
Inventus Provides Exploration Updates and 2022 Outlook, Expands Sudbury 2.0 Property

Inventus Provides Exploration Updates and 2022 Outlook, Expands Sudbury 2.0 Property

GlobeNewswire ·  2021/11/02 19:36

TORONTO, Nov. 02, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Inventus Mining Corp. (TSX VENTURE: IVS) ("Inventus" or the "Company") is pleased to provide an update on its exploration programs at its 100%-owned Pardo and Sudbury 2.0 Projects near Sudbury, Ontario.

多倫多,2021年11月2日(環球通訊社)英文圖斯礦業公司(Inventus Mining Corp.)多倫多證券交易所創業板股票代碼:IVS)(以下簡稱“Inventus”或“公司”)很高興向您介紹其在安大略省薩德伯裏附近全資擁有的Pardo和Sudbury 2.0項目的勘探項目的最新情況。

Pardo Project


Inventus has signed an agreement with Northern Sun Mining Corp. ("NSMC") to use the Redstone Mill in Timmins to process the first 6,000 tonnes of a planned 50,000-tonne bulk sampling program. Redstone's gravity and flotation flowsheet is ideal for processing Pardo's gold mineralization and is expected to achieve high gold recovery (estimated at +92%) at commercially reasonable costs. Inventus and NSMC are currently marketing the concentrates to secure a sales agreement and awaiting regulatory approvals prior to the commencement of the bulk sample.


The first six mini bulk samples from the 007 Zone in July 2021 were a technical success, with assays ranging from 4.0 to 17.1 g/t gold and an average grade of 9.2 g/t gold. This work has prompted a continuation elsewhere on the project with 22 additional mini bulk samples currently being collected.

2021年7月從007區採集的第一批6個小型散裝樣品在技術上取得了成功,檢測方法從4.0 17.1g/t黃金和平均品位9.2克/噸黃金. 這項工作已經促使該項目在其他地方繼續進行,目前正在收集另外22個迷你散裝樣品。

Sudbury 2.0 Exploration Program


Inventus has secured a diamond drill rig and crew for the upcoming 5,000 m winter drilling program at Cobalt Hill and Rathbun. A few test holes are planned at Rathbun, followed by drilling at Cobalt Hill beginning in January.

Inventus已經為即將到來的鑽機和船員獲得了一個鑽石鑽機和船員5,000 m在鈷山和Rathbun的冬季鑽探計劃。計劃在Rathbun鑽幾個測試孔,然後從1月份開始在Coobalt Hill鑽探。

Cobalt Hill


In August 2021, a 3D induced polarization (IP) survey at Cobalt Hill identified a 600-m north-south by 500-m east-west anomaly. The IP anomaly strongly correlates with Inventus' surface mapping and drill intersections of sulfide breccia. Drill hole CH-21-02, drilled before the 3D IP survey, crossed the northern edge of the anomaly and returned an intersection of 7 m of 4.4 g/t gold, 0.09% cobalt and 0.03% nickel within 44 m of 1.3 g/t gold, 0.04% cobalt and 0.02% nickel (see April 8th, 2021 news release). The center and strongest response of the IP anomaly occurs 200 m south of drill hole CH-21-02 and begins at a depth of approximately 150 m. Twelve holes are initially planned to target untested areas of the anomaly.

2021年8月,在鈷山進行的3D激發極化(IP)調查發現600-m由北向南500-m東西向異常。激電異常與Inventus的地表填圖和硫化物角礫巖的鑽探交會有很強的相關性。在3D激電測量之前鑽過的CH-21-02鑽孔穿過了異常的北緣,並返回了7 m4.4克/噸黃金,0.09%鈷和0.03%內含鎳44 m1.3克/噸黃金,0.04%鈷和0.02%鎳(見2021年4月8日新聞稿)。激電異常的中心和最強響應發生200 m位於CH-21-02鑽孔以南,開始於大約150 m.最初計劃有12個洞瞄準異常區域的未測試區域。



The first phase of drilling at the Rathbun property is planned for December. The drilling will assist with future geophysical interpretation by providing geological information on the structure, including thickness and dip, and to test for mineralization. A 3D IP survey is planned this winter following the first phase of drilling.


