
6-K: Report of foreign private issuer (related to financial reporting)

6-K: Report of foreign private issuer (related to financial reporting)

美股SEC公告 ·  2024/09/27 04:37


Alterity Therapeutics has released its Corporate Governance Statement for the fiscal year ended June 30, 2024, outlining its commitment to maintaining high ethical standards and statutory compliance. The statement details the company's governance framework aligned with ASX Corporate Governance Council's Principles and Recommendations.The Board structure comprises 4 directors, all male, with extensive industry experience and professional qualifications. The company maintains two key committees: Audit and Remuneration, both chaired by independent directors. The workforce demonstrates gender diversity with 47% female representation, though all board positions are currently held by men.The statement highlights robust risk management processes, remuneration policies, and disclosure practices. Key features include regular board performance reviews, a comprehensive code of conduct, and policies on anti-bribery, whistleblowing, and continuous disclosure. The company emphasizes shareholder engagement through various communication channels and maintains transparency in financial reporting.
Alterity Therapeutics has released its Corporate Governance Statement for the fiscal year ended June 30, 2024, outlining its commitment to maintaining high ethical standards and statutory compliance. The statement details the company's governance framework aligned with ASX Corporate Governance Council's Principles and Recommendations.The Board structure comprises 4 directors, all male, with extensive industry experience and professional qualifications. The company maintains two key committees: Audit and Remuneration, both chaired by independent directors. The workforce demonstrates gender diversity with 47% female representation, though all board positions are currently held by men.The statement highlights robust risk management processes, remuneration policies, and disclosure practices. Key features include regular board performance reviews, a comprehensive code of conduct, and policies on anti-bribery, whistleblowing, and continuous disclosure. The company emphasizes shareholder engagement through various communication channels and maintains transparency in financial reporting.
Alterity Therapeutics發佈了截至2024年6月30日的財年公司治理聲明,概述了其維護高道德標準和法定合規的承諾。該聲明詳細說明了公司與ASX公司治理委員會原則與建議相一致的治理框架。董事會結構由4名男性董事組成,他們擁有豐富的行業經驗和專業資格。公司設有兩個關鍵委員會:審計委員會和薪酬委員會,均由獨立董事擔任主席。勞動力展示了性別多樣性,女性佔比47%,但目前所有董事會職位均由男性擔任。該聲明強調了健全的風險管理流程、薪酬政策和信息披露實踐。主要特點包括定期董事會績效評估、全面的行爲準則以及關於反賄賂、吹哨和持續披露的政策。公司通過各種溝通渠道強調與股東的互動,並保持財務報告的透明度。
Alterity Therapeutics發佈了截至2024年6月30日的財年公司治理聲明,概述了其維護高道德標準和法定合規的承諾。該聲明詳細說明了公司與ASX公司治理委員會原則與建議相一致的治理框架。董事會結構由4名男性董事組成,他們擁有豐富的行業經驗和專業資格。公司設有兩個關鍵委員會:審計委員會和薪酬委員會,均由獨立董事擔任主席。勞動力展示了性別多樣性,女性佔比47%,但目前所有董事會職位均由男性擔任。該聲明強調了健全的風險管理流程、薪酬政策和信息披露實踐。主要特點包括定期董事會績效評估、全面的行爲準則以及關於反賄賂、吹哨和持續披露的政策。公司通過各種溝通渠道強調與股東的互動,並保持財務報告的透明度。


