
Generali Profit, Premiums Rose Ahead of Views Despite High Catastrophe Claims

Generali Profit, Premiums Rose Ahead of Views Despite High Catastrophe Claims

Dow Jones Newswires ·  2021/11/11 15:00

By Ed Frankl


Assicurazioni Generali SpA said Thursday that net profit and premiums written topped expectations in the first nine months of the year, despite high natural-catastrophe claims.

忠意保險 SPA 協會週四表示,淨利潤和保費書面在今年的前九個月突破預期, 儘管高自然災難索賠.

Italy's largest insurer said January-September net profit was 2.25 billion euros ($2.58 billion), up from EUR1.30 billion in the same period last year.

意大利最大的保險公司表示,1 月至 9 月的淨利潤為 22.5 億歐元(25.8 億美元),較去年同期的 13 億歐元上升。

Gross written premiums rose 6.4% to EUR54.9 billion, with Generali's Life and Property & Casualty segments increasing 6.5% and 6.2% respectively.

書面保費毛額上升 6.4% 至 549 億歐元,忠意保險的人壽及財產保險分部分別上升 6.5% 及 6.2%。

The figures topped expectations of net profit at EUR2.13 billion and premiums written at EUR53.98 billion.

這些數字突破了預期的淨利潤為 2.13 億歐元,保費為 53.98 億歐元。

Its operating result was EUR4.43 billion, with Life and Asset Management performing strongly, and P&C making a positive contribution despite high natural-catastrophe claims, Generali said. Analysts had predicted an operating result of EUR4.24 billion.

忠利公司表示,其經營業績為 44.3 億歐元,人壽和資產管理表現強勁,儘管有很高的自然災難索賠,但 P&C 仍作出了積極貢獻。分析師預測,營運結果為 424 億歐元。

Natural-catastrophe claims totalled EUR486 million in the period, well above EUR213 million in the first nine months of 2020, and included storms in Spain in January and devastating floods in central Europe in July.

在此期間,自然災難的索賠總額為 EUR486 百萬,遠高於 2020 年前九個月的 EUR213 百萬,其中包括 1 月份在西班牙發生的風暴和 7 月中歐的毀滅性洪水。

The company's solvency ratio--a measure of capital strength--was 233% in the period, compared with 224% last year.

該公司的償付能力比率-A 衡量資本實力-在期內為 233%,去年為 224%。

Generali confirmed its target of annual compound growth in 2018-2021 of earnings per share of between 6% and 8%. It also said the cumulative dividend target for 2019-21 of between EUR4.5 billion and EUR5 billion has been achieved.

忠意保險於 2018-2021 年確認其年複合增長目標,每股盈利在 6% 至 8% 之間。它還表示,2019-21 年度的累計股息目標已達到 45 億歐元至 50 億歐元之間。

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