Property Acquisition


An additional 36 single cell mining claims (approximately 8 km2) adjoining the Sudbury 2.0 project were acquired from an arms-length prospector in exchange for a 1% NSR and $20,000 in cash. These claims contain multiple historic mine workings (est. 1890s) with substantial evidence of underground excavation. One of the historic mine workings, now named the Dorland Shafts, was discovered in 2021 and is of particular interest with no prior record of existence. A sample from this location in a muck pile returned an assay of 1.2% cobalt, 0.06% nickel, and 0.1 g/t gold (or 12.1 g/t gold equivalent)(see Figure 1). The geology on the property, including alteration, brecciation, and mineralization-type, is very similar to Inventus' Cobalt Hill property. The new claims will initially be mapped and sampled, followed by a geophysical program and drilling.

另外36個單細胞採礦主張(約8公里2)毗鄰薩德伯裏2.0項目,以1%的NSR和20,000美元現金作為交換,從一家與之保持距離的勘探者手中收購了該項目。這些索賠包含多個具有歷史意義的礦井工作面(Est.19世紀90年代),有大量的地下挖掘證據。其中一個歷史悠久的礦井,現在被命名為多蘭德豎井,於2021年被發現,特別令人感興趣,之前沒有任何存在的記錄。在垃圾堆中從這個地點採集的樣本檢測出了1.2%鈷,0.06% 鎳,以及0.1克/噸黃金(或12.1g/t黃金當量)(見圖1)。該礦藏的地質情況,包括蝕變、角礫巖和礦化類型,與英文圖斯的鈷山礦藏非常相似。新的聲明將首先繪製地圖和取樣,然後是地球物理計劃和鑽探。

Click here to view Figure 1:


For further information, please contact:


Mr. Stefan Spears
Chairman and CEO
Inventus Mining Corp.
Tel: (647) 258-0395 x280

斯特凡·斯皮爾斯先生董事長兼首席執行官英文圖斯礦業公司(Inventus Mining Corp.)電話:(647)258-0395x280電子郵件

About Inventus Mining Corp.


Inventus is a mineral exploration and development company focused on the world-class mining district of Sudbury, Ontario. Our principal assets are a 100% interest in the Pardo Paleoplacer Gold Project and the Sudbury 2.0 Project located northeast of Sudbury. Pardo is the first important paleoplacer gold discovery found in North America. Inventus has approximately 135 million common shares outstanding.

Inventus是一家專注於安大略省薩德伯裏世界級礦區的礦產勘探和開發公司。我們的主要資產是位於薩德伯裏東北部的Pardo Paleoplacer金礦項目和薩德伯裏2.0項目的100%權益。帕爾多是在北美髮現的第一個重要的古砂金髮現。Inventus大約有1.35億股已發行普通股。

Neither TSX Venture Exchange nor its Regulation Services Provider (as that term is defined in the policies of the TSX Venture Exchange) accepts responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release.


Qualified Person


The Qualified Person responsible for the geological technical content of this news release is Inventus' Vice-President Exploration, Wesley Whymark, P.Geo., who has reviewed and approved the technical disclosure in this news release on behalf of the Company.

負責本新聞稿地質技術內容的合格人士是Inventus勘探副總裁Wesley Whymark,P.Geo,他代表公司審核並批准了本新聞稿中的技術披露。

Technical Information 


The samples collected by Inventus described in this release were transported in secure sealed bags for preparation and assay by SGS Laboratories. The samples reported were crushed in their entirety to 75% passing -10 mesh, with one 250 g subsample split and pulverized to 85% passing -200 mesh. One 30 g aliquot was taken from the subsample for fire assay (FA) with an ICP-AES finish. Samples over 10 g/t gold were subject to a 30 g aliquot FA with gravimetric finish.


Forward-Looking Statements


This News Release includes certain "forward-looking statements" which are not comprised of historical facts. Forward-looking statements include estimates and statements that describe the Company's future plans, objectives or goals, including words to the effect that the Company or management expects a stated condition or result to occur. Forward-looking statements may be identified by such terms as "believes", "anticipates", "expects", "estimates", "may", "could", "would", "if", "yet", "potential", "undetermined", "objective", or "plan". Since forward-looking statements are based on assumptions and address future events and conditions, by their very nature they involve inherent risks and uncertainties. Although these statements are based on information currently available to the Company, the Company provides no assurance that actual results will meet management's expectations.


Although the Company believes that the assumptions and factors used in preparing the forward-looking information in this news release are reasonable, undue reliance should not be placed on such information, which only applies as of the date of this news release, and no assurance can be given that such events will occur in the disclosed time frames or at all. The Company disclaims any intention or obligation to update or revise any forward-looking information, whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise, other than as required by law.


