
Press Release: MEG Energy announces strong third quarter results and revised full year guidance

Press Release: MEG Energy announces strong third quarter results and revised full year guidance

Dow Jones Newswires ·  2021/11/09 06:12

MEG Energy announces strong third quarter results and revised full year guidance


Canada NewsWire


CALGARY, AB, Nov. 8, 2021


All financial figures are in Canadian dollars ($ or C$) and all references to barrels are per barrel of bitumen unless otherwise noted


CALGARY, AB, Nov. 8, 2021 /CNW/ - MEG Energy Corp. (TSX: MEG) "MEG" or the "Corporation") reported its third quarter of 2021 operational and financial results.


MEG continues to proactively respond to the safety challenges associated with the COVID--19 pandemic and remains committed to ensuring the health and safety of all of its personnel and the safe and reliable operation of the Christina Lake facility.


"The third quarter was another strong operational quarter for MEG as production levels benefited from our team's continued focus on plant reliability, steam utilization and ongoing well optimization." said Derek Evans, President and Chief Executive Officer. "Given what we are seeing operationally we have upwardly revised our annual production guidance and look forward to a strong finish to 2021."

第三季度對梅格公司來説是又一個運營強勁的季度,因為產量水平得益於我們團隊對工廠可靠性、蒸汽利用和正在進行的油井優化的持續關注。“總裁兼首席執行官德里克·埃文斯(Derek Evans)説。“鑑於我們在運營上看到的情況,我們已經上調了年度生產指引,並期待着到2021年有一個強勁的收尾。”

Third quarter financial and operating highlights include:


-- Adjusted funds flow of $239 million ($0.77 per share), impacted by a
realized commodity price risk management loss in the quarter of $66
million ($0.21 per share);
-- Quarterly production volumes of 91,506 barrels per day (bbls/d) at a
steam--oil ratio (SOR) of 2.56. Based on strong operational performance,
annual average production guidance has been upwardly revised from 91,000
-- 93,000 bbls/d to 92,500 -- 93,500 bbls/d;
-- Net operating costs of $7.17 per barrel, including non--energy operating
costs of $4.46 per barrel. Power revenue offset energy operating costs by
43%, resulting in a net impact of $2.71 per barrel. Year to date, power
revenue has offset approximately 60% of MEG's energy operating costs;
-- Total capital investment of $84 million in the quarter with the majority
directed towards sustaining and maintenance activities, resulting in $155
million of free cash flow in the quarter; and
-- During the quarter MEG redeemed US$100 million (approximately $125
million) of MEG's 6.5% senior secured second lien notes due January 2025.
-調整後的資金流為2.39億美元(每股0.77美元),受本季度已實現的大宗商品價格風險管理虧損66美元百萬歐元(每股0.21美元);-季度產量為91,506桶/天(Bbls/d)汽油比(SOR)為2.56。基於強勁的運營業績,年平均產量指導值從91,000向上修正--93,000桶/日至92,500-93,500桶/日;-淨運營成本為每桶7.17美元,包括非能源運營每桶4.46美元的成本。電力收入通過以下方式抵消能源運營成本43%,淨影響為每桶2.71美元。年初至今,電力收入抵消了梅格能源運營成本的大約60%;-本季度資本投資總額為8400萬美元,其中大部分用於維持和維護活動,結果為155美元本季度自由現金流為100萬美元;以及-在本季度中,MEG贖回了1億美元(約合1.25億美元)Meg 6.5%的優先擔保第二留置權票據將於2025年1月到期。

Blend Sales Pricing


MEG realized an average AWB blend sales price of US$59.15 per barrel during the third quarter of 2021 compared to US$56.41 per barrel in the second quarter of 2021. The increase in average AWB blend sales price quarter over quarter was primarily a result of the average WTI price increasing by US$4.49 per barrel. MEG sold 38% of its sales volumes at the premium-priced U.S. Gulf Coast ("USGC") in the third quarter of 2021 compared to 45% in the second quarter of 2021 due to higher apportionment levels on the Enbridge mainline system during the third quarter of 2021.


The reduction in sales volumes sold at the USGC quarter over quarter was consistent with the reduction in transportation and storage costs which averaged US$5.75 per barrel of AWB blend sales in the third quarter of 2021 compared to US$6.17 per barrel of AWB blend sales in the second quarter of 2021.


Operational Performance


Bitumen production averaged 91,506 bbls/d in the third quarter of 2021, consistent with average bitumen production of 91,803 bbls/d in the second quarter of 2021.


Non--energy operating costs averaged $4.46 per barrel of bitumen sales in the third quarter of 2021 compared to $3.84 per barrel in the second quarter of 2021 primarily due to planned maintenance activities. Energy operating costs, net of power revenue, averaged $2.71 per barrel in the third quarter of 2021 compared to $1.70 per barrel in the second quarter of 2021. This increase quarter over quarter resulted from stronger natural gas prices and lower power sales from its cogeneration facilities. Power revenue offset energy operating costs by 43% during the third quarter of 2021 compared to 60% during the second quarter of 2021. Year to date, power revenue has offset approximately 60% of MEG's energy operating costs.


General & administrative expense ("G&A") was relatively consistent quarter over quarter with $14 million, or $1.72 per barrel of production, in the third quarter of 2021 compared to $13 million, or $1.56 per barrel of production, in the second quarter of 2021.


