
AT&T Prods Rivals with Promos for New iPhone Slate -- Market Talk

AT&T Prods Rivals with Promos for New iPhone Slate -- Market Talk

Dow Jones Newswires ·  2021/09/15 03:17

1517 ET - AT&T's opening salvo in the next Apple iPhone cycle shows the carrier is still hungry for new subscribers and eager to keep its current ones happy. The US carrier announces Tuesday it will give eligible customers a free iPhone 13 Pro--which starts at $999--along with deep discounts on other versions of Apple's new flagship handset. The generous offers require a traded-in device, unlimited data plan and a three-year customer commitment, showing AT&T's focus on subsidizing customers' new smartphones in exchange for reliable service revenue in future years. The next question for investors is how rivals Verizon and T-Mobile US respond. (; @drewfitzgerald)

美國電信公司AT&T在下一個蘋果iPhone週期中的開場白顯示,該運營商仍然渴望獲得新的訂閱用戶,並渴望讓現有訂閱用戶保持滿意。該公司於週二宣佈,將爲符合條件的客戶提供一部免費的iPhone 13 Pro,該手機的起價爲999美元,並提供其他新版旗艦型號的深度折扣。這些優惠需要交換設備、無限數據計劃和三年的客戶承諾,顯示出AT&T側重於爲客戶提供新智能手機的補貼,以換取未來幾年的可靠服務收入。接下來投資者面臨的問題是競爭對手Verizon和T-Mobile US如何回應。(; @drewfitzgerald)

