
Canopy Growth | DEFA14A: Others

Canopy Growth | DEFA14A: Others

Canopy Growth | DEFA14A:其他
美股SEC公告 ·  09/17 05:17
Canopy Growth Corporation has announced that its Annual General Meeting (AGM) of Shareholders is approaching, and the company has not yet received votes from all shareholders. The board of Canopy Growth is recommending shareholders to vote IN FAVOR of the proposals presented. Shareholders have the option to vote with a live proxy specialist, vote online, or abstain from voting. The company emphasizes the importance of voting to achieve a quorum and is urging shareholders to submit their votes before the deadline on September 20, 2024.
Canopy Growth Corporation has announced that its Annual General Meeting (AGM) of Shareholders is approaching, and the company has not yet received votes from all shareholders. The board of Canopy Growth is recommending shareholders to vote IN FAVOR of the proposals presented. Shareholders have the option to vote with a live proxy specialist, vote online, or abstain from voting. The company emphasizes the importance of voting to achieve a quorum and is urging shareholders to submit their votes before the deadline on September 20, 2024.
Canopy Growth公司宣佈其股東年度大會(AGM)即將舉行,公司尚未收到所有股東的投票。Canopy Growth董事會建議股東投票贊同提案。股東可以選擇與實時代理人專家投票、在線投票或棄權。公司強調投票的重要性以實現法定人數,並敦促股東在2024年9月20日截止日期前提交投票。
Canopy Growth公司宣佈其股東年度大會(AGM)即將舉行,公司尚未收到所有股東的投票。Canopy Growth董事會建議股東投票贊同提案。股東可以選擇與實時代理人專家投票、在線投票或棄權。公司強調投票的重要性以實現法定人數,並敦促股東在2024年9月20日截止日期前提交投票。