Adjusted Funds Flow and Net Earnings (Loss)


The Corporation's cash operating netback averaged $37.31 per barrel in the third quarter of 2021 compared to $31.30 per barrel in the second quarter of 2021. This increase in cash operating netback was primarily driven by the increase in average bitumen realization due to the higher WTI price, as well as a lower realized commodity price risk management loss quarter over quarter. The increased cash operating netback was the main driver for the increase in the Corporation's adjusted funds flow from $166 million in the second quarter of 2021 to $239 million in the third quarter of 2021.


The Corporation recognized net earnings of $54 million in the third quarter of 2021 compared to net earnings of $68 million in the second quarter of 2021. This decrease in net earnings was primarily the result of an unrealized foreign exchange loss in the third quarter of 2021 compared to an unrealized foreign exchange gain in the second quarter of 2021. This decrease was partially offset by increased cash operating netback quarter over quarter and by an unrealized gain on risk management in the third quarter of 2021 compared to an unrealized loss on risk management in the second quarter of 2021.


Capital Expenditures


MEG invested $84 million in the third quarter of 2021 compared to $70 million in the second quarter of 2021. Capital invested in the quarter was directed towards sustaining and maintenance activities as well as incremental well capital necessary to allow the Corporation to fully utilize the Christina Lake central plant facility's oil processing capacity of approximately 100,000 bbls/d, prior to any impact from scheduled maintenance activity or outages. As previously disclosed in the Corporation's second quarter 2021 release, the total investment for this optimization initiative is approximately $125 million with $75 million included in the 2021 capital investment budget and the remainder expected to be invested in the first half of 2022.


COVID-19 Global Pandemic


MEG continues to proactively respond to the safety challenges associated with COVID-19 and remains committed to ensuring that the health and safety of all its personnel and business partners and the safe and reliable operation of the Christina Lake facility remain a top priority. MEG continues to apply screening procedures, including antigen screening and other protocols, ensuring the health and safety of its people.


Debt Repayment


As previously announced, during the third quarter of 2021 the Corporation continued to prioritize debt repayment with the redemption of US$100 million of the Corporation's 6.50% senior secured second lien notes due January 2025 at a redemption price of 103.25%, plus accrued and unpaid interest to, but not including, the redemption date of August 23, 2021.


Since the beginning of 2018 the Corporation has repaid US$1.6 billion of outstanding indebtedness and remains committed to continued debt reduction as a key component of its capital allocation strategy. All available free cash flow generated in the second half of 2021 will be directed to further debt repayment.




Based on better than expected production performance MEG is revising its full year 2021 average production to 92,500 -- 93,500 bbls/d.


Summary of     Revised Guidance    Revised          Revised        Original Guidance 
2021 Guidance Guidance Guidance
(November 8, 2021) (July 22, 2021) (May 3, 2021) (December 7, 2020)
Bitumen 92,500 - 93,500 91,000 - 93,000 88,000 - 86,000 - 90,000
production - bbls/d bbls/d 90,000 bbls/d bbls/d
Non-energy $4.40 - $4.50 per $4.40 - $4.60 $4.60 - $5.00 $4.60 - $5.00 per
operating bbl per bbl per bbl bbl
G&A expense $1.65 - $1.75 per $1.65 - $1.75 $1.70 - $1.80 $1.70 - $1.80 per
bbl per bbl per bbl bbl
expenditures $335 million $335 million $260 million $260 million
修訂後的指導意見摘要修訂後的原指導意見2021年指導(2021年11月8日)(2021年7月22日)(2021年5月3日)(2020年12月7日)瀝青92,500-93,500 91,000-93,000 88,000-86,000-90,000生產-bbls/d bbls/d 90,000 bbls/d bbls/d每年一次平均值非能源每4.40-4.60元4.40-4.50元4.60-5.00元4.60-5.00元每桶操作一桶每桶一桶費用G&A費用$1.65-$1.75每$1.65-$1.75$1.70-$1.80$1.70-$1.80每桶每桶資本支出3.35億美元3.35億美元2.6億美元2.6億美元

MEG's estimate of full year 2021 total transportation costs range from US$6.00 to US$6.50 per barrel of AWB blend sales.


MEG plans to release its 2022 capital and operating budget on or about November 29, 2021.


2021 Commodity Price Risk Management


During the second half of 2020, MEG entered into enhanced WTI fixed price hedges with sold put options for approximately 30% of forecast bitumen production for the fourth quarter of 2021 at an average price of US$46.18 per barrel. Additionally, MEG has hedged approximately 30% of its expected condensate requirements at a landed-at-Edmonton price equivalent to 98% of WTI, approximately 30% of expected natural gas requirements at an average AECO price of C$2.61 per GJ and fixed the sales price on approximately 30% of expected power available for sale at an average price of C$62.75 per MWh, each for the fourth quarter of 2021. The table below reflects MEG's outstanding fourth quarter of 2021 hedge positions.

於二零二零年下半年,MEG訂立增強型WTI固定價格對衝,售出認沽期權約佔2021年第四季預測瀝青產量的30%,平均價格為每桶46.18美元。此外,MEG以相當於WTI 98%的埃德蒙頓落地價格對衝了約30%的預期凝析油需求,以每GJ 2.61加元的平均AECO價格對衝了約30%的預期天然氣需求,並將2021年第四季度可供銷售的預期電力的約30%確定為銷售價格,平均價格為每兆瓦時62.75加元。下表反映了梅格在2021年第四季度的未平倉對衝頭寸。

