
UBS Picks Former Morgan Stanley President Kelleher As chairman, Deutsche Bank Nominates Alexander Wynaendts As Next Chairman

UBS Picks Former Morgan Stanley President Kelleher As chairman, Deutsche Bank Nominates Alexander Wynaendts As Next Chairman

瑞銀挑選前摩根士丹利行長凱萊赫為董事長,德意志銀行提名Alexander Wynaendts為下一任董事長
Benzinga Real-time News ·  2021/11/21 05:52

UBS Group (NYSE:UBS) has named former Morgan Stanley (NYSE:MS) President Colm Kelleher as its new chairman.

瑞銀集團(UBS Group)(紐約證券交易所代碼:UBS)已任命前摩根士丹利(紐約證券交易所股票代碼:MS)總裁科爾姆·凱萊赫作為它的新主席。

A day before, Deutsche Bank (NYSE:DB) announced that it would nominate Dutch businessman Alexander Wynaendts as the next chairman of its supervisory board, following a turbulent decade for Germany’s largest lender.

前一天,德意志銀行(紐約證券交易所代碼:DB)宣佈將提名荷蘭商人亞歷山大·温納恩茨(Alexander Wynaendts)在這家德國最大的銀行經歷了動盪的十年後,他成為了下一任監事會主席。

Kelleher will succeed Axel Weber as UBS’s chairman next year. He takes the leadership role having spent three decades at Morgan Stanley, where he served as chief financial officer before rising to the position of president.

凱萊赫明年將接替埃克塞爾·韋伯(Axel Weber)擔任瑞銀董事長。他在摩根士丹利工作了30年後擔任領導職務,在晉升為總裁之前,他曾在那裏擔任首席財務官。

According to Reuters, UBS’s board had included former UniCredit Chief Executive Jean-Pierre Mustier in a shortlist of possible candidates.

據路透社(Reuters)報道,瑞銀董事會已將前意大利聯合信貸銀行(UniCredit)首席執行官讓-皮埃爾·馬斯蒂爾(Jean-Pierre Mustier)列入可能的候選人名單。

In October, UBS posted its highest quarterly profit over the past 11 years, with a 23% rise in fee income.


Similarly, Wynaendts will replace Paul Achleitner at Deutsche Bank. The bank's shares have fallen more than 50% since Achleitner became chairman, primarily due to massive regulatory fines and repeated capital raisings.

同樣,Wynaendts將接替保羅·阿克萊特納(Paul Achleitner)在德意志銀行(Deutsche Bank)任職。自Achleitner就任董事長以來,該行股價已下跌逾50%,主要歸因於鉅額監管罰款和反覆融資。

Wynaendts ran Dutch insurer Aegon NV for 12 years before leaving in 2020, and previously worked at ABN Amro’s investment banking and private banking units before joining Aegon in 1997.

Wynaendts在2020年離職之前,曾執掌荷蘭保險公司Aegon NV 12年,在1997年加入Aegon之前,曾在荷蘭銀行(ABN Amro)的投資銀行和私人銀行部門工作。

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