
Press Release: CubicFarm Systems Corp. Announces Q3 Results

Press Release: CubicFarm Systems Corp. Announces Q3 Results

新聞稿:Cubi Farm Systems Corp.公佈第三季度業績
Dow Jones Newswires ·  2021/11/15 22:00

CubicFarm Systems Corp. Announces Q3 Results

Cubi Farm系統公司公佈第三季度業績

Canada NewsWire


VANCOUVER, BC, Nov. 15, 2021


-- Over $53 Million System Sales Pending Installation
-- Additional $17.5 Million HydroGreen System Commitments

VANCOUVER, BC, Nov. 15, 2021 /CNW/ - CubicFarm(R) Systems Corp. ("CubicFarms" or the "Company") (TSX: CUB), the leader in local chain agricultural technology, today reported its third quarter financial and operating results for the three and nine months ended September 30, 2021.

温哥華不列顛哥倫比亞省温哥華,2021年11月15日/cnw/-當地連鎖農業技術的領先企業Cubi Farm(R)Systems Corp.(以下簡稱“Cubi Farm”或“公司”)(多倫多證券交易所市場代碼:CUB)今天公佈了截至2021年9月30日的第三季度財務和經營業績。

"The Company continues to make steady progress on the planned equipment upgrades and improvements to automation and scalability for our Farmer Partners," said Tim Fernback, Chief Financial Officer, CubicFarms. "As with most global manufacturing and shipping timelines, CubicFarms witnessed the effects of supply chain delays in the third quarter of 2021, with planned revenue shifted from 2021 to 2022. Site readiness is underway, with three CubicFarm System installations of a total of 50 modules scheduled in 2022. The Company also has commitments for more than 80 HydroGreen Grow System modules from the HydroGreen Dealer Network, with revenue recognized once installations are complete."

Cubi Farm公司首席財務官蒂姆·費恩巴克説:“公司繼續穩步推進為我們的農民合作伙伴計劃的設備升級和自動化和可伸縮性改進。”與大多數全球製造和發貨時間表一樣,CudicFarm在2021年第三季度見證了供應鏈延遲的影響,計劃收入從2021年轉移到2022年。現場準備工作正在進行中,計劃在2022年安裝3個Cubi Farm系統,總共50個模塊。公司還承諾從Water Green經銷商網絡購買80多個Water Green Growth系統模塊,一旦安裝完成,收入就會確認。

"The Company is positioned for continued growth during this expansion phase of the business," said Jeff Booth, Chair of CubicFarms' Board of Directors. "The first FreshHub will be the largest project to date for CubicFarms with an innovative and efficient design. The recently announced HydroGreen Certified Dealer Network is attracting highly-qualified new customers connected to the dealers, known as trusted consultants within the agriculture industry."

Cubi Farm公司董事會主席傑夫·布斯説:“在業務的這一擴張階段,公司做好了持續增長的準備。第一個FreshHub將是Cubi Farm迄今為止最大的項目,具有創新和高效的設計。最近宣佈的Water Green認證交易商網絡正在吸引與經銷商有關的高素質新客户,這些客户被稱為農業行業內值得信賴的顧問。“

