
Global Forex and Fixed Income Roundup: Market Talk

Global Forex and Fixed Income Roundup: Market Talk

Dow Jones Newswires ·  2021/11/17 18:00

The latest Market Talks covering FX and Fixed Income. Published exclusively on Dow Jones Newswires throughout the day.


0950 GMT - Spirax-Sarco Engineering shares top the FTSE 100 fallers, down 5.8% after the steam-systems group said exchange rates could hit its full-year sales and profit by close to 4%. RBC Capital Markets said the update for the four months to October appeared in line with expectations, though it highlighted supply-chain disruption facing the company. With the shares up 17% since early October and at new all-time highs, they look expensive for an 'in-line' performer, RBC says. "Spirax is a high-quality business, in our view, but our underperform rating reflects its absolute and relative valuation, which appears challenging," RBC analyst Mark Fielding says. (

0950GMT-Spirax-Sarco Engineering股價跌幅最大的是富時100指數(FTSE 100),下跌5.8%,此前這家蒸汽系統集團表示,匯率可能會對其全年銷售額和利潤造成近4%的影響。加拿大皇家銀行資本市場(RBC Capital Markets)表示,截至10月份的4個月的最新數據似乎符合預期,但它強調了該公司面臨的供應鏈中斷。加拿大皇家銀行説,自去年10月初以來,該公司股價上漲了17%,並創下歷史新高,對於一位“順位”的表現者來説,這樣的股價看起來很昂貴。加拿大皇家銀行(RBC)分析師馬克·菲爾丁(Mark Fiding)表示:“在我們看來,Spirax是一項高質量的業務,但我們表現不佳的評級反映了它的絕對和相對估值,這似乎具有挑戰性。”(

0923 GMT - The euro's brief drop below the key $1.13 level earlier was driven by a strong dollar but a surge in European gas prices didn't help either, ING says. "Negative terms of trade effects from higher energy prices are depressing the fair value of the EUR," ING analysts say. European gas prices jumped after a German court delayed the certification of the Nord Stream 2 gas pipeline on Tuesday. EUR/USD falls 0.1% to 1.1312, having reached a 16-month low of 1.1264 earlier, according to FactSet. (


0918 GMT - The dollar extends its rise against the low-yielding euro after stronger-than-expected U.S. retail sales data Tuesday, which pushed EUR/USD to a 16-month low of 1.1264 overnight, according to FactSet, while the DXY dollar index hit a 16-month high of 96.2410. MUFG global markets analyst Derek Halpenny says the data "will inevitably reinforce the positive momentum for the U.S. dollar over the short term." MUFG sees scope for the market to fully price in three U.S. interest-rate increases in 2022, allowing the dollar to advance further. However, the speed of EUR/USD declines in recent days suggests some consolidation "may be imminent," Halpenny says. EUR/USD is last at 1.1316. Before last Wednesday's U.S. inflation data, EUR/USD traded above 1.1500. (

0918GMT-美元兑低收益歐元擴大漲勢,此前週二公佈的美國零售銷售數據強於預期,根據Factset的數據,這推動歐元/美元隔夜跌至16個月低位1.1264,而美元指數則觸及16個月高位96.2410。三菱UFG全球市場分析師德里克·哈爾彭尼(Derek Halpenny)表示,這些數據“將不可避免地在短期內增強美元的積極勢頭。”三菱UFG認為,市場有空間在2022年完全消化美國三次加息,從而使美元進一步走高。然而,最近幾天歐元/美元下跌的速度表明,一些盤整“可能迫在眉睫”,Halpenny説。歐元/美元最新報1.1316。在上週三美國公佈通脹數據前,歐元/美元在1.1500上方交投。(

