
Press Release: CI Global Asset Management Announces November 2021 Distributions for CI ETFs

Press Release: CI Global Asset Management Announces November 2021 Distributions for CI ETFs

新聞稿:CI 全球資產管理公司宣佈2021年11月CI ETF的分配
Dow Jones Newswires ·  2021/11/15 20:01

CI Global Asset Management Announces November 2021 Distributions for CI ETFs

CI 全球資產管理公司宣佈2021年11月CI ETF的分配

CI Global Asset Management Announces November 2021 Distributions for CI ETFs

CI 全球資產管理公司宣佈2021年11月CI ETF的分配

TORONTO--(BUSINESS WIRE)--November 15, 2021--


CI Global Asset Management ("CI GAM") announces the following regular cash distributions for the month ending November 30, 2021 in respect of CI ETFs. In all cases, the distribution will be paid on or before November 30, 2021 to unitholders of record on November 24, 2021. The ex-dividend date for all ETFs is November 23, 2021, with the exception of CI High Interest Savings ETF, which has an ex-dividend date of November 24, 2021.

CI Global Asset Management(“CI GAM”)宣佈,截至2021年11月30日,CI ETF的以下定期現金分配。在任何情況下,分配將在2021年11月30日當天或之前支付給2021年11月24日的登記單位持有人。所有ETF的除息日均爲2021年11月23日,CI高息儲蓄ETF除外,其除息日爲2021年11月24日。

