
MedX Health Corp. Announces Inaugural Clinical Trial of Leading-Edge Teledermatology Screening Platform in Turkey

MedX Health Corp. Announces Inaugural Clinical Trial of Leading-Edge Teledermatology Screening Platform in Turkey

MedX Health Corp.宣佈在土耳其進行領先遠程皮膚病篩查平臺的首批臨牀試驗
Businesswire ·  2021/11/17 21:20

Clinical Trial of MedX's DermSecure® Platform to include three university hospitals

MedX公司的DermSecure的臨牀試驗® 平臺將包括三所大學醫院

MISSISSAUGA, Ontario--(BUSINESS WIRE)--$MDX #SkinCancer--MedX Health Corp. ("MedX" or the "Company") (TSXV: MDX) is pleased to announce an inaugural clinical trial of its leading-edge DermSecure® Screening Platform at three university hospitals across Turkey in early 2022.

安大略省密西索加--(美國商業新聞網)--$MDX#皮膚癌--MedX Health Corp.(“MedX”或“公司”)(TSXV:MDX)很高興地宣佈,其領先的DermSecure®篩查平臺將於2022年初在土耳其的三所大學醫院進行首次臨牀試驗。

Through its recently announced distribution agreement with Makromed/Arhan Global A.Ş, MedX's DermSecure® Screening Platform will be used in a clinical trial overseen by noted Turkish dermatologist, Dr. Emel Erdal Çalikoğlu a Professor of Dermatology at Dokuz Eylül University in İzmir, Turkey. The clinical trial will also include Kocaeli University, led by Professor of Dermatology, Dr. Dilek Bayramgürler, as well as Bursa Uludağ University, led by Professor of Dermatology, Dr. Emel Bülbül Başkan and Associate Professor, Dr. Serkan Yazici.

通過最近宣佈的與Makromed/Arhan Global A.Ş的分銷協議,MedX的DermSecure®篩查平臺將用於由土耳其著名皮膚科醫生Emel Erdal Saint Alikoğlu監督的臨牀試驗土耳其İ茲米爾的Dokuz Eylül大學皮膚科教授。臨牀試驗還將包括由皮膚科教授Dilek Bayramgürler博士領導的科凱利大學,以及由皮膚科教授Emel Bülbül BağKan博士和副教授Serkan Yazici博士領導的Bursa Uludaş大學。

The clinical trial will run for 6 months and involve an estimated 300 patients throughout Turkey. Following its successful completion, MedX and its distribution partner Makromed/Arhan Global A.Ş, anticipate the technology will become more widely available in clinics, pharmacies and insurance companies across the country. This study builds on MedX's existing European commercialization pilots in the Netherlands and Italy, as part of the company's global commercialization strategy. Additional commercialization pilots are anticipated in the coming months.

這項臨牀試驗將持續6個月,估計涉及土耳其全國300名患者。在成功完成後,MedX及其分銷合作伙伴Makromed/Arhan Global A.Ş預計這項技術將在全國各地的診所、藥店和保險公司得到更廣泛的應用。這項研究建立在MedX現有的在荷蘭和意大利的歐洲商業化試點基礎上,這是該公司全球商業化戰略的一部分。預計未來幾個月還會有更多的商業化試點。

"There are types of melanoma tumors which we can more effectively treat by early detection. As such, I strongly believe that MedX's SIAscopy® and DermSecure® can help our fight against melanoma," said Dr. Emel Erdal Çalikoğlu. "We look forward to seeing the results of this study and bringing MedX's world-class teledermatology device and platform to those dermatology patients who need it most. Using MedX's innovative technology should become part of dermatologists' daily practice."

Emel Erdal聖阿里科ğlu博士説:“有些類型的黑色素瘤我們可以通過早期發現來更有效地治療。因此,我堅信MedX的SIAscope®和DermSecure®可以幫助我們對抗黑色素瘤。”. 我們期待着看到這項研究的結果,並將MedX的世界級遠程皮膚病設備和平臺帶給那些最需要的皮膚病患者。使用MedX的創新技術應該成為皮膚科醫生日常實踐的一部分。“

Sylvain Desjeans, MedX CEO, said, "This inaugural clinical trial marks an important first step in establishing our technology and path to reimbursement in medical facilities across Turkey, a market of more than 80 million people. It's a significant milestone in our global commercialization strategy."

