
I'm a proud, unvaccinated Trump supporter. Two of my siblings have not spoken to me in a decade. Should I cut them out of my $7M estate?

I'm a proud, unvaccinated Trump supporter. Two of my siblings have not spoken to me in a decade. Should I cut them out of my $7M estate?

DowjonesNews MarketWatch ·  2021/11/26 03:00

By Quentin Fottrell


'I think it is pathetic to isolate a family member for those reasons, but that is a choice they have made.'


Dear Quentin,


My wife and I were unable to have children and we both had successful careers. We retired just before the COVID-19 crisis hit. I have not spoken with or heard from two of my siblings and their children in the last 10 years.

我和妻子无法生孩子,我们俩的职业生涯都很成功。我们在 COVID-19 危机爆发前就退休了。在过去的十年里,我没有和我的两个兄弟姐妹和他们的孩子交谈过,也没有听到他们的消息。

We own several rental properties that generate a solid income, and we live a pretty frugal lifestyle. Our estate has a value in the neighborhood of $7 million. We have a total of six siblings, and my family trust currently divides our estate equally between them all, regardless of the number of children.


My issue is that both of my siblings are no longer on speaking terms with me due to my political beliefs (I'm a Trump supporter) and my decision to not get vaxxed. I have not spoken with or heard from my nieces and nephews in the last 10 years. I think it is pathetic to isolate a family member for those reasons, but that is a choice they have made.


When I die I don't want my siblings and their children to enjoy inheriting several million dollars from me. I feel closer to some of the nieces and nephews on my wife's side than some of her other nieces and nephews. I am considering leaving my half of our estate to just two of her nieces. This could create some family friction, and that concerns me.


What would you advise?


Husband, Uncle & Brother


Dear Husband, Uncle & Brother,


When faced with deeply personal decisions, I ask myself, "How will this make me feel?" With that in mind, ask yourself: "How would it make me feel to cut my siblings and their kids out of my will?" Or: "How would it make me feel to leave the children of my estranged siblings far less than what I leave my other nieces and nephews?" The answer may -- or may not -- be: "Great!"

当面对深刻的个人决定时,我会问自己:“这会让我有怎样的感受?”考虑到这一点,问问自己:“把我的兄弟姐妹和他们的孩子排除在我的遗嘱之外会给我带来什么感觉?”或者:“离开我疏远的兄弟姐妹的孩子远远少于我留给其他侄女和侄子的孩子会是什么感觉?”答案可能 — 也可能不是 —— 是:“太棒了!”

Thanksgiving dinners across this magnificent and troubled land have, no doubt, had some barnstorming, roof-raising, pitchfork-wielding debates between diehard Republicans and Democrats (and Bernie supporters, let's not forget them). The goal is being able to sit down over a plate of turkey breast and cranberry sauce, and talk about our differences. Or even better: Pass the salt, and avoid them.


I've lived in this country for 10 years and nothing could have prepared me for the profound divisions between its people along party -- and ideological -- lines. Supporters of different political parties go after each on social media every second of every day and, yes, the media and political classes play to the peanut gallery, keeping the embers of conflict burning brightly, nightly.


But it's a tragedy when this environment tears families apart, pitting brother against brother, and generation against generation. It takes a lot of hurt and momentum to keep those fires burning at home. We all have white lines -- on what our loved ones do or say or believe -- and "never cross" red lines, and they vary wildly from person-to-person.

但是,当这种环境使家庭四分五裂,兄弟与兄弟,一代人与一代人对立时,这是一场悲剧。要让这些大火在家里继续燃烧,需要很大的伤害和动力。我们都有白线 —— 关于我们亲人的所作所为、所说或信仰的内容 —— 以及 “永远不要越过” 红线,而且它们因人而异。

As a rule, I gently caution you against making final decisions based on anger, righteous or not, even if you believe you are on the receiving end of that same brand of stubborn self-will and political intractability. So what about your $7 million? Leave the most generous sums of money to your closest siblings and their kids and, perhaps, a more modest amount to your estranged siblings' children.


That token gift says: "I see you and acknowledge that you are part of our family, and on the day of my death I want you to know that I truly believe in a time and place where we can all see eye to eye, and bring more compassion and understanding to the table on Thanksgiving and every other day of the year, and that any issues between me and your parents end here."


You can email The Moneyist with any financial and ethical questions related to coronavirus at, and follow Quentin Fottrell on Twitter

如果有任何与冠状病毒有关的财务和伦理问题,你可以发送电子邮件至,然后在 Twitter 上关注 Quentin Fottrell

Check out the Moneyist private Facebookgroup, where we look for answers to life's thorniest money issues. Readers write in to me with all sorts of dilemmas. Post your questions, tell me what you want to know more about, or weigh in on the latest Moneyist columns.

来看看Moneyist私人Facebook群组,我们在那里寻找生活中最棘手的金钱问题的答案。读者给我写信时遇到了各种各样的困境。发表你的问题,告诉我你想进一步了解什么,或者看看最新的 Moneyist 专栏。

The Moneyist regrets he cannot reply to questions individually.

Moneyist 很遗憾他无法单独回答问题。

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--我已婚的姐姐正在帮助自己收拾父母最珍贵的财产。我怎样才能阻止她掠夺他们的房屋?—— 我妈妈让我祖父签署了一份信托基金,将数百万美元留给两个孙子孙女,避开其他所有人 —— 我哥哥即将成为的前妻正在挪用他们生意中的钱。我们如何找到隐藏的账户?--“奶奶最近去世了,留下了7位数的遗产。不用说,事情变得一团糟了'

-Quentin Fottrell