                                                          Distribution Amount 
Trading Symbol (per unit)
------------------------------------- ---------------- ---------------------
CI Canadian Convertible Bond ETF CXF $0.0400
------------------------------------- ---------------- ---------------------
CI Active Utility & Infrastructure
ETF FAI $0.0444
------------------------------------- ---------------- ---------------------
CI Active Credit ETF FAO $0.0450
------------------------------------- ---------------- ---------------------
FAO.U $0.0450 (US$)
------------------------------------- ---------------- ---------------------
CI Active Canadian Dividend ETF FDV $0.0312
------------------------------------- ---------------- ---------------------
CI Short Term Government Bond Index
Class ETF FGB $0.0268
------------------------------------- ---------------- ---------------------
CI Investment Grade Bond ETF FIG $0.0320
------------------------------------- ---------------- ---------------------
FIG.U $0.0248 (US$)
------------------------------------- ---------------- ---------------------
CI Preferred Share ETF FPR $0.0768
------------------------------------- ---------------- ---------------------
CI Enhanced Short Duration Bond Fund
(ETF Series) FSB $0.0150
------------------------------------- ---------------- ---------------------
FSB.U $0.0150 (US$)
------------------------------------- ---------------- ---------------------
CI Canadian REIT ETF RIT $0.0675
------------------------------------- ---------------- ---------------------
CI Global Asset Allocation Private
Pool (ETF Series) CGAA $0.0300
------------------------------------- ---------------- ---------------------
CI High Interest Savings ETF CSAV $0.0221
------------------------------------- ---------------- ---------------------
CI Alternative Investment Grade
Credit Fund (ETF Series) CRED $0.0500
------------------------------------- ---------------- ---------------------
CRED.U $0.0500 (US$)
------------------------------------- ---------------- ---------------------
CI Marret Alternative Absolute
Return Bond Fund (ETF Series) CMAR $0.0500
------------------------------------- ---------------- ---------------------
CMAR.U $0.0500 (US$)
------------------------------------- ---------------- ---------------------
CI Marret Alternative Enhanced Yield
Fund (ETF Series) CMEY $0.0510
------------------------------------- ---------------- ---------------------
CMEY.U $0.0510 (US$)
------------------------------------- ---------------- ---------------------
CI Global REIT Private Pool (ETF
Series) CGRE $0.0860
------------------------------------- ---------------- ---------------------
CI Global Infrastructure Private
Pool (ETF Series) CINF $0.0690
------------------------------------- ---------------- ---------------------
CI Global Real Asset Private Pool
(ETF Series) CGRA $0.0770
------------------------------------- ---------------- ---------------------
CI DoubleLine Core Plus Fixed Income
US$ Fund (ETF Series) CCOR $0.0297
------------------------------------- ---------------- ---------------------
CCOR.B $0.0267
------------------------------------------------------ ---------------------
CCOR.U $0.0298 (US$)
------------------------------------- ---------------- ---------------------
CI DoubleLine Income US$ Fund (ETF
Series) CINC $0.1002
------------------------------------- ---------------- ---------------------
CINC.B $0.0902
------------------------------------------------------ ---------------------
CINC.U $0.1005 (US$)
------------------------------------- ---------------- ---------------------
CI DoubleLine Total Return Bond US$
Fund (ETF Series) CDLB $0.0442
------------------------------------- ---------------- ---------------------
CDLB.B $0.0397
------------------------------------------------------ ---------------------
CDLB.U $0.0443 (US$)
------------------------------------- ---------------- ---------------------
CI U.S. Treasury Inflation-linked
Bond Index ETF (CAD Hedged) CTIP $0.0407
------------------------------------- ---------------- ---------------------
CI Alternative Diversified
Opportunities Fund (ETF Series) CMDO $0.0500
------------------------------------- ---------------- ---------------------
CMDO.U $0.0500 (US$)
------------------------------------- ---------------- ---------------------
CI Yield Enhanced Canada Aggregate
Bond Index ETF CAGG $0.0978
------------------------------------- ---------------- ---------------------
CI Yield Enhanced Canada Short-Term
Aggregate Bond Index ETF CAGS $0.0707
------------------------------------- ---------------- ---------------------
CI ONE North American Core Plus Bond
ETF ONEB $0.1660
------------------------------------- ---------------- ---------------------
CI 加拿大可轉換債券 ETF 0.0400 美元
CI 活性公用事業和基礎設施
ETF FAI 0.0444 美元
CI 活躍信貸 ETF 糧農組織 0.0450 美元
FAO.U 0.0450 美元(美元)
CI Active 加拿大股息 ETF FDV 0.0312 美元
CI 短期政府債券指數
Class ETF FGB 0.0268 美元
CI 投資級債券 ETF 圖 0.0320
FIG.U 0.0248 美元(美元)
CI 優先股 ETF 的售價爲 0.0768 美元
CI 增強型短期債券基金
(ETF 系列)FSB 0.0150 美元
FSB.U 0.0150 美元(美元)
CI 加拿大房地產投資信託基金 RIT 0.0675 美元
CI 全球資產配置私募股
Pool(ETF 系列)CGAA 0.0300 美元
CI 高息儲蓄 ETF CSAV 0.0221 美元
CI 另類投資等級
信貸基金(ETF 系列)CRED 0.0500 美元
CRED.U 0.0500 美元(美元)
CI Marret 絕對替代品
回報債券基金(ETF 系列)CMAR 0.0500
CMAR.U 0.0500 美元(美元)
CI Marret 另類投資提高了收益率
基金(ETF 系列)CMEY 0.0510 美元
CMEY.U 0.0510 美元(美元)
CI Global REIT 私人池 (ETF)
系列) CGRE 0.0860 美元
CI 全球基礎設施私有
Pool(ETF 系列)CINF 0.0690 美元
CI 全球不動產私募池
(ETF 系列)CGRA 0.0770 美元
CI DoubleLine CorePlus
美元基金(ETF 系列)CCOR 0.0297 美元
CCOR.B 0.0267 美元
CCOR.U 0.0298 美元(美元)
CI DoubleLine Income 美元基金 (ETF)
系列) CINC 0.1002 美元
CINC.B 0.0902 美元
CINC.U 0.1005 美元(美元)
CI DoubleLine 總回報債券(美元)
基金(ETF 系列)CDLB 0.0442 美元
CDLB.B 0.0397 美元
CDLB.U 0.0443 美元(美元)
CI 美國財政部與通脹掛鉤
債券指數 ETF(加元對沖)CTIP 0.0407 美元
CI 替代方案多元化
機會基金(ETF 系列)CMDO 0.0500 美元
CMDO.U 0.0500 美元(美元)
CI 收益率增強型加拿大綜合指數
債券指數 ETF CAGG 0.0978 美元
CI 收益率增強加拿大短期債券
綜合債券指數 ETF CAGS 0.0707 美元
CI ONE 北美 Core Plus 債券
ETF ONEB 0.1660 美元

