
Press Release: Headwater Exploration Inc. Announces 2022 Budget, 2021 Guidance Update, Third Quarter Financial Results and Operational Update

Press Release: Headwater Exploration Inc. Announces 2022 Budget, 2021 Guidance Update, Third Quarter Financial Results and Operational Update

新聞稿:Headwater Explore Inc.宣佈2022年預算、2021年指導更新、第三季度財務業績和運營更新
Dow Jones Newswires ·  2021/11/11 06:12

Headwater Exploration Inc. Announces 2022 Budget, 2021 Guidance Update, Third Quarter Financial Results and Operational Update

Headwater Explore Inc.宣佈2022年預算、2021年指導更新、第三季度財務業績和運營更新

Canada NewsWire


CALGARY, AB, Nov. 10, 2021


CALGARY, AB, Nov. 10, 2021 /CNW/ - Headwater Exploration Inc. (the "Company" or "Headwater") (TSX: HWX) is pleased to announce its operating and financial results for the three and nine months ended September 30, 2021. Selected financial and operational information is outlined below and should be read in conjunction with the unaudited condensed interim financial statements and the related management's discussion and analysis ("MD&A"). These filings will be available at and the Company's website at

卡爾加里,AB,2021年11月10日/cnw/-Headwater Explore Inc.(以下簡稱“公司”或“Headwater”)(多倫多證券交易所市場代碼:HWX)高興地宣佈了截至2021年9月30日的三個月和九個月的經營和財務業績。精選的財務及營運資料概述如下,並應與未經審核的簡明中期財務報表及相關管理層的討論及分析(“MD&A”)一併閲讀。這些文件可在www.sedar.com和公司網站www.headwater exp.com上查閲。

