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IREN Ltd | 6-K: Report of foreign private issuer (related to financial reporting)
IREN Ltd | 6-K: Report of foreign private issuer (related to financial reporting)
IREN Ltd | 6-K:外國發行人報告(業績相關)
Iris Energy achieved exceptional operational results in December 2024, with mining revenue surging 60% to a record $52.1M and hardware profit reaching $40M at a 77% margin. The company successfully reached its year-end target of 31 EH/s installed capacity, significantly exceeding its original 20 EH/s goal. Operating hashrate averaged 28.1 EH/s, while 529 Bitcoin were mined during the month.The company made substantial progress in 2024, expanding mining capacity by 450% from 5.6 EH/s to 31 EH/s, and growing its Childress facility from 20MW to 350MW. The AI Cloud Services division now operates 1,896 NVIDIA H100 & H200 GPUs. Additionally, the company completed a $440M oversubscribed convertible notes offering.Looking ahead, Iris Energy is on track to reach 50 EH/s in H1 2025, with construction progressing at Childress Phases 4-5. The company's 1.4GW Sweetwater site energization has been accelerated to April 2026 from the original October 2026 timeline. The Childress facility continues to benefit from low power costs, averaging 3.2 c/kWh in December under spot pricing.
Iris Energy achieved exceptional operational results in December 2024, with mining revenue surging 60% to a record $52.1M and hardware profit reaching $40M at a 77% margin. The company successfully reached its year-end target of 31 EH/s installed capacity, significantly exceeding its original 20 EH/s goal. Operating hashrate averaged 28.1 EH/s, while 529 Bitcoin were mined during the month.The company made substantial progress in 2024, expanding mining capacity by 450% from 5.6 EH/s to 31 EH/s, and growing its Childress facility from 20MW to 350MW. The AI Cloud Services division now operates 1,896 NVIDIA H100 & H200 GPUs. Additionally, the company completed a $440M oversubscribed convertible notes offering.Looking ahead, Iris Energy is on track to reach 50 EH/s in H1 2025, with construction progressing at Childress Phases 4-5. The company's 1.4GW Sweetwater site energization has been accelerated to April 2026 from the original October 2026 timeline. The Childress facility continues to benefit from low power costs, averaging 3.2 c/kWh in December under spot pricing.
Iris Energy在2024年12月取得了卓越的運營成績,採礦營業收入激增60%,達到了創紀錄的5210萬美元,硬件利潤達到4000萬美元,利潤率爲77%。該公司成功實現了年終目標,裝機容量達到了31 EH/s,顯著超出了原定的20 EH/s目標。運營哈希率平均爲28.1 EH/s,本月挖掘了529個比特幣。該公司在2024年取得了顯著進展,採礦能力從5.6 EH/s擴展到31 EH/s,增長了450%,而Childress設施的容量從20MW增長到了350MW。人工智能雲服務部門現在運營着1896個英偉達H100和H200 GPU。此外,該公司完成了總額爲44000萬美元的超額認購可轉換...展開全部
Iris Energy在2024年12月取得了卓越的運營成績,採礦營業收入激增60%,達到了創紀錄的5210萬美元,硬件利潤達到4000萬美元,利潤率爲77%。該公司成功實現了年終目標,裝機容量達到了31 EH/s,顯著超出了原定的20 EH/s目標。運營哈希率平均爲28.1 EH/s,本月挖掘了529個比特幣。該公司在2024年取得了顯著進展,採礦能力從5.6 EH/s擴展到31 EH/s,增長了450%,而Childress設施的容量從20MW增長到了350MW。人工智能雲服務部門現在運營着1896個英偉達H100和H200 GPU。此外,該公司完成了總額爲44000萬美元的超額認購可轉換票據發行。展望未來,Iris Energy計劃在2025年上半年達到50 EH/s,Childress的4-5階段施工正在推進。公司的1.4GW Sweetwater場地的供電時間已從原定的2026年10月提前至2026年4月。Childress設施繼續受益於低電力成本,12月平均電價爲3.2美分/kWh。
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