
RW: Registration Withdrawal Request

RW: Registration Withdrawal Request

美股SEC公告 ·  09/21 00:55
牛牛AI助理已提取核心訊息 Inc. has officially requested the withdrawal of its Form S-3 Registration Statement, originally filed on February 13, 2024, according to a letter addressed to the SEC. The company stated that the filing was made erroneously and has since filed an S-1 registration statement. The Form S-3, which was not declared effective by the SEC, has not resulted in any securities sales. The withdrawal is deemed to be in the public interest and protective of investors, aligning with Rule 477(a) of the Securities Act. The company's President & CEO, Matthew McGahan, has confirmed that the SEC has been contacted for the withdrawal and that no further action is required as no securities were sold under the Form S-3. Inc. has officially requested the withdrawal of its Form S-3 Registration Statement, originally filed on February 13, 2024, according to a letter addressed to the SEC. The company stated that the filing was made erroneously and has since filed an S-1 registration statement. The Form S-3, which was not declared effective by the SEC, has not resulted in any securities sales. The withdrawal is deemed to be in the public interest and protective of investors, aligning with Rule 477(a) of the Securities Act. The company's President & CEO, Matthew McGahan, has confirmed that the SEC has been contacted for the withdrawal and that no further action is required as no securities were sold under the Form S-3. Inc.已正式要求撤回其於2024年2月13日提交的S-3註冊聲明,據一封寄給SEC的信函稱。公司表示該申報是錯誤提交的,並已提交一份S-1登記聲明。S-3表格尚未被SEC宣佈生效,並未導致任何證券銷售。根據證券法第477(a)條的規定,此次撤回被認爲符合公衆利益和保護投資者的要求。公司的總裁兼首席執行官Matthew McGahan確認已與SEC聯繫進行撤回,並且因爲沒有在S-3表格下銷售任何證券,因此不需要採取進一步行動。 Inc.已正式要求撤回其於2024年2月13日提交的S-3註冊聲明,據一封寄給SEC的信函稱。公司表示該申報是錯誤提交的,並已提交一份S-1登記聲明。S-3表格尚未被SEC宣佈生效,並未導致任何證券銷售。根據證券法第477(a)條的規定,此次撤回被認爲符合公衆利益和保護投資者的要求。公司的總裁兼首席執行官Matthew McGahan確認已與SEC聯繫進行撤回,並且因爲沒有在S-3表格下銷售任何證券,因此不需要採取進一步行動。


