
4: Statement of changes in beneficial ownership of securities-Director MARCUS LAWRENCE

4: Statement of changes in beneficial ownership of securities-Director MARCUS LAWRENCE

美股SEC公告 ·  2024/11/25 17:29


Marcus Lawrence, through the Marcus Family Trust, completed the sale of 55,000 shares of SoundHound AI's Class A Common Stock. The transactions occurred on 11/21/2024 and 11/22/2024. The shares were sold at prices ranging from $7.15 to $7.5 per share, resulting in a total transaction value of approximately $402,000. Following these transactions, the trust holds 153,117 shares. The sales were conducted as open market or private sales, and the ownership is indirect through the Marcus Family Trust. The transactions have been completed, reflecting a strategic decision by the trust to adjust its holdings in SoundHound AI.
Marcus Lawrence, through the Marcus Family Trust, completed the sale of 55,000 shares of SoundHound AI's Class A Common Stock. The transactions occurred on 11/21/2024 and 11/22/2024. The shares were sold at prices ranging from $7.15 to $7.5 per share, resulting in a total transaction value of approximately $402,000. Following these transactions, the trust holds 153,117 shares. The sales were conducted as open market or private sales, and the ownership is indirect through the Marcus Family Trust. The transactions have been completed, reflecting a strategic decision by the trust to adjust its holdings in SoundHound AI.
馬庫斯·勞倫斯通過馬庫斯家族信託基金完成了SoundHound AI的55,000股A類普通股的出售。交易發生在 2024 年 11 月 21 日和 2024 年 11 月 22 日。 這些股票的出售價格從每股7.15美元到7.5美元不等,總交易價值約爲40.2萬美元。 在這些交易之後,該信託持有153,117股股票。銷售以公開市場或私人銷售的形式進行,所有權通過馬庫斯家族信託基金間接獲得。這些交易已經完成,這反映了該信託基金調整其在SoundHound AI中的持股量的戰略決策。
馬庫斯·勞倫斯通過馬庫斯家族信託基金完成了SoundHound AI的55,000股A類普通股的出售。交易發生在 2024 年 11 月 21 日和 2024 年 11 月 22 日。 這些股票的出售價格從每股7.15美元到7.5美元不等,總交易價值約爲40.2萬美元。 在這些交易之後,該信託持有153,117股股票。銷售以公開市場或私人銷售的形式進行,所有權通過馬庫斯家族信託基金間接獲得。這些交易已經完成,這反映了該信託基金調整其在SoundHound AI中的持股量的戰略決策。


