
Europe Hits Covid-19 Milestone With 70% of Adults Vaccinated

Europe Hits Covid-19 Milestone With 70% of Adults Vaccinated

Dow Jones Newswires ·  2021/09/01 01:42

DJ Europe Hits Covid-19 Milestone With 70% of Adults Vaccinated


By Jason Douglas

傑森·道格拉斯(Jason Douglas)著

The European Union said it has hit its target of fully vaccinating 70% of adults against Covid-19 by the end of summer--albeit with wide variations between different countries--showing how the bloc's vaccination campaign has gathered momentum after a slow start earlier in the year.

歐盟(European Union)表示,它已經實現了到夏末為70%的成年人全面接種新冠肺炎疫苗的目標,儘管不同國家的疫苗接種情況存在很大差異。這表明,歐盟的疫苗接種運動在今年早些時候起步緩慢之後,已經蓄勢待發。

But the World Health Organization has warned the pace of vaccinations in the continent now appears to be faltering, and that data show big differences in vaccine coverage between different countries, leaving parts of Europe at risk of fresh outbreaks and new restrictions to step the spread]( of the highly infectious [Delta variant of the virus (

但世界衞生組織(World Health Organization)警告稱,歐洲大陸的疫苗接種速度現在似乎步履蹣跚,數據顯示,不同國家之間的疫苗覆蓋率存在很大差異,這使得歐洲部分地區面臨新爆發的風險,並受到新的限制,以加快傳播速度。]高度傳染性的([病毒(的三角洲變種

The European Commission, the EU's executive arm, said Tuesday that more than 256 million people in the 27-member bloc have received two doses of vaccine, equivalent to 70% of the adult population. In the U.S., 63% of people 18 or over are fully vaccinated, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. The U.K. has fully vaccinated 77% of those aged 16 and over.

歐盟執行機構歐盟委員會(European Commission)週二表示,歐盟27個成員國中有超過2.56億人接種了兩劑疫苗,相當於成年人口的70%。根據美國疾病控制和預防中心(Centers For Disease Control And Prevention)的數據,在美國,18歲或以上的人中有63%的人完全接種了疫苗。英國已經為77%的16歲及以上人羣全面接種了疫苗。

Of the EU's total population of around 447 million people, just under 58% have been fully vaccinated, according to the University of Oxford's Our World in Data project. That compares with 52% of the total U.S. population and 63% in the U.K.

根據牛津大學(University Of Oxford)的“我們的世界數據”(Our World In Data)項目,在歐盟約4.47億人口中,只有不到58%的人已經完全接種了疫苗。相比之下,美國總人口的比例為52%,英國為63%。

European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen called the 70% milestone "a great achievement which really shows what we can do when we work together."

歐盟委員會主席烏蘇拉·馮德萊恩(Ursula Von Der Leyen)稱這一70%的里程碑是“一個偉大的成就,真正展示了我們共同努力時所能做的事情。”

Data show substantial differences in vaccine coverage between EU member states. Portugal, for instance, has vaccinated 82% of people 18 or over and given at least one dose to 94% of its adult population. In Bulgaria, only around one-fifth of adults have had a first dose.


European vaccination efforts picked up speed in April and May as supply problems eased. By mid May, the bloc was administering more than 20 million doses a week, and weekly shots peaked at 28.6 million in the first week of June, according to the European Center for Disease Prevention and Control.

隨着供應問題的緩解,歐洲的疫苗接種工作在4月和5月加快了速度。根據歐洲疾病預防和控制中心(European Center For Disease Prevention And Control)的數據,到5月中旬,歐盟每週注射的疫苗超過2000萬劑,每週注射的疫苗在6月的第一週達到2860萬劑的峯值。

The pace has since slowed. EU countries administered just 3.5 million doses in the week ended Sunday, ECDC data show. WHO Europe director Hans Kluge on Monday urged governments in the EU and the wider European region to revive flagging vaccination campaigns by boosting access in the continent's poorer countries and combating vaccine hesitancy in others.

自那以後,這一速度已經放緩。ECDC的數據顯示,截至週日的一週,歐盟國家僅注射了350萬劑。世衞組織歐洲主任漢斯·克盧格(Hans Kluge)週一敦促歐盟和更廣泛的歐洲地區的政府通過增加歐洲大陸較貧窮國家的疫苗接種機會,並打擊其他國家對疫苗的猶豫不決,來重振萎靡不振的疫苗接種運動。

"Vaccine skepticism and science denial is holding us back from stabilizing this crisis. It serves no purpose, and is good for no one," Mr. Kluge told reporters.


"We need to close the immunity gap," European health commissioner Stella Kyriakides said in a statement on Tuesday, adding that broader vaccination coverage is needed to halt the spread of any new variants of the virus that arise.

歐盟衞生專員斯特拉·基里亞基德斯(Stella Kyriakides)週二在一份聲明中表示:“我們需要彌合免疫力差距。”他補充説,需要擴大疫苗接種覆蓋面,以阻止出現的任何新變種病毒的傳播。

The EU's decision to centralize vaccine procurement and distribution drew criticism earlier this year when supply hiccups left countries such as France, Germany and Italy trailing behind the U.S. and Britain in the pace of vaccinations (


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August 31, 2021 13:39 ET (17:39 GMT)


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