0914 GMT - The big upside surprise in October's U.K. consumer prices data highlights the uncertainties as well as significant upside risks to the inflation outlook, Berenberg's senior economist Kallum Pickering says. Increasing producer prices due to supply-chain bottlenecks and rising energy costs haven't yet fully passed through into consumer prices, while surveys and high-frequency data suggest that global supply pressures won't abate soon, he says. "Following persistent upside surprises in inflation data over the course of 2021 so far, the peak and length of the current inflation spike remains highly uncertain," Pickering says. Berenberg expects U.K. annual inflation rates to peak above 5% early next year before easing at around 2.5%-3.0% by the end of the year and through 2023. (

格林威治時間0914時-貝倫伯格的高級經濟學家卡勒姆·皮克林(Kallum Pickering)表示,10月份英國消費者價格數據的巨大上行驚喜突顯了通脹前景的不確定性和重大上行風險。他説,供應鏈瓶頸和能源成本上漲導致的生產者價格上漲尚未完全傳導到消費者價格,而調查和高頻數據表明,全球供應壓力不會很快減弱。皮克林説:“在2021年至今的通脹數據持續上行之後,當前通脹高峯的峯值和持續時間仍高度不確定。”貝倫伯格預計,英國的年通貨膨脹率將在明年初達到5%以上的峯值,然後在年底和2023年之前回落到2.5%-3.0%左右。(

0859 GMT - The Bank of England is unlikely to ignore the rise in U.K.'s inflation rate to 4.2% on year in October from 3.1% in September, Capital Economics' chief U.K. economist Paul Dales says. "When coupled with yesterday's [Tuesday] decent labor-market release, the bigger-than-expected leap in CPI inflation in October makes an interest-rate hike in December even more likely," he says. The BoE is likely to raise rates to 0.25% from 0.1% in December, and then to 0.5% perhaps in February, Dales says. CPI inflation is expected to fall back sharply to around 2.2% by the end of 2022, so it is unlikely that rates are raised above 0.5% next year, he says. (

格林威治時間0859GMT--凱投宏觀(Capital Economics)首席英國經濟學家保羅·戴爾斯(Paul Dales)説,英國央行不太可能忽視英國10月份通貨膨脹率從9月份的3.1%升至4.2%。“再加上昨天的[星期二]他説:“10月份CPI漲幅高於預期,這使得12月加息的可能性更大。”戴爾斯表示,英國央行可能會將利率從12月份的0.1%上調至0.25%,然後可能在2月份上調至0.5%。他表示,到2022年底,CPI通脹率預計將大幅回落至2.2%左右,因此明年加息不太可能超過0.5%。(

0830 GMT Currently trading at 151.42, the Italian December BTP is under pressure and stands below its 50-period moving average at 151.55 on a 30-minute chart. From a technical point of view, the intraday RSI remains within its selling area between 50 and 30 and confirms the bearish bias. As a consequence, below horizontal resistance at 151.69, further weakness is expected toward Nov. 16 bottom at 150.95 and toward Nov. 12 low at 150.72 in extension. A third target is set at horizontal support at 150.31. Only a rebound above horizontal resistance at 151.69 would turn the outlook to bullish and favour a rise toward horizontal resistance at 151.99 and toward Nov. 15 top at 152.33 in extension. [This piece contains the opinions of Trading Central and does not constitute personalized investment advice or form part of any invitation or inducement to buy or sell any security. The author has been prohibited by Trading Central from purchasing or otherwise directly or indirectly acquiring any direct or indirect beneficial ownership of any instruments or markets for which Trading Central or its affiliates issues recommendations. To read more, visit] (

0830GMT目前報151.42,意大利12月BTP承壓,在30分鐘圖上低於50期移動均線切入位151.55。從技術面看,盤中RSI仍在50-30之間的賣盤區域內,證實了看跌偏向。因此,在位於151.69的水平阻力下方,預計將進一步疲軟,接近11月16日的底部150.95,延伸至11月12日的低點150.72。第三個目標設在水平支撐位150.31。只有在151.69的水平阻力上方反彈,才會使前景轉為看漲,並有利於在151.99的水平阻力和11月15日延伸至152.33的頂部上升。[本文包含Trading Central的意見,不構成個性化的投資建議,也不構成買賣任何證券的邀請或誘因的一部分。提交人已被交易中心禁止購買或以其他方式直接或間接獲得交易中心或其附屬公司向其發出建議的任何工具或市場的任何直接或間接實益所有權。要閲讀更多內容,請訪問。](