Financial and Operating Highlights


                               Three months              Nine months 
endedSeptember 30, endedSeptember 30,
2021 2020 2021 2020
Financial (thousands of
dollars except share data)
Sales, net of blending (1) 48,841 - 109,392 2,873
Cash flow provided by
operating activities 27,888 (364) 63,903 1,681
Per share - basic 0.14 (0.00) 0.32 0.01
(3) 0.12 (0.00) 0.27 0.01
Adjusted funds flow (used
in) from operations (2) 31,524 (837) 69,185 3,966
Per share - basic 0.16 (0.01) 0.35 0.03
(3) 0.13 (0.01) 0.29 0.03
Net income (loss) 26,106 (1,723) 17,901 (10,212)
Per share - basic 0.13 (0.01) 0.09 (0.08)
diluted 0.12 (0.01) 0.08 (0.08)
Adjusted net income (loss)
(2) 28,868 (1,723) 45,831 (10,212)
Per share - basic 0.14 (0.01) 0.23 (0.08)
(3) 0.12 (0.01) 0.19 (0.06)
Capital expenditures 37,293 61 91,346 529
Adjusted working capital (2) 63,709 112,667
Shareholders' equity 295,528 155,148
Weighted average shares
Basic 202,313 145,044 198,385 131,997
Diluted 218,190 145,044 214,166 131,997
Shares outstanding, end of
period (thousands)
Basic 202,466 145,044
Diluted (4) 240,447 158,627
Operating (6:1 boe
Average daily production
Heavy crude oil (bbls/d) 7,637 - 5,751 -
Natural gas (mmcf/d) 0.3 - 3.7 3.7
Natural gas liquids
(bbls/d) - - 3 2
Barrels of oil equivalent
(5) (boe/d) 7,688 - 6,363 625
Average daily sales (6)
(boe/d) 7,613 - 6,355 625
Netbacks ($/boe) (7)
Sales, net of blending
(1) 69.73 - 63.05 16.76
Royalties (10.46) - (8.66) (0.42)
Transportation (1) (8.68) - (7.86) -
Production expenses (4.42) - (4.88) (9.92)
Field netback (2) 46.17 - 41.65 6.42
Realized gains on
financial derivatives - - (0.23) 22.97
Operating netback (2) 46.17 - 41.42 29.39
General and
administrative expense (1.40) - (1.61) (12.44)
Interest income and
other (8) 0.24 - 0.08 6.19
Adjusted funds flow netback
(2) 45.01 - 39.89 23.14
(1) Heavy oil sales are netted with blending expense to
compare the realized price to benchmark pricing while
transportation expense is shown separately. In the
interim condensed financial statements blending is
recorded within blending and transportation expense.
(2) See "Non-IFRS Measures" and "Operating Metrics".
(3) Calculated based on fully diluted shares outstanding
for both the three and nine months ended September
30, 2021 (refer to note (4)).
(4) Includes in-the-money dilutive instruments as at September
30, 2021 which include 7.6 million stock options with
a weighted average exercise price of $1.63, 15.4 million
warrants issued pursuant to the recapitalization transaction
with an exercise price of $0.92 and 15 million warrants
with an exercise price of $2.00.
(5) See '"Barrels of Oil Equivalent."
(6) Includes sales of unblended heavy crude oil, natural
gas and natural gas liquids. The Company's heavy crude
oil sales and production volumes differ due to changes
in inventory.
(7) Netbacks are calculated using average sales volumes.
(8) Excludes accretion on decommissioning liabilities
and interest on lease liability.
三個月九個月截止到9月30日,截止到9月30日,                              2021     2020             2021     2020 財務(數以千計美元(共享數據除外)銷售額,扣除混合(1)48,841-109,392,873現金流由經營活動27,888(364)63,903,681每股-基本0.14(0.00)0.32 0.01                    - 稀釋                     (3)         0.12           (0.00)     0.27             0.01 調整後的資金流(已使用In)業務(2)31,524(837)69,185 3,966每股-基本0.16(0.01)0.35 0.03                    - 稀釋                     (3)         0.13           (0.01)     0.29             0.03 淨收益(虧損)26,106(1,723)17,901(10,212)每股-基本0.13(0.01)0.09(0.08)                    - 稀釋0.12(0.01)0.08(0.08)調整後淨收益(虧損) (2)                           28,868          (1,723)   45,831         (10,212) 每股-基本0.14(0.01)0.23(0.08)                    - 稀釋                     (3)         0.12           (0.01)     0.19           (0.06) 資本開支37,293 61 91,346 529調整後營運資金(2)63,709 112,667股東權益295,528 155,148加權平均股份(千人)基本信息202,313 145,044 198,385 131,997稀釋218,190 145,044 214,166 131,997流通股,結束期間(千)基本202,466 145,044稀釋(4)240,447 158,627操作中(6:1 boe轉換)日均產量重質原油(Bbls/d)7637-5751-天然氣(mmcf/d)0.3-3.7 3.7天然氣液體(bbls/d)--3 2桶油當量(5)(boe/d)7,688-6,363 625日均銷售額(6)(英國央行/日)7,613-6,355 625淨收益(美元/boe)(7)運營中銷售額(扣除混合因素)     (1)                        69.73                -    63.05            16.76 版税(10.46)-(8.66)(0.42)交通(1)(8.68)-(7.86)-生產費用(4.42)-(4.88)(9.92)場上淨後衞(2)46.17-41.65 6.42已實現的收益金融衍生品--(0.23)22.97營業淨額(2)46.17-41.42 29.39一般和行政費用(1.40)-(1.61)(12.44)利息收入和其他(8)0.24-0.08 6.19調整後的資金流淨回籠  (2)                           45.01                -    39.89            23.14 (1)重油銷售扣除調合費用後,將實現價格與基準定價進行比較,同時交通費單獨顯示。在中期簡明財務報表混合是計入調和費和運輸費。(2)見“非國際財務報告準則計量”和“經營指標”。(三)按全部稀釋後的流通股計算截至9月份的3個月和9個月2021年30日(參見附註(4))。(4)包括截至9月份的現金稀釋工具302021年,其中包括760萬份股票期權,加權平均行權價為1.63-1,540萬美元根據資本重組交易發行的權證行權價為0.92美元,1500萬權證行權價為2.00美元。(5)見“桶油當量”。(6)包括天然未混合重質原油的銷售天然氣和天然氣液體。該公司的重質原油石油銷售量和產油量因變化而不同在庫存中。(7)淨回扣是根據平均銷售量計算的。(8)不包括退役負債的增加額以及租賃責任的利息。



