
Jeff Bezos' Blue Origin Wants to Build a Commercial Space Station with Boeing --

Jeff Bezos' Blue Origin Wants to Build a Commercial Space Station with Boeing --

Dow Jones Newswires ·  2021/10/26 18:03

By Jack Denton
杰克·丹顿(Jack Denton)著

Blue Origin, the commercial space venture created by Amazon (ticker: AMZN) founder Jeff Bezos, wants to build a commercial space station with partners including Boeing by the second half of this decade.

由亚马逊(股票代码:AMZN)创始人杰夫·贝佐斯创建的商业太空企业Blue Origin希望在本十年的后五年与包括波音公司在内的合作伙伴建立一个商业空间站。

A venture with aerospace technology company Sierra Space and backed by partners including Boeing (BOE) and Arizona State University, "Orbital Reef" is designed to be a commercially-developed and -operated space station in low Earth orbit.

“轨道礁”是与航空航天技术公司塞拉空间(Sierra Space)的合资企业,得到了波音(Boeing)和亚利桑那州立大学(Arizona State University)等合作伙伴的支持,旨在成为一个商业开发和运营的近地轨道空间站。

Described as a "mixed use business park in space," the station plans to offer commercial, research, and tourism customers a range of services including space transportation, logistics, habitation, equipment, and crew.


"Orbital Reef will provide the essential infrastructure needed to scale economic activity and open new markets in space," Blue Origin and Sierra Space said in a statement Monday.


John Mulholland, a vice president at Boeing and program manager for the International Space Station, said that "this project does not duplicate the immensely successful and enduring ISS, but rather goes a step further to fulfill a unique position in low Earth orbit where it can serve a diverse array of companies and host non-specialist crews."

波音公司副总裁、国际空间站(International Space Station)项目经理约翰·穆赫兰(John Mulholland)说,“这个项目不是在复制非常成功和持久的国际空间站,而是更进一步,在近地轨道上实现一个独特的位置,在那里它可以为各种各样的公司服务,并接待非专业人员。”

Orbital Reef marks just the latest development in the billionaire-driven private sector race to space. Alongside Bezos' Blue Origin, Tesla (TSLA) CEO Elon Musk's Space X and Virgin Galactic (SPCE) -- founded by Richard Branson -- are building out commercial spaceflight capabilities.

轨道礁标志着亿万富翁推动的私营部门太空竞赛的最新进展。除了贝佐斯的蓝色起源(Blue Origin),特斯拉(Tesla)首席执行官埃隆·马斯克的Space X和理查德·布兰森创立的维珍银河(Virgin Galaxy)也在打造商业航天能力。

In September, Space X said its Inspiration4 mission was the first space flight to orbit Earth not staffed by a government-backed crew.

9月份,Space X表示,它的Inspiration4任务是第一次绕地球飞行,没有政府支持的机组人员。