0821 GMT Currently trading at CAD 1.2548, the U.S. dollar is on the downside and stands below its 50-period moving average on a 30-min chart at CAD 1.2551. Moreover, the intraday RSI remains within its selling area and confirms the bearish bias. As a consequence, below horizontal resistance at CAD 1.2585, look for further weakness toward horizontal support at CAD 1.2520 and toward CAD 1.2500 in extension. A third target is set at Nov. 16 bottom at 1.2485. Only a rebound above horizontal resistance at CAD 1.2585 would call for a rise toward Nov. 11 top at CAD 1.2605 and toward CAD 1.2630 in extension. [This piece contains the opinions of Trading Central and does not constitute personalized investment advice or form part of any invitation or inducement to buy or sell any security. The author has been prohibited by Trading Central from purchasing or otherwise directly or indirectly acquiring any direct or indirect beneficial ownership of any instruments or markets for which Trading Central or its affiliates issues recommendations. To read more, visit] (

格林威治時間0821時,美元兑加元目前在1.2548加元,處於下行趨勢,並在30分鐘圖表上低於50期移動均線切入位1.2551加元。此外,盤中RSI仍在其賣出區域內,證實了看跌傾向。因此,在加元1.2585的水平阻力下方,尋找位於加元1.2520的水平支撐位和延伸方向的加元1.2500的進一步疲軟。第三個目標設在11月16日底部1.2485點。只有反彈至1.2585加元的水平阻力上方,才會要求升至1.2605加元的11月11高點,並延伸至1.2630加元。[本文包含Trading Central的意見,不構成個性化的投資建議,也不構成買賣任何證券的邀請或誘因的一部分。提交人已被交易中心禁止購買或以其他方式直接或間接獲得交易中心或其附屬公司向其發出建議的任何工具或市場的任何直接或間接實益所有權。要閲讀更多內容,請訪問。](

0811 GMT - The pound rises to its strongest against the euro since February 2020 after data showed U.K. annual CPI inflation accelerated to 4.2% in October, from 3.1% in September and above the consensus forecast in a WSJ poll of 4.0%. The data points to persistent inflationary pressures and supports the case for the Bank of England to raise interest rates in December, says Sam Cooper, vice president of market risk solutions at Silicon Valley Bank. "Sterling has welcomed the release," he says, but notes "a degree of caution" after the BOE unexpectedly left rates unchanged in November. EUR/GBP is last down 0.3% at 0.8407, having hit a low of 0.8395, according to FactSet. GBP/USD is last at 1.3439, having briefly hit a one-week high of 1.3472. (

0811GMT-英鎊兑歐元匯率升至2020年2月以來的最高水平,此前數據顯示,英國10月份CPI年通脹率從9月份的3.1%加速至4.2%,高於《華爾街日報》(WSJ)調查中4.0%的普遍預測。硅谷銀行負責市場風險解決方案的副總裁Sam Cooper表示,數據直指通脹壓力持續存在,並支持英國央行在12月升息的理由。他表示:“英鎊對此次發行表示歡迎。”但他指出,在英國央行去年11月出人意料地維持利率不變後,英鎊“在一定程度上保持了謹慎”。根據Factset的數據,歐元/英鎊尾盤跌0.3%,報0.8407,此前觸及低點0.8395。英鎊/美元最新報1.3439,此前短暫觸及一週高位1.3472。(

