Analyst Estimates for U.S. Earnings Expected in the Week Ahead
Analyst Estimates for U.S. Earnings Expected in the Week Ahead
Standard & Poor's 500 stock index companies scheduled to report quarterly earnings in the week ahead, with per-share earnings estimates provided by FactSet Research Systems Inc.:
標準普爾500指數成份股公司計劃在未來一週公佈季度業績,每股收益預估由FactSet Research Systems Inc.提供:
Company Symbol Quarter Mean Report Time
Atmos Energy Corp. (ATO) 4Q .34 AMC
Walt Disney Company (DIS) 4Q .52 AMC
Organon & Co. (OGN) 3Q 1.41 BMO
Tapestry Inc. (TPR) 1Q .70 6:45 AM
Advance Auto Parts Inc. (AAP) 3Q 2.83 AMC
Tyson Foods Inc. (TSN) 4Q 2.09 BMO
Home Depot Inc. (HD) 3Q 3.36 6:00 AM
TransDigm Grp Incorp (TDG) 4Q 3.69 BMO
Walmart Inc. (WMT) 3Q 1.39 7:00 AM
公司符號季度平均報告時間星期三Atmos Energy Corp.(ATO)第四季度34 AMC迪士尼(存款保險公司)第四季度52年度星期四Organon&Co.(OGN)第三季度1.41 BMOTapestry Inc.(TPR)第一季度上午6:45星期一Advanced Auto Parts Inc.(AAP)第三季度2.83 AMC泰森食品公司(Tyson Foods Inc.)第四季度2.09 BMO星期二家得寶(Home Depot Inc.)第三季度3.36上午6:00TransDigm Grp Incorp(TDG)第四季度3.69 BMO沃爾瑪。(格林尼治標準時間3Q 1.39)上午7點
(At least three brokerage analysts must be forecasting EPS for the company to be included in this report. The Factset EPS estimate is the mean. Estimates can reflect GAAP or non-GAAP numbers.)