
UPDATE 1-Mastercard chairman Banga to retire at year-end, Janow to head Board

UPDATE 1-Mastercard chairman Banga to retire at year-end, Janow to head Board

Reuters ·  2021/09/22 05:04

(Adds background on Janow)


Sept 21 (Reuters) - Mastercard Inc MA.N said on Tuesday Chairman Ajay Banga would retire on Dec. 31, nearly a year after he stepped down as the payment processor&aposs chief executive.

路透9月21日電-萬事達MA.N週二表示,董事長阿賈伊·邦加(Ajay Banga)將於12月31日退休,這距離他辭去支付處理器和aposs首席執行官一職近一年。

The company said current lead independent director Merit Janow would be the non-executive independent chair and would assume her new role on Jan. 1, 2022.

該公司表示,現任首席獨立董事梅里特·賈諾(Merit Janow)將擔任非執行獨立董事長,並將於2022年1月1日擔任新職務。

Janow, who joined the board in 2014, is also a dean and professor of international economic law and international affairs at Columbia University&aposs School of International and Public Affairs, the company said in a statement.

該公司在一份聲明中表示,賈諾於2014年加入董事會,也是哥倫比亞大學(Columbia University)和阿普斯國際與公共事務學院(Columbia University&APSS School Of International And Public Affairs)院長兼國際經濟法和國際事務教授。

Earlier this year, Banga stepped down from his role as the CEO of the payments processor. He was replaced by company insider Michael Miebach.

今年早些時候,邦加辭去了這家支付處理器首席執行官的職務。接替他的是公司內部人士邁克爾·米巴赫(Michael Miebach)。

Banga had taken charge of the company just after the 2008-09 financial crisis. During his tenure as the top boss, Mastercard&aposs revenue tripled as online shopping gained prominence around the world.