0806 GMT - BNP Paribas Asset Management closed its short position in eurozone sovereign debt because yields rose near to their target, it says. The asset manager, however, remains short in U.S. government debt which it sees as a funding leg for their equity exposure, it says. Being underweight duration is a strategic position in government bonds given the favourable economic outlook, the current low level of yields and the prospects of a normalization of monetary policies, "even if only gradually and cautiously," it says. Duration is a measure of the sensitivity of a bond to changes in interest rates.(


0803 GMT - Singapore's goods export volumes could grow 3.1% in 2022, after an expected 8.9% rise this year, Oxford Economics says. A real-estate-led slowdown in China's growth and ongoing global supply-chain disruptions will likely to continue as obstacles to global trade, it says. The country's total export growth should be driven more by services vs. goods next year as international borders reopen, the economic research company says, forecasting a current account surplus of 18% of GDP in 2022, easing from a near-record level of 20% in 2Q 2021. (

0803GMT-牛津經濟研究院(Oxford Economics)表示,新加坡的商品出口量在2022年可能增長3.1%,今年預計增長8.9%。報告稱,房地產導致的中國經濟增長放緩和持續的全球供應鏈中斷可能會繼續成為全球貿易的障礙。這家經濟研究公司説,隨着國際邊境的重新開放,中國明年的總出口增長應該更多地由服務而不是商品推動。該公司預計,2022年經常賬户盈餘將佔GDP的18%,低於2021年第二季度接近創紀錄的20%的水平。(

0751 GMT - Germany's 0% August 2052 Bund is trading cheap on the German curve, according to JPMorgan. The 30-year Bund is trading with a benchmark roll of around 4.5 basis points, which is close to the upper end of the 30-year benchmark discount range over the past 12 months, JPM strategists Aditya Chordia and Elisabetta Ferrara say. The August 2052 Bund is trading at a yield of 0.10%, according to Tradeweb. The average yield of this Bund at the previous auction on Oct. 13 was 0.35%. (

0751GMT-根據摩根大通(JPMorgan)的數據,德國2052年8月0%的德國國債在德國曲線上的交易價格很便宜。摩根大通(JPM)策略師阿迪亞·喬迪亞(Aditya Chordia)和埃莉薩貝塔·費拉拉(Elisabetta Ferrara)表示,30年期德國國債的基準收益率約為4.5個基點,接近過去12個月30年期基準折價區間的上限。根據Tradeweb的數據,2052年8月的德國國債收益率為0.10%。在10月13日的前次標售中,這隻外幣的平均收益率為0.35%。(

0752 GMT - Islamic State Central Africa Province's latest attacks in the Ugandan capital illustrate a broader deterioration in security, raising fears about the capacity of the coffee-growing nation to counter terror threats, says Ed Hobey-Hamsher, an analyst at Verisk Maplecroft. At least three people were killed and dozens injured in the attacks, claimed by Islamic State, shaking a nation where oil companies are currently implementing multibillion projects to commercialize some of Africa largest undeveloped crude oil reserves. "The coordination of three suicide attacks demonstrates greater capacity than the low-level incidents in October," he says. "Uganda's role as the leading troop contributing country to the African Union Mission in Somalia mean it will remain a highly attractive target for regional Islamist militants." (; @Nicholasbariyo)

格林威治時間0752時-Verisk Maplecroft的分析師Ed Hobey-Hamsher表示,伊斯蘭國中非省最近在烏幹達首都發動的襲擊表明,安全局勢普遍惡化,引發了人們對這個種植咖啡的國家對抗恐怖威脅能力的擔憂。伊斯蘭國聲稱對襲擊事件負責,造成至少3人死亡,數十人受傷,動搖了這個國家。在這個國家,石油公司目前正在實施數十億個項目,將非洲一些最大的未開發原油儲備商業化。他説:“與10月份的低級別事件相比,三起自殺式襲擊的協調能力更強。”“烏幹達是非洲聯盟駐索馬里特派團的主要出兵國,這意味着它仍將是地區伊斯蘭武裝分子的一個極具吸引力的目標。”(;@Nicholasbariyo)