Third Quarter Financial Results


-- The Company currently has a total of 272 modules pending installation.
System sales pending manufacturing and installation are valued at
approximately $53 million.
-- An additional $17.5 million in HydroGreen Certified Dealer commitments
for 2022, representing more than 80 HydroGreen Grow System modules.
-- Revenue for the three months ended September 30, 2021, was $191,157.
Revenue was $4,453,972 in the nine months ended September 30, 2021, and
includes HydroGreen equipment, customer seeds and other consumables, as
well as CubicFarm Gardens consulting services sold in the period.
-- The Company increased its workforce from 71 to 150 full-time employees
and contractors as of September 30, 2021.
-- Working capital increased from $15,244,610 as of December 31, 2020, to
$19,803,440 as of September 30, 2021, an increase of 30%.
-- Net loss for the three months ended September 30, 2021, was $7,964,949, a
111% increase from the same period ending September 30, 2020. For the
nine months ended September 30, 2021, the net loss was $18,114,078, an
89% increase from the same period of the previous calendar year.
-- Research and development (R&D) expenses of $1,825,097 were incurred in
the three months ended September 30, 2021, an increase of 71% from the
same period of the previous calendar year.
-- General administrative expenses increased 104% to $5,051,894 for the
three months ended September 30, 2021, reflecting the continued expansion
of the Company's business and necessary staffing additions.
--該公司目前共有272個模塊等待安裝。待制造和安裝的系統銷售額為大約5300萬美元。-額外1750萬美元的Water Green註冊經銷商承諾2022年,代表了80多個水生綠色種植系統模塊。--截至2021年9月30日的三個月的收入為191,157美元。截至2021年9月30日的9個月收入為4453,972美元,以及包括Water Green設備、客户種子和其他消耗品,如以及在此期間出售的Cubi Farm Gardens諮詢服務。--公司全職員工從71人增加到150人和承包商,截至2021年9月30日。-營運資本從截至2020年12月31日的15,244,610美元增加到截至2021年9月30日,19,803,440美元,增長30%。-截至2021年9月30日的三個月的淨虧損為7964949美元與截至2020年9月30日的同期相比增長了111%。對於截至2021年9月30日的9個月,淨虧損為18,114,078美元,比上一歷年同期增長89%。-研究與開發(R&D)費用1825,097美元截至2021年9月30日的三個月,同比增長71%與上一歷年同期。-一般行政費用增長104%,達到5051,894美元截至2021年9月30日的三個月,反映出繼續擴張公司的業務和必要的人員補充。

Third Quarter Operational Highlights


-- On August 18, 2021, the Company was selected as winner of the "Overall
Indoor Farming Solution Provider of the Year" award in the 2021 AgTech
Breakthrough Awards conducted by AgTech Breakthrough, a leading market
intelligence organization that recognizes the top companies, technologies,
and products in the global AgTech market.
-- On August 31, 2021, the Company announced that it has selected
Microsoft's technology to launch the next generation of indoor farming
technologies for fresh food and fresh livestock feed. CubicFarms is
working with Microsoft and using Microsoft Azure IoT ("Internet of
Things") as a key part of the Company's enterprise level platform.
CubicFarms selected Azure IoT to give the Company the flexibility
necessary to develop custom modules that support diverse hardware and
device requirements, while also delivering regulatory and compliance
security to keep data secure.
-- On September 1, 2021, the Company announced interest in a new project to
deliver 96 CubicFarm System modules, the Company's largest project to
date. This next generation high-density system, called FreshHub, is the
next level of indoor growing aiming to significantly localize food
production. Leveraging the land and water efficiencies of the CubicFarm
System technology, the new stacked configuration of this FreshHub will
include 96 modules occupying one acre of land. New features of this
FreshHub include a new agricultural building design that reduces capital
costs, new farm infrastructure, workflow design, automation components,
and proprietary software.
-- On September 1, 2021, the Company announced that its common shares
commenced trading on the TSX as of the opening of trading on Wednesday,
September 1, 2021. The Company's common shares continue to trade under
the symbol "CUB," which ceased trading on the TSXV concurrent with the
commencement of trading on the TSX.
-- On September 7, 2021, the Business Intelligence Group named the
HydroGreen Grow System as "Sustainability Product of the Year" in the
2021 Sustainability Awards program. The Sustainability Awards honour
those people, teams, and organizations who have made sustainability an
integral part of their business practice or overall mission.
-- The Company is contributing to the Sustainable Development Goals outlined
by the United Nations and will expand its reporting in future quarters to
include Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG).
--2021年8月18日,本公司被評選為“總冠軍”2021年AgTech年度室內農業解決方案提供商獎由領先市場AgTech Breakthrough舉辦的突破性大獎一個智能組織,它認可頂尖的公司、技術、和產品進入全球雅培市場。-2021年8月31日,公司宣佈已選擇微軟的技術將推出下一代室內農業新鮮食品和新鮮牲畜飼料的技術。立方體農場是與Microsoft合作並使用Microsoft Azure IoT(“互聯網物聯網“)是公司企業級平臺的重要組成部分。Cubi Farm選擇Azure IoT為公司提供靈活性開發支持各種硬件和設備要求,同時提供合規性和合規性確保數據安全的安全性。-2021年9月1日,公司宣佈對一個新項目感興趣,以交付96個Cubi Farm系統模塊,這是該公司最大的項目約會。這種名為FreshHub的下一代高密度系統是旨在顯著本地化食品的下一級室內種植製作。利用Cubi Farm的土地和水資源效率系統技術,此FreshHub的新堆疊配置將包括96個模塊,佔地1英畝。它的新功能FreshHub包括一種新的農業建築設計,可以減少資金成本、新的農場基礎設施、工作流程設計、自動化組件和專有軟件。-2021年9月1日,公司宣佈其普通股自週三開盤起在多倫多證交所開始交易,2021年9月1日該公司普通股的交易價格繼續低於多倫多證券交易所(TSXV)停止交易的代碼是“幼崽”(Cub),它與多倫多證交所的在多倫多證券交易所開始交易。-2021年9月7日,商業智能集團命名水綠種植系統榮獲“年度可持續發展產品”稱號2021年可持續發展獎計劃。可持續發展獎榮譽那些使可持續發展成為現實的人、團隊和組織作為其業務實踐或整體使命的組成部分。-公司正在為制定的可持續發展目標做出貢獻並將在未來幾個季度將其報告範圍擴大到包括環境、社會和治理(ESG)。

