
Citigroup | 424B2: Prospectus

Citigroup | 424B2: Prospectus

花旗集團 | 424B2:募資說明書
美股SEC公告 ·  09/21 00:57
Citigroup Global Markets Holdings Inc., a subsidiary of Citigroup Inc., has issued a new financial product called Autocallable Contingent Coupon Equity Linked Securities, which are linked to the performance of Skechers U.S.A., Inc. These unsecured debt securities, with a stated principal amount of $1,000 each, offer potential for periodic contingent coupon payments at an annualized rate of approximately 12.25%. The securities are subject to market risks, including the possibility of receiving no contingent coupon payments and receiving less than the principal amount at maturity, or even zero, if the underlying Skechers stock performs poorly. The securities, which are not FDIC insured, were priced on September 18, 2024, and are due on October 23, 2025. They are guaranteed by Citigroup Inc. and will not be...Show More
Citigroup Global Markets Holdings Inc., a subsidiary of Citigroup Inc., has issued a new financial product called Autocallable Contingent Coupon Equity Linked Securities, which are linked to the performance of Skechers U.S.A., Inc. These unsecured debt securities, with a stated principal amount of $1,000 each, offer potential for periodic contingent coupon payments at an annualized rate of approximately 12.25%. The securities are subject to market risks, including the possibility of receiving no contingent coupon payments and receiving less than the principal amount at maturity, or even zero, if the underlying Skechers stock performs poorly. The securities, which are not FDIC insured, were priced on September 18, 2024, and are due on October 23, 2025. They are guaranteed by Citigroup Inc. and will not be listed on any securities exchange. The securities may be automatically called for redemption prior to maturity, with the first potential autocall date on March 18, 2025. Citigroup Global Markets Inc., an affiliate of the issuer, is the underwriter and will receive an underwriting fee for each security sold. The estimated value of the securities at the time of pricing is $972.60 per security, which is less than the issue price of $1,000.00.
花旗集團全球貨幣市場控股有限公司是花旗集團的子公司,已發行一種名爲自動贖回有條件票券權益連結證券的新金融產品,這些證券與Skechers U.S.A., Inc.的表現相關聯。每張無擔保債務證券的面值爲$1,000,提供約12.25%的年化潛在週期性有條件票券支付。這些證券面臨市場風險,包括可能無法獲得有條件票券支付,在到期時獲得低於本金的金額,甚至如果Skechers股票表現不佳可能爲零。這些證券沒有受FDIC保險保護,定價日期爲2024年9月18日,到期日爲2025年10月23日。這些證券由花旗集團擔保,不會在任何證券交易所上市。這些證券可能在到期之前自動贖回,首個可能的自動贖回日期爲2025年3月18日。發行人的關聯公司花旗環球市場有限公司將擔任承銷商,並將爲每張售出的證券收取承銷費。定價時的證券估值爲每張$972.60,低於發行價格$1,000.00。
花旗集團全球貨幣市場控股有限公司是花旗集團的子公司,已發行一種名爲自動贖回有條件票券權益連結證券的新金融產品,這些證券與Skechers U.S.A., Inc.的表現相關聯。每張無擔保債務證券的面值爲$1,000,提供約12.25%的年化潛在週期性有條件票券支付。這些證券面臨市場風險,包括可能無法獲得有條件票券支付,在到期時獲得低於本金的金額,甚至如果Skechers股票表現不佳可能爲零。這些證券沒有受FDIC保險保護,定價日期爲2024年9月18日,到期日爲2025年10月23日。這些證券由花旗集團擔保,不會在任何證券交易所上市。這些證券可能在到期之前自動贖回,首個可能的自動贖回日期爲2025年3月18日。發行人的關聯公司花旗環球市場有限公司將擔任承銷商,並將爲每張售出的證券收取承銷費。定價時的證券估值爲每張$972.60,低於發行價格$1,000.00。


