
Citigroup | 424B2: Prospectus

Citigroup | 424B2: Prospectus

花旗集團 | 424B2:募資說明書
美股SEC公告 ·  09/20 23:57
Citigroup Global Markets Holdings Inc., a subsidiary of Citigroup Inc., has announced the issuance of Contingent Income Callable Securities due October 2026, linked to the performance of the Nasdaq-100 Index, the Russell 2000 Index, and the S&P 500 Index. These unsecured debt securities offer potential for quarterly contingent coupon payments at an annualized rate higher than Citigroup's conventional debt securities of the same maturity. However, the actual yield could be lower or even negative, depending on the performance of the worst performing index among the three. The securities are subject to market risks and credit risk of both Citigroup Global Markets Holdings Inc. and Citigroup Inc. The offering, expected to be priced on September 27, 2024, and issued on October 2, 2024, is not guaranteed...Show More
Citigroup Global Markets Holdings Inc., a subsidiary of Citigroup Inc., has announced the issuance of Contingent Income Callable Securities due October 2026, linked to the performance of the Nasdaq-100 Index, the Russell 2000 Index, and the S&P 500 Index. These unsecured debt securities offer potential for quarterly contingent coupon payments at an annualized rate higher than Citigroup's conventional debt securities of the same maturity. However, the actual yield could be lower or even negative, depending on the performance of the worst performing index among the three. The securities are subject to market risks and credit risk of both Citigroup Global Markets Holdings Inc. and Citigroup Inc. The offering, expected to be priced on September 27, 2024, and issued on October 2, 2024, is not guaranteed by the FDIC or any other governmental agency. Citigroup has the right to call the securities for mandatory redemption prior to the maturity date, and investors must be willing to accept the risk of limited liquidity and potential loss of principal. The securities will not be listed on any securities exchange, and all payments are subject to the credit risk of the issuers. The underwriter for the offering is Citigroup Global Markets Inc., which will receive an underwriting fee and may profit from expected hedging activities related to the offering.
花旗集團全球市場控股有限公司(Citigroup Global Markets Holdings Inc.)的子公司花旗集團宣佈發行到期日爲2026年10月的有條件收益可贖回證券,與納斯達克100指數、羅素2000指數和標普500指數的表現相關。這些無抵押債務證券提供了季度性的條件性票息支付,年化利率高於花旗集團相同到期日傳統債務證券。然而,實際收益可能會較低,甚至爲負,取決於三者中表現最糟糕指數的表現。這些證券面臨市場風險,也面臨花旗集團全球市場控股有限公司和花旗集團的信用風險。此次發行預計將於2024年9月27日定價,並於2024年10月2日發行,不受FDIC或任何其他政府機構的擔保。花旗有權在到期日之前強制贖回這些證券,投資者必須願意承擔有限流動性和潛在本金損失的風險。這些證券不會在任何證券交易所上市,所有支付都受到發行人的信用風險。此次發行的承銷商是花旗全球市場有限公司,他們將收取承銷費,並可能從與此次發行相關的預期對沖活動中獲利。
花旗集團全球市場控股有限公司(Citigroup Global Markets Holdings Inc.)的子公司花旗集團宣佈發行到期日爲2026年10月的有條件收益可贖回證券,與納斯達克100指數、羅素2000指數和標普500指數的表現相關。這些無抵押債務證券提供了季度性的條件性票息支付,年化利率高於花旗集團相同到期日傳統債務證券。然而,實際收益可能會較低,甚至爲負,取決於三者中表現最糟糕指數的表現。這些證券面臨市場風險,也面臨花旗集團全球市場控股有限公司和花旗集團的信用風險。此次發行預計將於2024年9月27日定價,並於2024年10月2日發行,不受FDIC或任何其他政府機構的擔保。花旗有權在到期日之前強制贖回這些證券,投資者必須願意承擔有限流動性和潛在本金損失的風險。這些證券不會在任何證券交易所上市,所有支付都受到發行人的信用風險。此次發行的承銷商是花旗全球市場有限公司,他們將收取承銷費,並可能從與此次發行相關的預期對沖活動中獲利。


