
ShiftPixy | DEF 14C: Definitive information statements

ShiftPixy | DEF 14C: Definitive information statements

ShiftPixy | DEF 14C:股東委託書決議
美股SEC公告 ·  09/19 21:19


ShiftPixy, Inc., a staffing industry disruptor, has taken significant corporate action without convening a shareholder meeting, as detailed in a definitive information statement filed with the SEC on September 19, 2024. The company, led by CEO Scott W. Absher, has issued a special grant of a Conditional Option for Shares of Preferred Class A Stock to its Majority Stockholder, following the written consent of shareholders holding a 63.33% majority. This move, effective no sooner than 20 days post-information statement distribution, compensates the Majority Stockholder for prior beneficial actions and positions ShiftPixy for potential recapitalization. The Majority Stockholder had previously donated a substantial portion of his common stock to charities, aiding the company in meeting Nasdaq's listing standards and securing financing. The special...Show More
ShiftPixy, Inc., a staffing industry disruptor, has taken significant corporate action without convening a shareholder meeting, as detailed in a definitive information statement filed with the SEC on September 19, 2024. The company, led by CEO Scott W. Absher, has issued a special grant of a Conditional Option for Shares of Preferred Class A Stock to its Majority Stockholder, following the written consent of shareholders holding a 63.33% majority. This move, effective no sooner than 20 days post-information statement distribution, compensates the Majority Stockholder for prior beneficial actions and positions ShiftPixy for potential recapitalization. The Majority Stockholder had previously donated a substantial portion of his common stock to charities, aiding the company in meeting Nasdaq's listing standards and securing financing. The special grant is part of a broader strategy to improve market capitalization and access to capital, following a reverse stock split determined by the Board on September 4, 2024, at a ratio of 1:15. The grant is subject to conditions, including a future reverse stock split and the Majority Stockholder's charitable share donation. The company's actions are in compliance with Nasdaq Listing Rules and Wyoming Statutes, requiring majority shareholder approval for significant issuances.
shiftpixy是一家人力資源行業的顛覆者,它在未召開股東大會的情況下采取了重大的公司行動,詳細信息已在2024年9月19日提交給美國證券交易委員會的確定性信息聲明中說明。由首席執行官Scott W. Absher領導的公司向大股東特別授予了優先A類股票的條件期權,此前股東的書面同意佔據了63.33%的多數。此舉將在信息聲明發布後的20天內生效,以補償多數股東以前的有利行動,並使shiftpixy爲潛在的資本重組做好準備。這位多數股東以前已向慈善機構捐贈了他的大部分普通股,幫助公司符合納斯達克的上市標準並獲得融資。這次特別授權是一項更廣泛策略的一部分,旨在提高市值和獲得資本,該策略是在2024年9月4日董事會決定進行的倒數股票分割中確定的,比例爲1:15。該授權受到條件限制,包括未來的倒數股票分割和多數股東的慈善捐贈份額。該公司的行動符合納斯達克上市規則和懷俄明法規,要求對重大發行進行多數股東批准。
shiftpixy是一家人力資源行業的顛覆者,它在未召開股東大會的情況下采取了重大的公司行動,詳細信息已在2024年9月19日提交給美國證券交易委員會的確定性信息聲明中說明。由首席執行官Scott W. Absher領導的公司向大股東特別授予了優先A類股票的條件期權,此前股東的書面同意佔據了63.33%的多數。此舉將在信息聲明發布後的20天內生效,以補償多數股東以前的有利行動,並使shiftpixy爲潛在的資本重組做好準備。這位多數股東以前已向慈善機構捐贈了他的大部分普通股,幫助公司符合納斯達克的上市標準並獲得融資。這次特別授權是一項更廣泛策略的一部分,旨在提高市值和獲得資本,該策略是在2024年9月4日董事會決定進行的倒數股票分割中確定的,比例爲1:15。該授權受到條件限制,包括未來的倒數股票分割和多數股東的慈善捐贈份額。該公司的行動符合納斯達克上市規則和懷俄明法規,要求對重大發行進行多數股東批准。


