
PlanSeek Intelligent Medicare Solutions Launches Diversity and Color

PlanSeek Intelligent Medicare Solutions Launches Diversity and Color

PR Newswire ·  2021/09/17 20:55

NEW YORK, Sept. 17, 2021 /PRNewswire/ -- PlanSeek® Intelligent Medicare Solutions ( announced the launch of its Diversity and Color ( initiative aimed to help mitigate disparity in the healthcare space. Through Diversity and Color, PlanSeek aims to identify, train, and support people of diverse backgrounds who would like to become Medicare health insurance agents but may not have the means or knowledge of how to do so. Once licensed, these agents would then work in traditionally underserved neighborhoods. The mission is twofold: to train people how to become successful Medicare health insurance agents; to help underserved communities.


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Dr. Juan-Carlos Duran
Steve Garcia

"The reality is that corporate discussions about diversity, equity and inclusion are often just talk. Sometimes diversity and inclusion becomes a company hot topic for a few months, then it's forgotten. We decided to create our own initiatives and help underserved communities ourselves," said Dr. Juan-Carlos Durán, PlanSeek Chief Executive Officer. Together with Steve Garcia, PlanSeek President, the pair is on a mission to give aspiring health insurance agents the tools they need to become successful.

PlanSeek首席執行官胡安-卡洛斯·杜蘭(Juan-Carlos Durán)博士表示:“現實情況是,企業對多樣性、公平和包容性的討論往往只是説説而已。有時候,多樣性和包容性會成為公司的熱門話題,幾個月後就會被遺忘。我們決定創建自己的倡議,自己幫助服務不足的社區,”PlanSeek首席執行官胡安-卡洛斯·杜蘭(Juan-Carlos Durán)博士説。與PlanSeek總裁史蒂夫·加西亞(Steve Garcia)一起,這兩家公司的使命是為有抱負的健康保險經紀人提供成功所需的工具。

"Not only do we want to train people to become successful agents in their communities, we also want to go beyond that and help agents reach goals they never thought they could," said Garcia. "There is an obvious lack of diversity among healthcare insurance agents in some communities and we want to help close that gap." Garcia, a health insurance agent with over twenty-years of experience, sees his mission to empower people as a calling.


PlanSeek has been garnering the attention of various companies in the healthcare field. A fact that PlanSeek's principals attribute not only to their entrepreneurial savviness, but also to the unusual mix of backgrounds the two have. Duran is a trained scientist and founder of successful companies in healthcare and other fields. Garcia is very experienced health care insurance agent with years of experience in customer management and team leadership. "When science combines forces with health insurance, and you mix inquisitiveness, data gathering, analysis, a robust understanding of the Medicare system, and impeccable customer service you get PlanSeek, an agency created for today's patients and healthcare providers," said Duran.


Poised for national growth, PlanSeek's unique mix of leadership and vision has also obtained the interest of Silicon Valley. "It's been flattering to get inquiries from technology companies. As we grow we will be entering new spheres with them. But none of that can happen without our focus on Diversity and Color first," said Garcia.


About PlanSeek


PlanSeek® Intelligent Medicare Solutions is a growing agency with two divisions: 1) Medicare Consulting for Healthcare Practices and 2) Medicare Health Insurance for Individuals. PlanSeek focuses on bringing data driven knowledge to clinical practices and helps them improve Medicare billing. It also trains and oversees licensed health insurance agents who focus on representing Medicare health plans to the public. 


Media Contact:
Matthew Miller
[email protected] 


SOURCE PlanSeek, Inc


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