
LIM Group Selects Infor to Drive Digital Transformation

LIM Group Selects Infor to Drive Digital Transformation

PR Newswire ·  2021/09/07 21:16

RUEIL-MALMAISON, France, Sept. 7, 2021 /PRNewswire/ -- Infor, the industry cloud company, today announced that LIM Group (Leather in Motion) has chosen its Infor CloudSuite, an ERP system designed for manufacturers, distributors and rental companies.

Rueil-Malmaison,法國9月2021年7月/美通社/--工業雲公司Infor今天宣佈,Lim Group(Leather In Motion)已選擇其Infor CloudSuite,這是一款專為製造商、分銷商和租賃公司設計的ERP系統。

Learn more about Infor CloudSuite: 

瞭解有關Infor CloudSuite的更多信息:Https://

LIM Group was created in 2013 through the merger of CWD and Devoucoux, two of the brands in the Butet Group. LIM Group, which has 630 employees, designs, manufactures and distributes high-quality saddles for, among others, about a hundred of the world's top 250 riders. Labelled as a "Living Heritage Company," the brands of the LIM Group are recognised for their exceptional know-how. The group is present in 12 countries and has a strong presence in the Nouvelle Aquitaine region in France. To closely meet the expectations of its customers, LIM Group relies on a combination of innovation and know-how, as well as on the mastery of all functions: from design to distribution, including manufacturing. Today, the company is supported by Bpifrance, a French organization for the financing and development of companies, to allow the development of new products and the reinforcement of its production capacities.

LIM集團成立於2013年,由Butet Group旗下的兩個品牌CWD和DevouCoux合併而成。LIM集團擁有630名員工,為世界前250名騎手中的約100名設計、製造和分銷高質量的馬鞍。LIM集團的品牌被貼上了“活遺產公司”的標籤,其非凡的技術訣竅得到了認可。該組織在12個國家開展業務,並在法國的新阿基坦大區有很強的影響力。為了緊密滿足客户的期望,LIM集團依靠創新和專有技術的結合,以及對所有功能的掌握:從設計到分銷,包括製造。今天,該公司得到了法國公司融資和發展組織Bpifrance的支持,以允許開發新產品並加強其生產能力。

Brice Cuenca, LIM Group's head of information systems and e-commerce, says: "LIM Group is made up of a collection of entities, 15 subsidiaries in total, all of which interact strongly on a daily basis. However, with 70% of our business being exported — notably to Germany, Canada and the United States — we did not have the right solution to support our development, both in terms of functional coverage and in terms of a single repository and traceability, all of which are necessary factors for optimising the performance of our various activities."

LIM集團信息系統和電子商務主管布里斯·昆卡(Brice Cuenca)表示:“LIM集團是由一系列實體組成的,總共有15家子公司,所有這些子公司每天都有很強的互動。然而,我們70%的業務都是出口的--尤其是出口到德國、加拿大和美國-我們沒有正確的解決方案來支持我們的發展,無論是在功能覆蓋方面,還是在單一存儲庫和可追溯性方面,所有這些都是優化我們各種活動表現的必要因素。“

LIM Group has 12 manufacturing and after-sales service workshops, and the group controls the entire production of high-quality made-to-measure saddles, from the cutting of the leather to its processing, right up to the delivery of the finished product, using no intermediaries. It also produces and distributes riding equipment: 150 product lines and thousands of size/colour combinations. Additionally, LIM Group is developing a trade in business for second-hand saddles, which creates a high-potential circular economy activity, and has just launched a health activity with the marketing of connected devices for monitoring the well-being of horses and riders.


"Our digital transformation project started in 2017 following a scoping study that enabled us to identify 10 or so issues to progress and see how and in what way an ERP solution could respond to them, in part or in full," Cuenca explained. "After an evaluation that proved positive in almost all cases, the project was relaunched a few years later, on the basis of a call for tenders that brought together seven vendors and systems integrators. Then, the COVID crisis delayed our decision again. Ultimately, we chose the integrator Authentic, and then the Infor solution in March 2021."


