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B. Riley Financial has entered into a definitive agreement with Oaktree Capital Management to establish a partnership in Great American Holdings, LLC. The transaction values Great American NewCo at $386 million, with Oaktree investing $203 million in cash for approximately 53% of common units and Class A Preferred Units, while B. Riley retains about 47% ownership and receives Class B Preferred Units.The deal involves B. Riley's Appraisal and Valuation Services, Retail, Wholesale & Industrial Solutions, and Real Estate businesses. The new entity will have a five-member board with Oaktree appointing the majority of directors. The Class A Preferred Units will carry a 7.5% cash coupon plus 7.5% PIK coupon, while Class B Preferred Units will have a 2.3% PIK coupon.The transaction, expected to close in Q4 2024, aims to reduce B. Riley's debt while maintaining significant equity upside. The partnership leverages Oaktree's expertise in alternative investments and capital provision with Great American Group's asset disposition and advisory services capabilities. The deal is subject to regulatory approvals and customary closing conditions.
B. Riley Financial has entered into a definitive agreement with Oaktree Capital Management to establish a partnership in Great American Holdings, LLC. The transaction values Great American NewCo at $386 million, with Oaktree investing $203 million in cash for approximately 53% of common units and Class A Preferred Units, while B. Riley retains about 47% ownership and receives Class B Preferred Units.The deal involves B. Riley's Appraisal and Valuation Services, Retail, Wholesale & Industrial Solutions, and Real Estate businesses. The new entity will have a five-member board with Oaktree appointing the majority of directors. The Class A Preferred Units will carry a 7.5% cash coupon plus 7.5% PIK coupon, while Class B Preferred Units will have a 2.3% PIK coupon.The transaction, expected to close in Q4 2024, aims to reduce B. Riley's debt while maintaining significant equity upside. The partnership leverages Oaktree's expertise in alternative investments and capital provision with Great American Group's asset disposition and advisory services capabilities. The deal is subject to regulatory approvals and customary closing conditions.
B. Riley Financial與Oaktree Capital Management達成了關於在Great American Holdings, LLC建立合作伙伴關係的最終協議。這項交易對Great American NewCo的估值爲38600萬美元,Oaktree以20300萬美元現金投資,獲得約53%的普通單位和A類優先單位,而B. Riley則保留約47%的所有權並獲得B類優先單位。這筆交易涉及B. Riley的評估和估值服務、零售、批發與工業解決方案,以及房地產業務。新實體將有一個五人董事會,Oaktree將任命大多數董事。A類優先單位將帶有7.5%的現金券加7.5%的PIK...展開全部
B. Riley Financial與Oaktree Capital Management達成了關於在Great American Holdings, LLC建立合作伙伴關係的最終協議。這項交易對Great American NewCo的估值爲38600萬美元,Oaktree以20300萬美元現金投資,獲得約53%的普通單位和A類優先單位,而B. Riley則保留約47%的所有權並獲得B類優先單位。這筆交易涉及B. Riley的評估和估值服務、零售、批發與工業解決方案,以及房地產業務。新實體將有一個五人董事會,Oaktree將任命大多數董事。A類優先單位將帶有7.5%的現金券加7.5%的PIK券,而B類優先單位將有2.3%的PIK券。該交易預計將在2024年第四季度完成,旨在減少B. Riley的債務,同時保持顯著的權益上行空間。該合作伙伴關係利用了Oaktree在另類投資和資本提供方面的專業知識,以及Great American Group在資產處置和顧問服務方面的能力。該交易需經過監管批准和慣例成交條件。
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