
TMC THE METALS COMPANY INC. (NASDAQ: TMC) SHAREHOLDER CLASS ACTION FILING DEADLINE- Bernstein Liebhard LLP Reminds Investors of the Deadline to File a Lead Plaintiff Motion in a Securities Class Action Lawsuit Against TMC the metals company Inc.

TMC THE METALS COMPANY INC. (NASDAQ: TMC) SHAREHOLDER CLASS ACTION FILING DEADLINE- Bernstein Liebhard LLP Reminds Investors of the Deadline to File a Lead Plaintiff Motion in a Securities Class Action Lawsuit Against TMC the metals company Inc.

金屬公司TMC。納斯達克(Sequoia Capital:TMC)股東集體訴訟提交截止日期-Bernstein Liebhard LLP提醒投資者,在針對金屬公司TMC的證券集體訴訟中提交牽頭原告動議的截止日期。
PR Newswire ·  2021/11/16 05:36

NEW YORK, Nov. 15, 2021 /PRNewswire/ -- Bernstein Liebhard, a nationally acclaimed investor rights law firm, reminds investors of the deadline to file a lead plaintiff motion no later than December 27, 2021 in a securities class action lawsuit that has been filed on behalf of investors who purchased or acquired the securities of TMC the metals company Inc. ("TMC") (NASDAQ: TMC, TMCWW, SOAC, SOAC.U, SOACWS) f/k/a Sustainable Opportunities Acquisition Corporation) between March 4, 2021 and October 5, 2021, inclusive (the "Class Period"). The lawsuit was filed in the United States District Court for the Eastern District of New York and alleges violations of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934.

紐約2021年11月15日/美通社/--備受全國讚譽的投資者權益律師事務所Bernstein Liebhard提醒投資者,提交主要原告動議的最後期限不晚於2021年12月27日 在代表購買或收購TMC證券的投資者提起的證券集體訴訟中,金屬公司(納斯達克:TMC,TMCWW,SOAC,SOAC.U,SOACWS)f/k/a可持續機會收購公司2021年3月4日2021年10月5日,包括(“上課時間”)。這起訴訟是在美國東區地區法院提起的紐約並指控其違反了1934年的證券交易法。

If you purchased TMC securities, and/or would like to discuss your legal rights and options, please visit TMC the metals company Inc Shareholder Class Action Lawsuit or contact Joe Seidman toll free at (877) 779-1414 or [email protected].

如果你購買了TMC證券,和/或想要討論您的合法權利和選擇權,請訪問TMC The Metal Company Inc股東集體訴訟或聯繫喬·塞德曼免費電話:(877) 779-1414[受電子郵件保護].

TMC is a Canadian deep-sea minerals exploration company focused on the collection, processing, and refining of polymetallic nodules found on the seafloor of the Clarion Clipperton Zone of the Pacific Ocean (the "CCZ"). Deep sea exploration rights are regulated by the International Seabed Authority ("ISA"). TMC's primary assets are three exploration licenses granted by the ISA. These licenses, which are held via three subsidiaries, are: (i) Nauru Ocean Resources Inc. ("NORI"); (ii) Marawa Research and Exploration Limited ("Marawa"); and (iii) Tongo Offshore Mining Limited ("TOML").

TMC是一家加拿大深海礦產勘探公司,專注於收集、加工和提煉太平洋克拉里昂克利珀頓區(CCZ)海底發現的多金屬結核。深海勘探權由國際海底管理局(“ISA”)監管。TMC的主要資產是ISA授予的三個勘探許可證。這些許可證通過三家子公司持有,它們是:(I)瑙魯海洋資源公司(“Nori”);(Ii)Marawa Research and Explore Limited(“Marawa”);以及(Iii)Tongo Offshore Mining Limited(“TOML”)。

According to the complaint, Defendants made false and/or misleading statements and failed to disclose, among other things, that: (1) TMC had significantly overpaid undisclosed insiders to acquire TOML; (2) TMC artificially inflated its NORI exploration expenditures to give investors a false scale of its operations; (3) TMC's purported 100% interest in NORI was questionable given prior disclosures to the ISA that NORI was wholly owned by two Nauruan foundations, and that all future income from NORI would be used in Nauru; (4) there were serious environmental risks of deep-sea mining polymetallic nodules; (5) TMC's private investment in public equity (PIPE) financing was not fully committed and, therefore, TMC would not have the cash necessary for large sale commercial production; and (6) TMC's valuation was significantly less than Defendants represented.


