Summary by Futu AI
For the year ending November 30, 2024, United Energy Group has filed an updated Statement of Monthly Changes in Capital and Shares. THE STATUTORY SHARE CAPITAL REMAINED UNCHANGED, TOTALING HK$600,000,000 WITH A FACE VALUE OF HK$0.01. The total number of shares issued is 26,040,504,786 shares, comprising 25,849,594,786 shares of common stock and 190,910,000 shares of common stock, which is on par with the previous month.Under the share option plan adopted on 27 May 2016, the number of share options is 1,308,572,137, with no new share issuance or transfer of stock shares during the month. Any sale or transfer of securities issued and stock shares has been authorized by the Board of Directors and in compliance with applicable laws and listing rules.The report confirms that all listing conditions and legal requirements have been met and all property transactions have been completed and the purchase price has been paid.