-- Generated average production of 7,688 boe/d representing an increase of
17% over the second quarter of 2021 and an increase of 60% over the first
quarter of 2021.
-- Achieved adjusted funds flow from operations of $31.5 million ($0.16 per
share basic), representing an increase of 36% over the second quarter of
2021 and an increase of 118% over the first quarter of 2021.
-- Achieved an operating netback of $46.17/boe and an adjusted funds flow
netback of $45.01/boe.
-- Achieved adjusted net income of $28.9 million ($0.14 per share basic).
-- Commissioned the Company's joint gas processing facility in the Marten
Hills area which resulted in first sales gas and an approximate 50%
reduction in CO2e emissions intensity from the first quarter of 2021.
-- Executed a $37.3 million capital program in the Marten Hills area
including 3 successful exploration wells and 16 multi-lateral development
wells at a 100% success rate.
-- As at September 30, 2021, Headwater had adjusted working capital of $63.7
million and no outstanding debt.
-產生的平均產量為7688 boe/d,比比2021年第二季度增長17%,比第一季度增長60%2021年的第四季度。-實現調整後的運營資金流量為3150萬美元(每股0.16美元股票基本),比#年第二季度增長36%2021年,比2021年第一季度增長118%。-實現營業淨利潤46.17美元/boe和調整後的資金流淨賺45.01美元/boe。--實現調整後淨收入2890萬美元(基本每股0.14美元)。--委託該公司在馬丁的聯合天然氣處理設施丘陵地區,這導致了第一次銷售天然氣,大約50%從2021年第一季度開始降低二氧化碳排放強度。-在馬滕山地區執行一項3730萬美元的資本計劃包括3口成功探井和16口多邊開發威爾斯的成功率是100%。-截至2021年9月30日,Headwater調整後的營運資金為63.7美元百萬美元,沒有未償債務。



Marten Hills Core Area


As of September 30(th) , the Company has drilled 30 multi-lateral horizontal wells in the core development area which has grown oil production from 3,385 bbls/d in the first quarter of 2021 to current levels exceeding 9,000 bbls/d.


Significant capital efficiency improvements have been realized with the drilling technique changes that were implemented after the first quarter. As of September 30(th) , 18 producing wells have been drilled with the improved drilling techniques and 11 of these wells have been on production post load recovery for at least 30 days. The 30-day average rate post load recovery production of these 11 wells is approximately 400 bbls/d per well. This represents a 33% improvement in capital efficiency from our first quarter wells that achieved 30-day average rates of 300 bbls/d per well.


Construction on the 100% owned Headwater oil processing facility is currently in progress. Once complete, the facility will tie-in directly to the Rangeland pipeline system and is anticipated to reduce our corporate transportation costs by approximately $4.00/boe resulting in a facility payout in less than 2 years. Commissioning of the facility is expected to occur in mid-January 2022.


Headwater has expanded its waterflood pilot operations with 2 additional injection wells placed on injection in mid-October. Results from our first pilot that commenced in April 2021 continue to be strong, with oil rates stabilizing at approximately 280-300 bbls/d which is 20% above the oil rates prior to injection.


Marten Hills Exploration Update


During the third quarter, Headwater drilled its first 3 successful exploration tests in Marten Hills west. Headwater is highly encouraged by the results which have begun to validate and provide confidence in the value associated with the Company's 285 net sections of exploration lands.

第三季度,Headwater在Marten Hills西部進行了前3次成功的勘探測試。Headwater對這些結果感到非常鼓舞,這些結果已經開始驗證並提供了對該公司285個勘探土地淨區段相關價值的信心。

The first two of these wells were drilled as 6-leg lateral wells targeting the upper Clearwater formation in section 32-75-02W5. The first exploration well drilled, 11-32-75-02W5, achieved load recovery on September 19(th) and achieved average oil production in October of 127 bbls/d of 16.5 degree API crude oil. Based on current pricing, this well is expected to achieve payout within its first 7 months of production. The second exploration well, 13-32-75-02W5, is still producing load fluid however the inflow characteristics are very similar to the 11-32 well. With the encouragement provided from these two successful wells, Headwater has licensed an additional 17 development locations in this area with plans to drill 2 additional delineation wells prior to year-end.


