
New Zealand Shares Head for Third Consecutive Week of Decline -- Market Talk

New Zealand Shares Head for Third Consecutive Week of Decline -- Market Talk

Dow Jones Newswires ·  2021/11/19 06:22

2215 GMT - New Zealand's NZX-50 slips 0.3% to 12762 in early trading, which puts the index on pace for its third consecutive weekly decline as market interest rates track higher. NZD/USD has traded as high as 0.7054 after a jump in inflation expectations in RBNZ's regular survey renewed speculation of a 50bp rate increase next week. Among stocks, Auckland International Airport falls 1.1% after being downgraded by Jefferies, which says eventual recovery in air travel is factored into the share price following its recent gains. Retirement-village operator Ryman Healthcare drops 1.0% after lowering its dividend payout range. Power utilities are weaker and a2 Milk, which is set to be removed from the MSCI New Zealand index, sheds 1.0%. (

2215GMT-新西蘭NZX-50指數早盤下滑0.3-12762點,隨着市場利率走高,該指數有望連續第三週周線下跌。新西蘭元/美元盤中一度高見0.7054,此前新西蘭央行例行調查中的通脹預期跳升,重新引發對下週升息50個基點的臆測。股市方面,奧克蘭國際機場(Auckland International Airport)下跌1.1%,此前傑富瑞(Jefferies)下調了奧克蘭國際機場的評級。傑富瑞表示,在近期上漲後,航空旅行的最終復甦是考慮到股價的因素。退休村運營商萊曼醫療(Ryman Healthcare)股價下跌1.0%,此前該公司下調了股息支付區間。電力公用事業類股表現較弱,將被從摩根士丹利資本國際新西蘭指數(MSCI新西蘭指數)中剔除的a2 Milk股價下跌1.0%。(

