


美股SEC公告 ·  08/27 00:59
Cingulate Inc., a company listed under the stock code CING.US, has formally requested the acceleration of its Registration Statement on Form S-1 with the United States Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC). The request, dated August 26, 2024, seeks to have the Registration Statement declared effective by the SEC on August 27, 2024, at 4:30 p.m. Eastern Time. This action, as per Rule 461 of the Securities Act of 1933, allows Cingulate Inc. to potentially expedite the registration process. The company has indicated that further communication regarding the effectiveness of the Registration Statement or any related inquiries will be handled by Steven M. Skolnick of Lowenstein Sandler LLP. Shane J. Schaffer, the Chief Executive Officer of Cingulate Inc., has signed the acceleration request on behalf of the company.
Cingulate Inc., a company listed under the stock code CING.US, has formally requested the acceleration of its Registration Statement on Form S-1 with the United States Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC). The request, dated August 26, 2024, seeks to have the Registration Statement declared effective by the SEC on August 27, 2024, at 4:30 p.m. Eastern Time. This action, as per Rule 461 of the Securities Act of 1933, allows Cingulate Inc. to potentially expedite the registration process. The company has indicated that further communication regarding the effectiveness of the Registration Statement or any related inquiries will be handled by Steven M. Skolnick of Lowenstein Sandler LLP. Shane J. Schaffer, the Chief Executive Officer of Cingulate Inc., has signed the acceleration request on behalf of the company.
Cingulate Inc.是一家以股票代碼CING.US上市的公司,已正式要求美國證券交易委員會(SEC)加速其S-1表格的註冊聲明。該請求日期爲2024年8月26日,旨在要求SEC在2024年8月27日東部時間下午4:30前,宣佈該註冊聲明生效。根據1933年證券法規第461條,此舉允許Cingulate Inc.有可能加快註冊流程。該公司已表示,有關注冊聲明生效或任何相關諮詢的進一步溝通將由Lowenstein Sandler LLP的Steven M. Skolnick處理。Cingulate Inc.首席執行官Shane J. Schaffer代表公司簽署了加速請求。
Cingulate Inc.是一家以股票代碼CING.US上市的公司,已正式要求美國證券交易委員會(SEC)加速其S-1表格的註冊聲明。該請求日期爲2024年8月26日,旨在要求SEC在2024年8月27日東部時間下午4:30前,宣佈該註冊聲明生效。根據1933年證券法規第461條,此舉允許Cingulate Inc.有可能加快註冊流程。該公司已表示,有關注冊聲明生效或任何相關諮詢的進一步溝通將由Lowenstein Sandler LLP的Steven M. Skolnick處理。Cingulate Inc.首席執行官Shane J. Schaffer代表公司簽署了加速請求。


