


HKEX ·  Jan 22 10:14

Summary by Futu AI

Hainan Meilan International Airport Co., Ltd. issued an announcement, but the content of the announcement is incomplete, only including the company name and Roman numeral numbering, lacking specific details. Due to the obvious omissions in the announcement document, it is unable to provide detailed information on specific matters, and investors are advised to pay attention to the company's subsequent complete announcement content. This summary serves as a reminder to alert investors to the incompleteness of relevant information.
Hainan Meilan International Airport Co., Ltd. issued an announcement, but the content of the announcement is incomplete, only including the company name and Roman numeral numbering, lacking specific details. Due to the obvious omissions in the announcement document, it is unable to provide detailed information on specific matters, and investors are advised to pay attention to the company's subsequent complete announcement content. This summary serves as a reminder to alert investors to the incompleteness of relevant information.

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