
Virtual Career Fair: My Employment Options Will Introduce Diverse Candidates to Employers

Virtual Career Fair: My Employment Options Will Introduce Diverse Candidates to Employers

PR Newswire ·  2021/08/24 20:42

ST. PETERSBURG, Fla., Aug. 24, 2021 /PRNewswire/ -- My Employment Options, an authorized Social Security "Ticket to Work" Employment Network, will host its annual national recruitment event September 15, 2021.


The event allows employers to familiarize diverse job seekers with their job openings and find qualified candidates.  This will facilitate employer access to very loyal and motivated job seekers.  People with disabilities often have very good work histories and an incredibly wide range of talents.


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My Employment Options virtual career fair September 15, 2021 National Recruitment Event: Free to all Jobseekers Open to the General Public Nationwide Specializing in Work At Home and On site Jobs for Individuals with Disabilities

"During this period in our nation, when businesses are hard pressed to find the skilled employees they need, our Virtual Career Fair is the ideal way to find men and women who not only can excel in many roles, but who also show a corporation's commitment to fostering a diverse workplace," said Paula Vieillet, the Founder and CEO of My Employment Options. 

My Employee Options創始人兼首席執行官寶拉·維伊萊特(Paula Vieillet)表示:“在我們國家的這段時期,企業很難找到他們需要的熟練員工,我們的虛擬招聘會是尋找不僅能勝任多個角色,還能顯示出公司致力於培育多元化工作場所的男男女女的理想方式。”(我的就業選擇)的創始人兼首席執行官寶拉·維伊萊特(Paula Vieillet)説。

Employers and those seeking work can register for the September 15, 2021, Virtual Career Fair online here. Job Seekers attend Free!  Employers can take advantage of 'early bird' discounts before September 2nd.  Employers will have their own private chat room.


My Employment Options opens their online fair event to ANY job seeker in the USA from any state, even if not qualified for the federal program they are in, as a way to give back to communities. 


My Employment Options does not just match diverse candidates with employers, they work directly with qualified clients on SSDI or SSI (ages 18-64) virtually during their employment search to help guide them every step of the way as they return to work after injury or illness.  All services for those on SSDI or SSI are free because the program is federal.  My Employment Options has been helping job seekers since 1993.

My Employee Options不僅為不同的應聘者與僱主牽線搭橋,他們還在求職過程中直接與SSDI或SSI(18-64歲)上的合格客户合作,幫助指導他們在受傷或生病後重返工作崗位的每一步。為那些在SSDI或SSI上的人提供的所有服務都是免費的,因為該計劃是聯邦的。我的就業選擇自1993年以來一直在幫助求職者。

"Ticket to Work is the best government program out there.  It truly changes lives every day! It allows job seekers on SSDI or SSI to not have to go about it alone and have moral support and guidance.  We don't just help our clients find a job - we help them find suitable employment and can keep in touch with them and guide them for up to 6 years," said Vieillet.  "Many of our own staff have been on SSDI or SSI and have a disability, so we can relate to our clients and the terrific corporations who will be fortunate to meet these talented men and women at this year's September 15 Virtual Career Fair."

Vieillet説:“Ticket to Work是目前最好的政府項目。它真的每天都在改變生活!它讓SSDI或SSI上的求職者不必獨自行動,並得到道德支持和指導。我們不僅幫助我們的客户找到工作-我們還幫助他們找到合適的工作,並可以與他們保持聯繫,指導他們長達6年,”Vieillet説。我們自己的許多員工都曾在SSDI或SSI工作過,並有殘疾,所以我們可以與我們的客户和出色的公司建立聯繫,他們將有幸在今年9月15日的虛擬招聘會上遇到這些有才華的男男女女。“

Many of the thousands of individuals My Employment Options has helped place, work in remote positions which allows so many more people to access employment.   Others work on- site in their local community in almost every industry imaginable. 


Lori Adler
[email protected] 


SOURCE My Employment Options


