
Walmart | 144: Notice of proposed sale of securities pursuant to Rule 144

Walmart | 144: Notice of proposed sale of securities pursuant to Rule 144

沃爾瑪 | 144:擬議出售證券
美股SEC公告 ·  09/18 05:30
The Alice L. Walton 2021 Charitable Trust, a significant stockholder in Walmart Inc., is set to sell 2,067,000 shares of Walmart common stock, valued at approximately $166.5 million, on September 17, 2024. The shares were acquired as a gift from Alice L. Walton on the same day they are scheduled to be sold. This transaction follows a series of sales over the past three months, where a total of 18,848,993 shares were sold for gross proceeds of nearly $1.46 billion.
The Alice L. Walton 2021 Charitable Trust, a significant stockholder in Walmart Inc., is set to sell 2,067,000 shares of Walmart common stock, valued at approximately $166.5 million, on September 17, 2024. The shares were acquired as a gift from Alice L. Walton on the same day they are scheduled to be sold. This transaction follows a series of sales over the past three months, where a total of 18,848,993 shares were sold for gross proceeds of nearly $1.46 billion.
2021年,沃爾瑪股份有限公司的重要股東艾麗絲·L·沃爾頓慈善信託基金打算賣出206.7萬股沃爾瑪普通股,價值約1.665億美元,在2024年9月17日。這些股份是從艾麗絲·L·沃爾頓那裏作爲禮物獲取的,在計劃出售的當天。此次交易是在過去三個月內一系列銷售的後續,共計1,884,899,300股 股票的總收益近146億美元。
2021年,沃爾瑪股份有限公司的重要股東艾麗絲·L·沃爾頓慈善信託基金打算賣出206.7萬股沃爾瑪普通股,價值約1.665億美元,在2024年9月17日。這些股份是從艾麗絲·L·沃爾頓那裏作爲禮物獲取的,在計劃出售的當天。此次交易是在過去三個月內一系列銷售的後續,共計1,884,899,300股 股票的總收益近146億美元。


