
Costco | 4: Statement of changes in beneficial ownership of securities-Officer POLIT JAVIER

Costco | 4: Statement of changes in beneficial ownership of securities-Officer POLIT JAVIER

好市多 | 4:持股變動聲明-高管 POLIT JAVIER
美股SEC公告 ·  2024/10/24 19:54


On October 22, 2024, Costco Wholesale Corp's Executive Vice President, Javier Polit, completed a series of transactions involving the company's common stock. Polit acquired 6,737.124 shares at no cost, which was described as a grant, award, or other acquisition. On the same day, he disposed of a total of 674.067 shares at a price of $893.49 each. The sales were conducted to cover the payment of exercise price or tax liability by delivering or withholding securities. After these transactions, Polit's direct holdings in Costco amounted to 9,746.181 shares. The total market value of the disposed shares was calculated to be approximately $602,272.12.
On October 22, 2024, Costco Wholesale Corp's Executive Vice President, Javier Polit, completed a series of transactions involving the company's common stock. Polit acquired 6,737.124 shares at no cost, which was described as a grant, award, or other acquisition. On the same day, he disposed of a total of 674.067 shares at a price of $893.49 each. The sales were conducted to cover the payment of exercise price or tax liability by delivering or withholding securities. After these transactions, Polit's direct holdings in Costco amounted to 9,746.181 shares. The total market value of the disposed shares was calculated to be approximately $602,272.12.
2024年10月22日,好市多批發公司的執行副總裁哈維爾·波利特完成了一系列涉及公司普通股的交易。 波利特以零成本獲得了6,737.124股股份,被描述爲授予、獎勵或其他收購。 同一天,他以每股893.49美元的價格處置了總共674.067股。 銷售行爲是爲了支付行權價格或稅務負債而通過交付或扣減證券進行的。 在這些交易之後,波利特在好市多的直接持股數量達到了9,746.181股。 處置股份的總市值約爲602,272.12美元。
2024年10月22日,好市多批發公司的執行副總裁哈維爾·波利特完成了一系列涉及公司普通股的交易。 波利特以零成本獲得了6,737.124股股份,被描述爲授予、獎勵或其他收購。 同一天,他以每股893.49美元的價格處置了總共674.067股。 銷售行爲是爲了支付行權價格或稅務負債而通過交付或扣減證券進行的。 在這些交易之後,波利特在好市多的直接持股數量達到了9,746.181股。 處置股份的總市值約爲602,272.12美元。