Supporting investors' needs


Stay in the market, minimize costs, and take advantage of a smart, simple and efficient feature designed to support investors' needs. The CI Distribution Reinvestment Plan (DRIP) will automatically reinvest cash distributions into the CI ETF making the distribution. All of the distributions indicated in the table above will be paid in cash unless the unitholder has enrolled in the applicable DRIP of the respective ETF. For more information on how to enroll in DRIP and other considerations, please see the applicable ETF's prospectus.

留在市場上,最大限度地降低成本,並利用旨在支持投資者需求的智能、簡單和高效的功能。CI分配再投資計劃(DRIP)將自動將現金分配再投資到進行分配的CI ETF中。除非單位持有人已註冊相應ETF的適用DRIP,否則上表中顯示的所有分配都將以現金支付。有關如何註冊DRIP和其他注意事項的更多信息,請參閱相應的ETF的招股說明書。

About CI Global Asset Management

關於 CI 全球資產管理

CI Global Asset Management is one of Canada's largest investment management companies. It offers a wide range of investment products and services and is on the web at CI Global Asset Management is a subsidiary of CI Financial Corp. (TSX: CIX, NYSE: CIXX), an independent company offering global asset management and wealth management advisory services with $331.8 billion in total assets as of October 31, 2021.

CI Global Asset Management 是加拿大最大的投資管理公司之一。它提供廣泛的投資產品和服務,可在網址上找到。CI Global Asset Management是CI Financial Corp.(多倫多證券交易所股票代碼:CIX,紐約證券交易所代碼:CIXX)的子公司,CI Financial Corp. 是一家提供全球資產管理和財富管理諮詢服務的獨立公司,截至2021年10月31日,總資產爲3,318億美元。

This communication is intended for informational purposes only and does not constitute an offer to sell or the solicitation of an offer to purchase exchange-traded funds (ETFs) managed by CI Global Asset Management and is not, and should not be construed as, investment, tax, legal or accounting advice, and should not be relied upon in that regard. Individuals should seek the advice of professionals, as appropriate, regarding any particular investment. Investors should consult their professional advisors prior to implementing any changes to their investment strategies. These investments may not be suitable to the circumstances of an investor. Some conditions apply.

本通訊僅供參考,不構成出售或徵求收購由CI Global Asset Management管理的交易所交易基金(ETF)的要約,也不應被解釋爲投資、稅務、法律或會計建議,在這方面不應作爲依據。個人應就任何特定投資酌情徵求專業人士的意見。投資者在實施任何投資策略變更之前,應諮詢其專業顧問。這些投資可能不適合投資者的情況。某些條件適用。

Commissions, management fees and expenses all may be associated with an investment in ETFs. You will usually pay brokerage fees to your dealer if you purchase or sell units of an ETF on recognized Canadian exchanges. If the units are purchased or sold on these Canadian exchanges, investors may pay more than the current net asset value when buying units of the ETF and may receive less than the current net asset value when selling them. Please read the prospectus before investing. Important information about an exchange-traded fund (ETF) is contained in its prospectus. ETFs are not guaranteed; their values change frequently and past performance may not be repeated.


CI Global Asset Management is a registered business name of CI Investments Inc.

CI 全球資產管理是 CI Investments Inc. 的註冊公司名稱。

(c)CI Investments Inc. 2021. All rights reserved.

(c) CI Investments Inc. 2021。版權所有。

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    CONTACT:    Murray Oxby 

Vice-President, Corporate Communications


CI Global Asset Management

CI 全球資產管理



