
Citigroup | 424B8: Prospectus

Citigroup | 424B8: Prospectus

花旗集團 | 424B8:募資說明書
美股SEC公告 ·  09/20 18:12
Citigroup Global Markets Holdings Inc., a subsidiary of Citigroup Inc., has issued a new series of Medium-Term Senior Notes, Series N, due September 22, 2027. These unsecured debt securities, linked to the worst performing of three indices—the Nasdaq-100 Technology Sector Index, the Russell 2000 Index, and the S&P 500 Index—offer potential for periodic contingent coupon payments. However, the actual yield may be lower than conventional debt securities of the same maturity, and the value at maturity could be significantly less than the principal amount, potentially zero, depending on the performance of the specified indices. The securities, which are callable by Citigroup, were priced on September 17, 2024, with an issue date of September 20, 2024. The securities are guaranteed by Citigroup Inc. and will...Show More
Citigroup Global Markets Holdings Inc., a subsidiary of Citigroup Inc., has issued a new series of Medium-Term Senior Notes, Series N, due September 22, 2027. These unsecured debt securities, linked to the worst performing of three indices—the Nasdaq-100 Technology Sector Index, the Russell 2000 Index, and the S&P 500 Index—offer potential for periodic contingent coupon payments. However, the actual yield may be lower than conventional debt securities of the same maturity, and the value at maturity could be significantly less than the principal amount, potentially zero, depending on the performance of the specified indices. The securities, which are callable by Citigroup, were priced on September 17, 2024, with an issue date of September 20, 2024. The securities are guaranteed by Citigroup Inc. and will not be listed on any securities exchange. The underwriter for the offering is Citigroup Global Markets Inc. ('CGMI'), and the securities have been priced at $1,000 each, with CGMI receiving an underwriting fee of $7.50 per security. The estimated value of the securities at the time of pricing is $970.90 per security, which is less than the issue price, reflecting the costs associated with selling, structuring, and hedging the securities.
花旗集團全球市場控股公司(Citigroup Global Markets Holdings Inc.)是花旗集團(Citigroup Inc.)的子公司,發行了截至2027年9月22日到期的新一系列中期優先票據N系列(Medium-Term Senior Notes, Series N)。 這些無擔保債務證券與三種指數中表現最差的指數掛鉤,分別是納斯達克100科技板塊指數、羅素2000指數和標準普爾500指數,提供了週期性相關票息支付的潛力。然而,實際收益可能低於同等期限的傳統債務證券,到期時的價值可能明顯低於本金金額,甚至有可能爲零,取決於指定指數的表現。這些證券可以由花旗集團提前贖回,定...展開全部
花旗集團全球市場控股公司(Citigroup Global Markets Holdings Inc.)是花旗集團(Citigroup Inc.)的子公司,發行了截至2027年9月22日到期的新一系列中期優先票據N系列(Medium-Term Senior Notes, Series N)。 這些無擔保債務證券與三種指數中表現最差的指數掛鉤,分別是納斯達克100科技板塊指數、羅素2000指數和標準普爾500指數,提供了週期性相關票息支付的潛力。然而,實際收益可能低於同等期限的傳統債務證券,到期時的價值可能明顯低於本金金額,甚至有可能爲零,取決於指定指數的表現。這些證券可以由花旗集團提前贖回,定價於2024年9月17日,發行日爲2024年9月20日。這些證券由花旗集團擔保,並不會在任何證券交易所上市。 該發行的承銷商是花旗集團全球市場公司('CGMI'),這些證券每份定價爲1000美元,CGMI每份證券獲得7.50美元的承銷費。 定價時證券的預估價值爲每份970.90美元,低於發行價,反映了與出售、構建和對沖這些證券相關的費用。


