
4: Statement of changes in beneficial ownership of securities-Officer Smith Craig Steven

4: Statement of changes in beneficial ownership of securities-Officer Smith Craig Steven

4:持股變動聲明-高管 Smith Craig Steven
美股SEC公告 ·  10/18 06:51


Signing Day Sports, Inc. (SGN.US) has reported a completed transaction involving its COO and Secretary, Craig Steven Smith. On October 16, 2024, Smith was granted 350,000 shares of common stock at no cost. Following this transaction, Smith's direct holdings in the company increased to a total of 540,000 shares of common stock. The grant is part of the company's compensation strategy and reflects Smith's ongoing commitment to the company.
Signing Day Sports, Inc. (SGN.US) has reported a completed transaction involving its COO and Secretary, Craig Steven Smith. On October 16, 2024, Smith was granted 350,000 shares of common stock at no cost. Following this transaction, Smith's direct holdings in the company increased to a total of 540,000 shares of common stock. The grant is part of the company's compensation strategy and reflects Smith's ongoing commitment to the company.
體育簽約日報告,有限公司(SGN.US)報道了一宗涉及其首席營運官兼秘書Craig Steven Smith的交易。2024年10月16日,Smith免費獲得了35萬股普通股。在此次交易之後,Smith在公司的直接持股增至合計54萬股普通股。這一授予是該公司補償策略的一部分,反映了Smith對公司持續的承諾。
體育簽約日報告,有限公司(SGN.US)報道了一宗涉及其首席營運官兼秘書Craig Steven Smith的交易。2024年10月16日,Smith免費獲得了35萬股普通股。在此次交易之後,Smith在公司的直接持股增至合計54萬股普通股。這一授予是該公司補償策略的一部分,反映了Smith對公司持續的承諾。


