


HKEX ·  Sep 20 22:59
Summary by Futu AI
基石科技控股有限公司(「本公司」)宣佈,於2024年9月20日交易時段後,其全資子公司CB Asset One Limited與泰國公司Spark達成普通股認購協議,CB Asset One將以180,000,000港元認購Spark 35.6%的普通股權益。此外,本公司亦與認購人簽訂可換股票據認購協議,同意發行總額為200,000,000港元的可換股票據。這些交易將使Spark成為本公司的聯營公司,但其財務業績不會併入本集團的綜合財務報表。本公司將召開股東特別大會,以審議及批准上述交易,並將向聯交所申請換股股份上市及買賣。股東及潛在投資者應注意,完成普通股認購協議及可換股票據認購事項尚待先決條件達成,並無法保證交易會否發生或何時發生。
基石科技控股有限公司(「本公司」)宣佈,於2024年9月20日交易時段後,其全資子公司CB Asset One Limited與泰國公司Spark達成普通股認購協議,CB Asset One將以180,000,000港元認購Spark 35.6%的普通股權益。此外,本公司亦與認購人簽訂可換股票據認購協議,同意發行總額為200,000,000港元的可換股票據。這些交易將使Spark成為本公司的聯營公司,但其財務業績不會併入本集團的綜合財務報表。本公司將召開股東特別大會,以審議及批准上述交易,並將向聯交所申請換股股份上市及買賣。股東及潛在投資者應注意,完成普通股認購協議及可換股票據認購事項尚待先決條件達成,並無法保證交易會否發生或何時發生。
Cornerstone Technology Holdings Limited (the 'Company') announced that its wholly-owned subsidiary, CB Asset One Limited, has reached a common stock subscription agreement with Thai company Spark on September 20, 2024, after the trading session. CB Asset One will subscribe to 35.6% of the common stock equity of Spark for HKD 180,000,000. In addition, the Company has also signed a convertible note subscription agreement with the subscriber, agreeing to issue convertible notes with a total value of HKD 200,000,000. These transactions will make Spark a joint venture company of the Company, but its financial performance will not be included in the consolidated financial statements of the Group. The Company will convene a special general meeting of shareholders to review and approve the above transactions and...Show More
Cornerstone Technology Holdings Limited (the 'Company') announced that its wholly-owned subsidiary, CB Asset One Limited, has reached a common stock subscription agreement with Thai company Spark on September 20, 2024, after the trading session. CB Asset One will subscribe to 35.6% of the common stock equity of Spark for HKD 180,000,000. In addition, the Company has also signed a convertible note subscription agreement with the subscriber, agreeing to issue convertible notes with a total value of HKD 200,000,000. These transactions will make Spark a joint venture company of the Company, but its financial performance will not be included in the consolidated financial statements of the Group. The Company will convene a special general meeting of shareholders to review and approve the above transactions and will apply to the Stock Exchange for the listing and trading of convertible shares. Shareholders and potential investors should note that the completion of the common stock subscription agreement and the subscription of convertible notes are subject to certain conditions precedent and there is no guarantee that the transactions will occur or when they will occur.

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