
Walmart | 144: Notice of proposed sale of securities pursuant to Rule 144

Walmart | 144: Notice of proposed sale of securities pursuant to Rule 144

沃爾瑪 | 144:擬議出售證券
美股SEC公告 ·  09/20 05:50
Walmart Inc. has announced that Wend II, Inc., a significant stockholder, is set to sell 662,000 shares of Walmart common stock. The sale, with an aggregate market value of $52,317,860, is scheduled for 09/19/2024. The shares were originally acquired on the same date as a charitable contribution from James M. Walton. This transaction follows a series of sales over the past three months, where a total of 22,719,993 shares were sold for gross proceeds of approximately $1.76 billion.
Walmart Inc. has announced that Wend II, Inc., a significant stockholder, is set to sell 662,000 shares of Walmart common stock. The sale, with an aggregate market value of $52,317,860, is scheduled for 09/19/2024. The shares were originally acquired on the same date as a charitable contribution from James M. Walton. This transaction follows a series of sales over the past three months, where a total of 22,719,993 shares were sold for gross proceeds of approximately $1.76 billion.
沃爾瑪公司宣佈,重要股東Wend II, Inc.計劃出售662,000股沃爾瑪普通股。此次出售的市值總額爲52,317,860美元,預計於2024年09月19日完成。這些股票最初是由詹姆斯·M·沃爾頓進行的慈善捐贈獲得的。此次交易是在過去三個月內一系列銷售活動之後進行的,共售出22,719,993股,總收益約爲17.6億美元。
沃爾瑪公司宣佈,重要股東Wend II, Inc.計劃出售662,000股沃爾瑪普通股。此次出售的市值總額爲52,317,860美元,預計於2024年09月19日完成。這些股票最初是由詹姆斯·M·沃爾頓進行的慈善捐贈獲得的。此次交易是在過去三個月內一系列銷售活動之後進行的,共售出22,719,993股,總收益約爲17.6億美元。


