
Price To Earnings Ratio Insights For Triumph Bancorp

Price To Earnings Ratio Insights For Triumph Bancorp

Triumph Bancorp的市盈率洞察
Benzinga Real-time News ·  2021/10/18 22:14



In the current session, Triumph Bancorp Inc. (NASDAQ:TBK) is trading at $108.09, after a 0.55% gain. Over the past month, the stock increased by 29.08%, and in the past year, by 145.32%. With performance like this, long-term shareholders are optimistic but others are more likely to look into the price-to-earnings ratio to see if the stock might be overvalued.

在當前的會議中,Triumph Bancorp Inc.納斯達克股票代碼:TBK在上漲0.55%後,目前交易價格為108.09美元。過去一個月,該股漲幅為29.08%,過去一年漲幅為145.32。有了這樣的業績,長期股東是樂觀的,但其他人更有可能研究市盈率,看看股票是否可能被高估。

Assuming that all other factors are held constant, this could present itself as an opportunity for shareholders trying to capitalize on the higher share price. The stock is currently under from its 52 week high by 1.85%.


The P/E ratio measures the current share price to the company's EPS. It is used by long-term investors to analyze the company's current performance against its past earnings, historical data and aggregate market data for the industry or the indices, such as S&P 500. A higher P/E indicates that investors expect the company to perform better in the future, and the stock is probably overvalued, but not necessarily. It also shows that investors are willing to pay a higher share price currently, because they expect the company to perform better in the upcoming quarters. This leads investors to also remain optimistic about rising dividends in the future.


Depending on the particular phase of a business cycle, some industries will perform better than others.


Compared to the aggregate P/E ratio of 12.12 in the Banks industry, Triumph Bancorp Inc. has a higher P/E ratio of 23.63. Shareholders might be inclined to think that Triumph Bancorp Inc. might perform better than its industry group. It's also possible that the stock is overvalued.

與中國的綜合市盈率相比12.12在銀行業,凱旋銀行(Triumph Bancorp Inc.)的市盈率更高,為23.63。股東們可能傾向於認為,凱旋銀行(Triumph Bancorp Inc.)的表現可能會好於其行業集團。也有可能是股票估值過高。

Price to earnings ratio is not always a great indicator of the company's performance. Depending on the earnings makeup of a company, investors can become unable to attain key insights from trailing earnings.