The Company's third quarter financial statements and management's discussion and analysis will be issued and filed on SEDAR at on November 15, 2021, and will be available on the same day on CubicFarms' website at

公司第三季度財務報表以及管理層的討論和分析將於2021年11月15日在SEDAR網站www.sedar.com上發佈和提交,並將於同一天在Cubi Farm公司的網站上公佈,網址為

About CubicFarms

關於Cubi Farm

CubicFarms is the leader in local chain agricultural technology, developing and deploying technology to feed a changing world. Its proprietary ag-tech solutions enable growers to produce high quality, predictable produce and fresh livestock feed with HydroGreen Nutrition Technology, a division of CubicFarm Systems Corp. The CubicFarms(TM) system contains patented technology for growing leafy greens and other crops onsite, indoors, all year round. CubicFarms provides an efficient, localized food supply solution that benefits our people, planet, and economy.

Cubi Farm是當地連鎖農業技術的領先者,開發和部署技術以滿足不斷變化的世界。該公司專有的農業技術解決方案使種植者能夠利用Cubi Farm Systems Corp.的一個部門--Water Green Nutrition Technology生產高質量、可預測的農產品和新鮮牲畜飼料。Cubi Farm(TM)系統包含一項專利技術,可在現場、室內和全年種植綠葉蔬菜和其他作物。Cubi Farm提供了一種高效、本地化的食品供應解決方案,造福於我們的人民、地球和經濟。

For more information, please visit


On behalf of the Board of Directors


"Dave Dinesen"

“戴夫·迪納森”(Dave Dinesen)

Dave Dinesen, Chief Executive Officer

首席執行官戴夫·迪內森(Dave Dinesen)

This release may contain certain "forward-looking statements" or "forward-looking information" under applicable securities laws. Forward-looking terms such as "may," "will," "could," "should," "would," "plan," "potential," "intend," "anticipate," "project," "target," "believe," "plan," "outlook," "estimate," or "expect" and other words, terms and phrases of similar nature are often intended to identify forward-looking statements, although not all forward-looking statements contain these identifying words. Forward-looking statements are based on certain key expectations and assumptions made by the Company. Although management of the Company believes that the expectations and assumptions on which such forward-looking statements are based are reasonable, undue reliance should not be placed on the forward-looking statements because the Company can give no assurance that they will prove to be correct.


SOURCE CubicFarm Systems Corp.


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Media Contact: Andrea Magee, T: 236.885.7608, E:; Investor Contact: Tom Liston, T: 416.721.9531, E:

媒體聯繫人:安德里亞·馬吉(Andrea Magee)電話:236.885.7608電子郵件:andrea.magee@cucuicfarms.com投資者聯繫人:湯姆·利斯頓(Tom Liston)電話:416.721.9531電子郵件

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