In addition to managing production via Infor M3 — the ERP on which Infor's CloudSuite is based — it was the solution's ability to manage the rental and distribution of saddles, as well as the associated service and maintenance activities, that led to this choice. Testimonials from other Infor customers also made the difference when compared to more traditional production management solutions.

除了通過Infor M3(Infor的CloudSuite所基於的ERP)管理生產之外,該解決方案還能夠管理鞍座的租賃和分發,以及相關的服務和維護活動,這導致了這一選擇。與更傳統的生產管理解決方案相比,來自其他Infor客户的證明也起到了作用。

In addition, as the saddler has many in-house software solutions that are maintained in-house, it wanted to streamline and integrate all of these applications, which a solution like M3 allows via the creation of application programming interfaces (APIs).


The Infor solution will include Infor Factory Track, a complete production automation solution that supports warehouse mobility and traceability, while providing tools for activity and time tracking.

Infor解決方案將包括Infor Factory Track,這是一個完整的生產自動化解決方案,支持倉庫移動性和可追溯性,同時提供活動和時間跟蹤工具。

Learn more about Infor Factory Track:

瞭解有關Infor Factory Track的更多信息:

The deployment is planned to go live in July 2022 in a on-premises environment and will initially be aimed at the production and administration functions (excluding the sales function, which has its own tool that will be interfaced to the Infor ERP) for around 100 users in Europe. It will then be extended at the end of 2022 to the United States for around 50 additional employees.

該部署計劃於2022年7月在內部部署環境中上線,最初將針對約100名用户的生產和管理功能(不包括銷售功能,該功能有自己的工具,將與Infor ERP接口)。歐洲。然後,它將在2022年底擴展到美國,供大約50名額外員工使用。

Fabrice Caumette, Authentic Group director of delivery, says: "We are very proud to accompany LIM Group, a great French company with strong values and renowned know-how, in the implementation of Infor CloudSuite. The project is of great scope as once the manufacturing sites in France and Morocco are up and running, the scope will extend to the distribution subsidiaries around the world."

正宗集團交付總監法布里斯·考梅特(Fabrice Caumette)表示:“我們非常自豪能陪同LIM集團--一家擁有強大價值觀和知名技術的偉大法國公司--實施Infor CloudSuite。該項目的規模之大,堪比法國曾經的製造基地。法國如果中國和摩洛哥已經開始運營,其範圍將擴大到世界各地的分銷子公司。“

Cuenca concludes: "Because of our history, we had significant legacy technology, with a lot of specific in-house developments to rationalise. Thanks to the functional richness and scalability of the Infor CloudSuite solution, Authentic and Infor have convinced us of their ability to support us over the long term, particularly in terms of our strategic ambitions, which are above all to develop our services activities."

昆卡總結道:“由於我們的歷史,我們擁有重要的遺留技術,有許多具體的內部開發需要合理化。由於Infor CloudSuite解決方案的功能豐富和可擴展性,Authentiate和Infor讓我們相信他們有能力長期支持我們,特別是在我們的戰略雄心方面,這首先是發展我們的服務活動。”

About Authentic Group
Created in 2004, Authentic Group implements IT solutions and innovative services to support companies in their development. Authentic Group works with companies specialising in distribution in Europe, Canada and the United States, and offers services and solutions around:


- Infor M3, Infor OS, Infor CloudSuite Distribution Enterprise: implementation, deployment, migration, support...
- Methodology: agility and reactivity for shorter and less expensive projects
- Vertical solutions: purchase to pay, business intelligence

-Infor M3、Infor OS、Infor CloudSuite分發企業:實施、部署、遷移、支持...-方法:更短、成本更低的項目的敏捷性和反應性-垂直解決方案:購買即付、商業智能

To learn more, please visit


About Infor
Infor is a global leader in business cloud software specialized by industry. Providing mission-critical enterprise applications to 65,000 customers in more than 175 countries, Infor software is designed to deliver more value and less risk, with more sustainable operational advantages. We empower our 17,000 employees to leverage their deep industry expertise and use data-driven insights to create, learn and adapt quickly to solve emerging business and industry challenges. Infor is committed to providing our customers with modern tools to transform their business and accelerate their own path to innovation. To learn more, please visit


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