sportscene Group Inc., please see the annual management discussion and analysis and consolidated financial statements and accompanying notes for the fiscal year ended August 29, 2021, available on SEDAR.


Interim Condensed Consolidated Statements of Comprehensive Income


(Audited, in thousands of Canadian dollars, except for earnings per share and number of outstanding shares)


                                                        Fiscal Year 
August 29, August 30,
2021 2020
$ $
Revenues 67,724 109,848
Cost of sales 36,202 48,372
Selling and administrative expenses, excluding
amortization 24,533 51,859
Other (gains) losses (1) (431) 4,053
Income before financial expenses, amortization, net
loss (income) of joint ventures and income tax 7,420 5,564
Amortization 5,335 9,469
Financial expenses 1,129 2,122
Net loss (income) of joint ventures 45 (136)
6,509 11,455
Income (loss) before income tax 911 (5,891)
Income tax expense (recovery) 299 (1,851)
Net and comprehensive income (loss) 612 (4,040)
Net and comprehensive income (loss) attributable to:
2021 2020
$ $
收入67,724 109,848
銷售成本36,202 48,372
攤銷24,533 51,859
合資企業虧損(收入)和所得税7,420 5,564
攤銷5335 9469
6,509 11,455