On September 13, 2021, Bloomberg published an article revealing that two investors had failed to provide $330 million as part of the PIPE component of TMC's go-public deal. The article also questioned TMC's "green credentials," revealing that "[e]nvironmentalists claim that TMC's activities will damage sensitive ecosystems and destroy vital biodiversity" and that "[s]ince the SPAC deal was announced in March, more than 500 scientists have signed a letter calling for a moratorium on deep-sea mining until the environmental risks are better understood." On this news, TMC's shares fell $2.45 per share, or over 20%, damaging investors.


On October 6, 2021, before market hours, market research firm Bonitas Research released a report detailing multiple issues plaguing TMC, including that it had overpaid on licenses to potential undisclosed insiders, had artificially inflated exploration expenses by more than 100%, had questionable ownership claims to NORI, and had a history of affiliating with bad actors. On this news, TMC shares fell another 7%, further damaging investors.

2021年10月6日,在開市時間之前,市場研究公司Bonitas Research發佈了一份報告,詳細列出了困擾TMC的多個問題,包括它向潛在的未披露的內部人士支付過高的許可證價格,人為地將勘探費用誇大了100%以上,對Nori的所有權主張有問題,以及有與不良行為者勾結的歷史。受此消息影響,臺積電股價再跌7%,進一步損及投資者。

If you wish to serve as lead plaintiff, you must move the Court no later than December 27, 2021. A lead plaintiff is a representative party acting on behalf of other class members in directing the litigation. Your ability to share in any recovery doesn't require that you serve as lead plaintiff. If you choose to take no action, you may remain an absent class member.


If you purchased TMC the metals company Inc. securities, and/or would like to discuss your legal rights and options please visit or contact Joe Seidman toll free at (877) 779-1414 or [email protected].

如果你購買了TMC金屬公司的證券,和/或想討論您的合法權利和選擇權請訪問或聯繫喬·塞德曼免費電話:(877) 779-1414[受電子郵件保護].

Since 1993, Bernstein Liebhard LLP has recovered over $3.5 billion for its clients. In addition to representing individual investors, the Firm has been retained by some of the largest public and private pension funds in the country to monitor their assets and pursue litigation on their behalf. As a result of its success litigating hundreds of lawsuits and class actions, the Firm has been named to The National Law Journal's "Plaintiffs' Hot List" thirteen times and listed in The Legal 500 for ten consecutive years.

自1993年以來,Bernstein Liebhard LLP已經為其客户收回了超過35億美元。除了代表個人投資者,該公司還被美國一些最大的公共和私人養老基金聘請,以監督他們的資產並代表他們提起訴訟。由於成功地提起了數百起訴訟和集體訴訟,該律師事務所已13次入選《國家法律期刊》的“原告熱門名單”,並連續十年躋身法律500強。

ATTORNEY ADVERTISING. © 2021 Bernstein Liebhard LLP. The law firm responsible for this advertisement is Bernstein Liebhard LLP, 10 East 40th Street, New York, New York 10016, (212) 779-1414. The lawyer responsible for this advertisement in the State of Connecticut is Michael S. Bigin. Prior results do not guarantee or predict a similar outcome with respect to any future matter.

律師廣告。©2021 Bernstein Liebhard LLP。負責這則廣告的律師事務所是Bernstein Liebhard LLP,地址:紐約東40街10號,郵編:10016,電話:(212)779-1414.負責《紐約時報》上這則廣告的律師康涅狄格州是邁克爾·S·比金。先前的結果不能保證或預測未來任何事情都會出現類似的結果。

Contact Information:


Joe Seidman
Bernstein Liebhard LLP
(877) 779-1414
[email protected]

喬·塞德曼伯恩斯坦·利布哈德律師事務所Https:// 779-1414[受電子郵件保護]

SOURCE Bernstein Liebhard LLP

來源Bernstein Liebhard LLP

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