MedX首席執行官Sylvain Desjeans説:“這項首批臨牀試驗標誌着我們在土耳其這個擁有8000萬人口的市場建立我們的技術和醫療機構報銷途徑邁出了重要的第一步。這是我們全球商業化戰略中的一個重要里程碑。”

"Working with such notable dermatologists as Dr. Çalikoğlu means securing a strong, credible foothold with the dermatology community in the Turkish market," added Chantal Ward, MedX Director, Medical Affairs. "We eagerly anticipate the results of the study, and the positive impact it will have on skin health patients across the country."


Naman Demaghlatrous, MedX Managing Director of Europe, Middle East and Africa, said, "With the clinical trial and distribution agreement with Makromed, this market shows incredible growth potential for MedX – both in terms of increasing patient access and establishing reimbursement through the Turkish healthcare system. We look forward to leveraging this growth opportunity as one of many in Europe and beyond."

MedX歐洲、中東和非洲董事總經理納曼·德馬格拉特斯(Naman Demaghlatous)表示:“通過與Makromed達成臨牀試驗和分銷協議,這個市場顯示出MedX令人難以置信的增長潛力-無論是在增加患者准入方面,還是在通過土耳其醫療系統建立報銷方面。我們期待着利用這一增長機會,作為歐洲和其他地區的眾多增長機會之一。”

Teledermatology is a subspecialty of dermatology that offers safe and effective virtual care – patient screening and assessment – eliminating the need for in-person appointments with a dermatologist. Unlike other teledermatology screening tools available, MedX's DermSecure® Screening Platform features high-resolution image capture technology for moles, lesions and other skin conditions; providing a complete, virtual dermatological assessment by a certified dermatologist within just 72 hours.


MedX's leading telemedicine platform allows health-care practitioners to quickly and accurately assess suspicious moles, lesions and other skin conditions via its image capture technology, SIAscopy®, and its secure, cloud-based patient management system, DermSecure®, which transmits and stores patient data throughout the assessment process. MedX's SIAscopy® is the only technology that captures five images, including four spectrophotometric images 2mm below the skin's surface.

MedX領先的遠程醫療平臺允許醫療從業者通過其圖像捕獲技術SIAscope®和基於雲的安全患者管理系統DermSecure®(在整個評估過程中傳輸和存儲患者數據),快速、準確地評估可疑痣、皮損和其他皮膚狀況。MedX的SIAscope®是唯一一項能夠捕捉五幅圖像的技術,其中包括皮膚表面下2 mm處的四幅分光光度計圖像。

About MedX:


MedX, headquartered in Ontario, Canada, is a leading medical device and software company focused on skin health with its SIAscopy® on DermSecure® telemedicine platform, utilizing its SIAscopy® technology. SIAscopy® is also imbedded in its products SIAMETRICS®, SIMSYS®, and MoleMate®, which MedX manufactures in its ISO 13485 certified facility. SIAMETRICS®, SIMSYS®, and MoleMate® include hand-held devices that use patented technology utilizing light and its remittance to view up to 2 mm beneath suspicious moles and lesions in a pain free, non-invasive manner, with its software then creating real-time images for physicians and dermatologists to evaluate all types of moles or lesions within seconds. These products are cleared by Health Canada, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration, the Therapeutic Goods Administration and Conformité Européenne for use in Canada, the US, Australia, New Zealand, the European Union, Brazil and Turkey. Visit

MedX總部位於加拿大安大略省,是一家專注於皮膚健康的領先醫療設備和軟件公司,其SIAscope®on DermSecure®遠程醫療平臺利用其SIAscope®技術。西雅科普®還嵌入到其產品SIAMETRICS®、SIMSYS®和MoleMate®中,這些產品是MedX在其ISO 13485認證工廠生產的。SIAMETRICS®、SIMSYS®和MoleMate®包括手持設備,這些設備使用專利技術,利用光及其匯款,以無痛、無創的方式查看可疑痣和病變下長達2毫米的情況,然後通過其軟件創建實時圖像,供醫生和皮膚科醫生在幾秒鐘內評估所有類型的痣或病變。這些產品已通過加拿大衞生部、美國食品和藥物管理局、治療商品管理局和ConformitéEuropéenne的批准,可以在加拿大、美國、澳大利亞、新西蘭、歐盟、巴西和土耳其使用。請訪問。

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This Media Release may contain forward-looking statements, which reflect the Company's current expectations regarding future events. The forward-looking statements involve risks and uncertainties.



Bill Mitoulas, Investor Relations
MedX Health Corp.

比爾·米圖拉斯(Bill Mitoulas),投資者關係部MedX Health Corp.郵箱


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